《Minecraft: A New Beginning》Episode 10: Improvements (4)


It took me a month to have a full set of diamond armor and tools.

Even though I used a diamond pickaxe and mined as fast as possible in the mine shaft, it still took me awhile to find some diamonds.

I managed to hit bedrock with my mining. The bedrock formation of this world is different than in the game. They formed like a wave and they are clumped up together unlike in the game that you can see them scattered all over the place and some of them float when you mined all the other blocks around it.

Bedrock started to appear in B-80 and the deepest that I dug is B-100. I have to dig my mine shaft around them since they can't be mined. Believe me, I tried.

This world is deeper than I thought. I didn't expect to get far this down in this world.

I was having trouble in transporting the items that I mined so I decided to create a tunnel in the basement of the castle and connect it to the mineshaft. I also place rails so I can travel faster between them. I have a lot of iron and gold now so I spent some of them into crafting rails and powered rails.

I was starting to worry about breathing since I'm so far underground so I made the entrance of the mine shaft a lot bigger and the tunnel a lot wider. I used iron bars to cover the entire entrance since I already have another way to get into the mine shaft.

I also continued my monster hunting.

I already have enough information I need to know for my travels from my first hunt but I decided to gather more. I might learn other things like if there are other people like me that got drag into this world.

I didn't find any information about other people like me but I did learn a lot of things from the multiple profession of my victims.

I learned how to craft doors with a lock and a corresponding key. It is really useful for iron doors since I no longer need to put a button to open it or used a lever or any other redstone component. It defeats the purpose of placing a door if it can be easily open by someone else if they have redstone items.

I also learned how to craft better helmet. You can craft a helmet that can cover your entire head but still have small holes in them to breath and see. It is really useful since you no longer have to worry of getting shot by an arrow in the mouth.

You can design an armor using an anvil, chisel and hammer. Designs for armors is not really important but I don't want them to be plain so I put some of them. I also put some designs on my sword and tools.

Enchanting was the most important thing that I learned.

I learned how to make an enchantment table. I crafted one when I have the necessary materials but found out that it won't work if the book on top of the enchantment table don't have the proper writings. You have to write all the enchantments you can placed in an armor and tools and their corresponding level and lapis lazuli they consumed.

For example:


Can improve the speed and effectiveness of the item

Level 1 – consumes 3 levels and 1 lapis lazuli

Level 2 – consumes 5 levels and 2 lapis lazuli

Level 3 – consumes 8 levels and 3 lapis lazuli


Level 4 – consumes 10 levels and 4 lapis lazuli

Level 5 – consumes 12 levels and 5 lapis lazuli

I wrote every enchantment I know in the book. I tried modifying it a little bit to make it better and cheaper but it doesn't work. Enchantments have minimum requirements and they also have a limit. You also have to write them in a different alphabet that you see in the game like those hieroglyphics' kind. Luckily, I can read and write a lot of languages. I don't know why I have this kind of ability but I'm lucky to have it.

Some of the enchantments in the game don't exist here like fortune enchantment for tools, infinity for the bow and looting for the weapons. I was hoping to have fortune enchantment in my tools to increase my loot and looting for my weapons.

Enchantment curses also don't exist here. I don't know what's the point of putting curses in your equipment in the game than to give it to someone to troll them but I'm glad that they don't exist here. Though I'm not sure exactly if they don't really exist since I only gather the information about enchanting from corpses that I killed. They might be existing enchantments that I didn't know.

Enchantment tables here don't necessarily need to be surrounded with bookshelves for you get a high-level enchantment. The enchantment table alone is enough for you to get all of the enchantments.

You also don't need to be above level 30 for you to start enchanting. You just need to have the necessary amount of level for the desired enchantment.

Enchanted items can also be enchanted again. This is handy since you don't need to craft multiple items and put different enchantments to combined them.

Enchantments also can be stacked together like my sword having Sharpness V, Smite V and Bane of Arthropods V. This is not possible in the game and you have to only choose one. This sword can kill anything and can cut monsters like they are made of butter. Though, I didn't put a fire aspect enchantment to my sword since I don't want to lose my loot.

My armor enchantments too have multiple enchantments stacked together that you can't do in the game. For example, my chest armor has Blast Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV, and Protection IV. It is quite overpowered but I'm not complaining. I no longer received any damage from any monster attack unless I encounter a really powerful one or someone wielding a powerful weapon but up until now, I didn't see anyone like that.

I have plenty of levels from my hunting and managed to enchant my entire armor and tools to the best enchantments they could possibly have. I don't know how many monsters I killed to be able to do this since I lost count but there's nothing that could hurt me now. Except of course if there are people or monsters out there that have similar equipment.

I placed the enchantment table on one of the rooms on the third floor of the castle.

I divided the third floor into four rooms since it is really big for it to be my bedroom.

The first room is my bedroom. It has a comfy bed and permanent place lanterns to light up. A crafted chair and not some oak stair that I used when I got here and a table.

I know now how to repurpose the used candles and how to make them so entire castle is now properly lit up. I also place lanterns in the farm, the barn and the wall. It is pretty bright now in my territory.


The second room is the enchantment room. It has the enchantment table in it and bookshelves. I put all the books, papers and documents I found in my hunting in this room.

The third room is the map room. I made this room because I'm starting to have trouble with keeping track of the places I've been in and using a map is much better than following the sign posts.

There are two types of map in this world. The regular one and the one called magical map. The regular one is you have to manually draw the map like a real-life cartographer and the magical one is you just need travel in the area of the map in order to fill it up like what you do in the game. It is really useful. I wasn't expecting to have this kind of thing here but I'm happy that it did. The magical one is quite expensive though since you need a compass and papers to create and compass uses redstone dust and redstone ores are rare to find here.

I found some sugar canes in my travels and managed to create a sugar cane farm so I have now supply of paper to craft plenty of maps. It is also automated too since I almost figured the redstone mechanics of this world. Though this is the only redstone farm I have since redstone ores are really rare in this world. Even rarer than diamonds. So, I'm just saving the redstone ores just in case.

The fourth and final room is my personal storage. I build this room as a personal storage for the ores and other important things that I managed to find. I got tired of going up and down the stairs to get to the storage room so I separated and transferred the important items to my personal storage.

The castle has a moat now.

The castle was suddenly attack by giant spiders one night. They climbed over the wall and tried to eat all of my animals but I managed to kill them all.

I found a really big lake in the east so I managed to dig a pathway to form an artificial river and direct the water around the castle walls to avoid future invasions.

The castle walls are also redesigned to only have one entrance and a retractable bridge.

There was a zombie invasion and they managed swim across the moat and break down all the oak doors that I placed on all four entrances and attack on all sides. It was not a fun night. Not a single space in the ground that didn't get soaked with blood.

The entrance is now 4 by 4 blocks and I crafted two 2 by 4 blocks iron doors. I learned to craft really big iron doors from all the undead blacksmith I encountered. The doors can only be opened by hand. It has a complicated lock on it to make sure no intruders will get easily get inside if they don't have the proper key. I was planning on making the doors operated by a redstone but I decided to use the redstone on the bridge.

The bridge is 6 blocks wide with cobblestone wall on the sides so it has 4 blocks of space to walk to.

The bridge is made of stones bricks and can be operated using a lever.

I was having trouble on creating the retractable bridge with only pistons, repeaters and redstone dust but I managed to do it in the end. Redstone and water don't mix well so I was really careful on building this bridge.

It will be easier if I have a sticky piston to use to push and pull the bridge but since the bridge is quite heavy, I just let gravity do the work.


I am walking back to my territory right now.

I didn't see any more caves today.

My monster hunting is still going since I plan to gather as many levels as possible.

You can mend your tools and armors if you have enough level and the mending enchantments. It is really useful because I'm starting to wonder what I'm going to do with my remaining level. Unlike in the game, you have to kill monsters to gather experience orbs to mend your items but here you immediately gained experience points after you kill a monster so the only way to mend items is by spending your levels.

I suddenly stop on my tracks when I see something.

It's a horse.

Goodness, gracious. It is a horse.

I was starting to get sick of walking long distances. I'm glad to see this handsome beast.

I pulled an apple and held it high in my hand.

I slowly approach him. I don't want to scare him off.

He is starting to walk towards me after seeing the apple.

He stops in front of me and I feed him the whole apple.

I gradually went to his side and slowly pet him.

After a while, I pulled a horse saddle in my inventory that I got from my monster hunting and put it on his back. I also put a rein on him.

I keep feeding him apples until his full.

After feeding him, I tried to get on his back to see if I can use him as a mount.

He tried to kick me off on his back but after a while, he managed to calm down.

I have no experience of riding a horse but I tried my best.

I managed to get home so fast and the sun is still high up in the sky. If I was walking, it will be sundown when I got back home.

I build him a stable and placed some hay bales inside.

There is still a lot of time before sundown so I decided to craft a diamond armor for my newly acquired horse and enchant them.

******* Arthur's POV *******

"Why are we following this sign posts, Arthur? We can't even read them." said by the village elder.

We have been traveling for three weeks and we run out of food.

Soldiers are still chasing us though I don't know why. I thought they go back if we go deeper in this forest.

After weeks of traveling, we suddenly encountered some sign posts with written language in them that I don't know.

"We didn't encounter any monsters when we see this sign posts. All of the caves we found has also been blocked off by cobblestones so it means they are someone around here. We need to look for them." I answered back.

We encountered some monsters during our journey but there is not a lot of them and I managed to kill them all by myself. I'm the only in the group that has experience in dealing with monsters.

I started to wonder if we really are in the Forest of Monsters because of the number of monsters we encountered.

"Let's just hope that the people we find are humans and not some intelligent monsters."

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