《Vamped up》Chapter 9 - Atonement?



"What?.." Her face contorted in confusion and betrayal.

All I could do was stand down, not even daring to look her in the eyes. Like a guilty puppy that chewed up some furniture. Except what I did was much worse. The room still had the sweet smell of blood, but to her, I'm sure it stank like hell.


"Why?.." She whispered something but I didn't quite catch it.




"Why did you do it?!" She looked up at me, tears in the corners of her eyes."


"..." That question shook me to the core. I didn't have an answer, All I could do was stare at the floor.


"Tch," she touches her ear. "I have the suspect in sight, moving on to containment stage, target seems docile." She starts approaching me.

Once she gets close enough she violently grabs my arms and restrains me putting handcuffs on my wrists. I complied, What was I to do? For now, I decided to go with the flow of things. I can't go unpunished for the lives I took, after all-


"Where is Ishikawa-Kun?"

Once more, I couldn't answer my lips were sealed shut. Like I didn't have a mouth at all. Even though I was starting to cry after her question, all it did was remind me.

The cell door slammed shut. I sat on the rock-hard bed and laid down, the bed was hella uncomfortable it was just a towel laid onto a stone rectangle with another folded-up towel as a pillow.


"(hey Systle?)"


"Yes, master?"


"(What the hell happened?)"


"I am unaware it seems my systems were bypassed and I was forced into a dormant state for a short while, may I inquire as to why we're in a prison cell?"





"(I lost control and killed people...)"


"Oh my, this is quite serious. How many people did you kill?"


"(At least a classroom worth, so around 24 people, but I'm not sure.)"


"Then let us check your status."



Strength - 336

Agility - 205

Intelligence - 165

Vampiracy - 78

Speech - -14

Sensory - 102

Dexterity - 138


[Transformation: LVL - 1]

[Blood eye: LVL - 3]

[Vampire lord: LVL - 2]

[Martial artist: LVL - 14]

[Swords master: LVL - 23]

[Elemental bending: LVL - 2]

[Material Bender: LVL - 2]

[Holder: LVL - 1]

[Magical Engineer: LVL - 32]




"Based on your magical increase, I have concluded that you have drunk from 77 people."




"Based on this count you will receive the death penalty, not that they can kill you. So they will likely lock you up for all eternity. I recommend breaking out of your restraints and escaping."


"(Wait, didn't you say I'd die if my vampirism reached 0?)"


"That was only because you were a virgin vampire, a vampire that had yet to taste fresh human blood. Now that you've gotten a taste for blood you are a full progenitor. Anyways, I recommend-"


"NO!"I yelled out what I was thinking on accident.

I covered my eyes with my arm. I lay there silently crying, letting my sleeve soak up my tears.

Knock, knock.


"The chiefs callin' for you get your ingrate ass over there."

I got up and exited the cell, escorted by the guard

I make my way to the chief's office.


"I wish to talk alone."


"But he's a violent criminal with 76 bodies under his belt-"





"Yes sir!" He quickly backed off and exited the chief's office.


"Now, I hope you are aware of the weight of your crimes are, right?"




"Good, now, You have 2 paths in front of you... You can either go to trial and get proven guilty. Or you can work for us."


"Pardon me, sir?"


"You heard me, Ms. Watanabe put in a word for you. So which one will it be?"


"C-could you tell me what it is I will be doing?"


"Sure thing kiddo, you will be enrolled in the specials combat course in Future academy. You will live in a Co-ed dorm with your classmates, and you will be forced to carry out missions. In either capturing or eliminating magical threats that can not be handled by the standard police force."


"B-but, I killed all those people is it alright for me to-"


"Jeez you're as good of a kid as she said, how in the hell did you get into this mess. Listen, you won't be getting away scot-free, instead, you will atone for the lives you took by saving countless others."

To atone for the deaths of my fellow classmates? But is it really that simple? Does saving lives make up for the lives I took? But if it means I can partially make up for the lives I took.


"I-I accept."


"Hm? Accept what?"


"I mean could I please atone for the lives I took." I bowed as deeply as I could, literally kissing my knee due to my increased flexibility.


"Ahahahaha! Good to see you so eager to join! Alright then it's official all your luggage is already waiting for you in your room, I will have Sato here lead you to your dorms."



Sato steps out of the corner in the dimly lit room. Amazing I didn't notice her at all. She walks towards me and grabs me by the wrist and we make our way to the school.

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