《The End of Apocrypha》The End Times...



"Hurry here and hide!"


The current situation of mankind was so horrible that to say it was utterly obliterated would be an understatement. All of the skyscrapers, buildings, houses, and other things built by mankind were engulfed in flames, forcing mankind to escape the area.

"What is going on?"

"Do we all have to die?"

They were all in disarray and terror, as millions of brilliant creatures descended from the sky, slaughtering everybody they could see without hesitation, but suddenly an elderly man laughed...

"Don't you folks get it?" the Old Man inquired.

"What do you want, old man?!?"

"Hehe," said the elderly man, smirking madly. "IT'S THE END TIMES."

Earlier that Day...

A young man with short black hair was getting ready to leave his residence and stepped downstairs.

"Mom, I'm leaving right now," Nathan said.

"Are you leaving already?" his mother replied.

"Yes, and I expect to return around 9 p.m."

He then proceeds to the house's entryway...

"Again?" said his father, who was reading the news at the table.

"Yep!, this time our professor is particularly adamant about those tasks that she gave us," Nathan sighed.

"All well, but be careful on your way back home later and pray before you go out."

Nathan then opened the door and left, rejecting her mother's advice to pray. Nathan was neither an atheist nor a religious believer, yet his parents were passionate about honoring God because his name literally means "gift from God."

Nathan had just left his house when he bumped into his friend, who had blonde hair and glasses and wore a uniform identical to Nathan's but with a medal on it, in front of the university.

It was Deo...

"Oh, so you're approaching me?" Deo said, with a solemn look.

"Of course, stupid, how am I going to go into the university if I don't go through the entrance," Nathan replied.

With a laugh, Deo responded, "Calm down, it's only a reference I read last night HAHA."

Nathan and Deo had been friends since childhood and were almost inseparable. They attended the same high school and university, and some speculated that they were gay, but they dismissed the notion, claiming that they were merely good friends.

"So how are we doing on that stupid project?" Nathan asked.

"That again, huh?" Deo replied.

"Of course, that fucking professor is getting on my nerves by constantly telling me that I need to pass that project."


"Are you laughing at my misery?" Nathan asked, with an annoyed look.

"I recently discovered something that would most likely solve our problem," Deo said nonchalantly.

Nathan was pleased after hearing those precise words since it meant he could finally fix the problem that had been tormenting him for weeks.


"What is it?" Nathan said with a curious look.

Deo then adjusted his glasses as if he was a fucking genius, and then said, "Aliens are invading Earth."

When he heard that Nathan had almost popped a vein, his dreams were shattered, so he said,

"Are you fucking with me right now?"

"No!, I'm serious. Didn't you hear on the news last night that a strange sound came from space?"

"It happens all the time, dumbass," Nathan replied.

"No! For real, though, NASA even said that they had recorded a sound coming from these aliens."

"Listen to this and you'll understand what I mean," Deo remarked, pulling out his phone.

Nathan then seized Deo's phone and listened to the sound it was producing. He then heard trumpets and creatures singing in a language he didn't understand. Nathan had goosebumps down his spine after hearing a booming voice shout "Holy, Holy, Holy." He didn't know what caused it because the sound wasn't particularly creepy, but it was just a bit odd.

"Strange, isn't it?" Deo asked.

"Ye-s-s-s," Nathan answered, puzzled, "but those words... I thought I had heard someone say them before."

"Do you believe me now?" Deo said, his face serious.

"Of course not," Nathan responded, "how can all of that happen in reality? It only happens in novels or anime."

"However, you heard the voices and—" Deo was going to say more when Nathan cut him off.

"Enough," he remarked solemnly, before continuing, "We already have enough on our plates, so let's just focus on what's going on at our table for today."

Deo sighed and then said, "You're correct, but someday when it truly happens, you'll be sorry I didn't warn you." His tone was confident.

They then proceeded inside the university to their respective classes; the university is a three-story facility with distinct departments on each floor. The business management department was on the first level, the social science department was on the second, and the engineering department was on the third. They were both psychology students, so they belonged on the second floor. Both of them were working on a project that required them to investigate the behavior of people who had just lost a beloved pet. It would be a simple and direct task if the required number of participants was only 10 or 20, but their professor demanded 100. That is why they are having difficulty finding enough people to participate in their project.

However, as they were ready to enter their classroom, they overheard an unexpected comment from a classmate who was looking out the window.

"Hey, guys, did the sky just brighten up, or is it just me?"

The other student then went to look out their window to see what was going on outside...


"You are correct; the sky is actually brighter than it was."

"Did the weather forecast mention anything about this?"

The sky was no longer blue like every other day; it was as if the sun had suddenly moved closer to Earth. All of the students abruptly stopped entering their classrooms and looked around to see what the other students were looking at. Nathan and Deo were aware of this and decided to investigate more.

"Brooo, I told you that aliens were coming."

"..." Nathan remain silent to Deo's comment but then Deo added...

"We don't have to submit that stupid project that you're wobbling about,"

"That's the first th-"

A bizarre entity emerged from the clouds just as Nathan was about to respond to Deo's statements. The entity is shaped like a human male and has eight wings around his back. His appearance resembled a celebrity; he was extremely attractive; and he wielded a blazing sword. The being then said something...

"Humans, this is your day of extinction; God has already declared that you are all unworthy of life," the entity said.

When the entity finished speaking those precise words, other entities came, but they only had six wings on their backs, followed by creatures with no specific body but had three heads and four wings covering their faces, a wheel encircled by thousands of eyeballs, and an eyeball surrounded by fire.

"Run now!" Nathan suddenly said to Deo, who was still shocked by this event.

"Do you know those creatures?" Deo asked.

"They're the real depictions of angels, and as that angel with a human form said," Nathan explained.

"We will face extinction," Deo said, with a horrified look on his face.

Just as Deo mentioned, the students that were beside them started to panic and head to the exit or wherever they could find a safe place to hide.

"Correct now, let's go home and warn our pare-"

The Angel in human form swings his sword in their direction just as Nathan was about to finish his sentence...

When the angel swung his sword, it cut the air around where his blade landed, and a blazing flame was now headed in the direction of the University of Nathan and Deo.


The impact was so powerful that it ripped the whole university building in half, followed by a major earthquake, which caused the structure to collapse, trapping the students within.

After that, other entities went on a rampage all across the world, and it was not a pleasant sight to watch. The Statue of Liberty was torched until it melted, the Eiffel Tower was physically chopped down to the ground, and Stonehenge was eventually taken from its proper location and crushed.

Returning to the area where our MC is... They were all sent flying after the blazing slash of flames impacted the building, and some were not so lucky because their bodies were sent outside the building and fell from a high place. Some are buried beneath the rubble. Nathan, on the other hand, was just flung aside and injured his arm as a result of the hit. He then shouted...



He received no reaction, and the sight in front of him was not one he was familiar with. The foundation of the building has been reduced to rubble, and the wall and stairs where he and Deo used to hang out have been completely damaged by the impact. He kept looking for Deo but couldn't find him, and the ache in his right arm was getting worse as he lingered and tried to utilize his energy.


"I'------mmm, He---reeee"

Nathan finally got a response from Deo. He ignored the surrounding bodies around the area, and he then quickly rushed to Deo's side...

"I-- ---kn-ee-ww yo-u--d c--om--e," said by the dying Deo.

He then saw a scene that would haunt him for the rest of his life. Deo's bottom body had been separated from his upper body, showing his intestines and other organs, and he couldn't believe his eyes when he witnessed the scene in front of him. He's at a loss for what to do about the horrifying image in front of him.

"Deo I,-"

"Y-o-u f-ina--lly be-li-eve -me dum-bass?"

"Yes, I believe but-" Nathan was holding his tears.

"He-he" Deo smiled, "I fe-ll c-old b-u-t fi-rst ge-t m-e ou-ta he-re."

"But, you're body-"

Deo then coughed out blood and said, "Da--m-n, am I re-all-y am go-nna di-e a Vir-gin?"

"FUCKING DUMBASS!" Nathan, now unable to hold back his tears, cried. "I should have listened to you."

"Yea-h, I ha-te to sa-y th-is bu-t, I jus-t wann-a sa-y, I tol-d yo-u so" Deo grinned.

"...." Nathan doesn't know how to respond, but then Deo continued...

"Go-od-luck, Par-tner" After saying that Deo's life left him, he died smiling at Nathan.

Nathan then closed Deo's eyes and said, "You too, Partner. Thank you for everything,"

Nathan brushed his emotions aside and went to face the chaos outside his college. Many creatures pursued and played with people as if they were playthings. He was enraged now, but he couldn't kill these beings since he lacked the necessary abilities, but suddenly Nathan remembered something...


He dashed back to his house, leaving the dead bodies of the other students and the smiling Deo behind...

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