《Truth Behind The Glasses》Chapter 7 In-Laws



I called Vyra to talk about her concerns with Liam. And when she gets in trouble with Nico, I just run away.

I am so bad.

I can still see Vyra’s angry face in the back of my mind. I want to apologize, although it’s useless. I know Vyra won’t listen. And I know, any excuse or explanation won’t be sensible.

After Vyra left me, I called some of my friends from my high school days. They are living in the next city.

We hang out and leave our worries behind. But as the clock strikes six in the evening, it is time to go home. Again, I was left alone. Guilt is eating me.

I call a cab and got out of the park near our house, just a few meters away. I sit on the swing and look up to the sky.

It’s dark, fewer stars were seen that only made my mood worse. I look down at my hands.

I will spend an hour here. I know Liam is waiting in the sala right now with his unbearable words. Although it’s not so him to scold me for the second time about the same thing. But the case was different.

Another person was involved and almost died.


What should I say?

And what will I do to Vyra. For sure, things will get worse at school if she runs her mouth against me.

“Ashene Lei, you’re so selfish!”

Why am I thinking about myself after all of these?

I want some peace of mind!

Ok, I just have to apologize, and don’t ever get involved with her. From now on, I will mind my own business.

“Yes, that should do!”

I decided to head home now. I look at my wristwatch and it says eight o’clock.



Another thing to be yelled at. If it was before, Liam won’t dare to scold me even if I was late- because I was with that jerk. But now, I have no excuse!

I hurriedly walk. However, I was blocked by a dog who barked at me nonstop. It wasn’t just one, but a few of them of different sizes! Our house is at the end of the road, and here I am in the middle, surrounded by dogs!

Their noise deafens my ears.

I slowly turn around to look for my way out, but another dog just appears on my side.

I’m afraid!

My legs are trembling from fear. I don’t know how to get out of here. There are no other people around because it’s late.


In the middle of the dogs’ barks, a shoo sound silenced them. After a few more seconds, the dogs are out of sight.

I was about to thank the person who helped but he just walked away. His back feels familiar.

I shrugged off the feeling and hurried home. I don’t want to get caught with the dogs again.

When I arrived, I saw a luxurious car parked in front of the gate. I ignore it, I don’t want it to add to my foul mood, and head to the door.

I take a deep breath. I know behind this door, Liam is waiting. I can imagine myself kneeling on a keyboard. I hope Liam already calmed down and forget that thing.

I slowly opened the door and was welcomed by unknown voices.

Good, Liam has visitors.

I look at their side views, they look familiar.

“Hi, Ash!”

Oh, I get it.

They are Vyra’s parents.

I suddenly remember Vyra’s words earlier and look at her Dad. I don’t get it. He doesn’t look like a womanizer. He seems so close to his wife, different from what Vyra said.


“Ash, meet my parents. Mom, Dad, she’s Ashene Lei, my best friend,” Vyra introduced us. She even holds my arms.

I felt ashamed all of the sudden. She is introducing me as her best friend when all I did to her is bring trouble.

I silently asked for forgiveness.

I bow and greet her parents, “good evening.”

“Oh, hi there, Ashene Lei. Our baby here talks a lot about you. Saying you’re the best friend she ever had,” her Mom said.

“Our Elvyra is a little spoiled and hard to handle that she ends up losing her so-called friends,” her Dad said. He even intertwined his hands with his wife.

“Mom, Dad, we have a little fight earlier. Can I stay the night here so we can talk about it?”

“If it’s ok with Liam,” her Mom answered and look at Liam.

“Sure. Fine with me. Besides, my sister really needs a girl to talk to. If it’s ok with you, she can stay here as long as she wants.”

“You’re very thoughtful, Liam. Well, please take good care of our princess,” her Dad said.

“I will, Sir.”

After a little more chit-chat, Vyra’s parents see their way out.

When it was just the three of us in the living room, Liam talked to Vyra. He didn’t even take a glance at me nor ask me if I had already had my dinner.

“You can stay in the guest room, Elvyra.”

“I want to stay with Ash. Thanks, Liam.”

“Ok, good night, Princess. Lei, take good care of her.”

My jaw dropped with Liam’s action- not even an explanation of what just happened, and then he will just walk away.

Why is Elvyra here? And most importantly, what is with him calling Vyra “Princess?”

He’s not interested in any women, that’s what he said! He was engaged-

“Wait a minute…” I whisper and look at Vyra with questioning eyes.

“Don’t give me that creepy look, bitch,” she said and rolled her eyes.

Look who’s acting like a queen in the wrong place?

I raised a brow at her. “For your information, you are in my territory-“

“Not anymore, Young Lady.” She smirked at me.


“Let’s go to your room for our little reunion not as frienemies but as in-laws.”

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