《Chasing the Mist》Chilling News


~ 'Your soothing touch has a firm grip on my soul, one I hope never loosens'~

Andriet stared hard at the young girl as soon as she laid eyes on her, and the freckled face girl just stared back at her with a confused and cute smile, her pig tails sway as she tilts her head wondering why the beautiful older sister was drilling a hole into her.

Andriet just continued with her silent staring, her amber eyes analyzing the girl before her.

"Pfft." He looks at her actions and holds a hand to his lips to contain his laughter.

Despite being laughed at, Andriet didn't move her gaze, as if the young lady before her is the biggest conundrum of her life.

"I reserved a booth for two under the name Mavros." his melodic voice informs the baffled young girl, who after realizing he addressed her quickly checked and confirmed their reservation and called over another worker to lead them to their seats.

They both sat opposite each other. Andriet's unnerving stare was now placed on the waitress handing them their menu's.

This young lady was much calmer than the previous one and remained unfazed under her stares. She just jotted down the dish names the man order for them both. The unperturbed waitress gave them a quick nod and went through a door that was opposite to the staircase in the corner.

Andriet's eyes leave the girl and roam the restaurant looking at 3 spots repeatedly. After being satisfied with her observations, she turns back to her companion.

"Quadruplets?" she raises this question.

"Nope." was the man's reply as he slouches in the booth chair

"Oh, I have heard of this skill but it is my first time seeing it"

'What a fun skill, I wonder which one is the real one?'

Inside the restaurant, Andriet saw 4 workers. The girl at the counter, the one who took their order, one wiping a table to the far left and another writing something on an empty table. And what had Andriet staring so intently at them, not giving a care how weird she looked, was that she was trying to tell if these identical girls were sisters or if someone's power was being used.

"You have always had a weak sense. To think someone's power would still surprise you." he commented.

Sense is something along with their powers that everyone had. It allowed them to tell if someone was using their powers. Some are born with a weak sense while others have a strong one. Training can develop it but most don't see a need for that as days of war have been centuries past, so only those in law enforcement really still train their sense.


"I was also thinking they could make great models." her velvety voice reveals her second intention, a pristinely manicure French tip rhythmically taps her full upper lip as she contemplates for a bit.

"You workaholic." he shakes his head and looks at her in amusement.

"Humph, enough on that. Tell me about this restaurant already. What is this place?"

A big giant tree in the middle of a city and she is to assume it's normal. As if. Maybe in other places, but not Sprikson city.

Knowing this was coming, he just gives her a small smile "I know you have a lot but any question you have about the restaurant I can't really answer but I will clear one of your confusions. This tree was not grown naturally, it was created."

He was right, since seeing the tree she had many questions and other than the one he just answered, the next was 'why doesn't anyone see it'. Or rather nobody notices it. A place like this would draw a lot of attention and it also doesn't feel like it is invisible.

But if he says he can't answer, then she will just let it go. She was that magnanimous.

Having had all her questions answered, her face loses the bit of wonder she expressed and she looks outside the small circular window placed inside the booth.

'I wonder if the window is visible from outside.' she mused, getting lost in her thoughts.

A still yet not uncomfortable silence settles in the middle of the two.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" He looks at the woman who has been staring outside the window after losing interest in the restaurant's interior. This heartless woman probably determined his use is gone because he answered all her questions and just ignores him.


"Hey~ darling, what are you looking at?" he whines like a child who is being ignored by his parents.

But only the serene silence of the restaurant was heard, which further emphasized the otherworldly feeling the restaurant gave, as though they enter right into another dimension upon entry.

He silently stared at her expressionless face, studying the visage of the woman he considers really heartless. But despite the tantrum he threw in his mind, his eyes stared at her unceasingly, as if he discovered something new and intriguing on the face he has seen many times.


Andriet felt his heated stare on her, but didn't move her gaze from the window. It seemed at some point it started raining and the sound of the raindrops connecting with the window and leaves of the restaurant's exterior provides an almost hypnotic rhythm, making one not want to leave and to just spend all their time simply lazing away here.

The feeling of her right hand being held takes her out of her stupor. Before she can turn to look at him, she felt the friction caused as his warm hand which held her own, travels from gentle grasping the tip of her fingers to sliding down to the center of her palm which he lightly caresses with his middle finger. Ignoring the tremors his touch caused to travel down the back of her neck, she aligns her sight with his. A soothing amber connects with a striking emerald. Those eyes of his narrowed ever so slightly and swirl with emotions, making her feel she is staring deep into a enchanted forest. One she could forever become lost in if she was not careful.

He raised her fair hand to his lips and devoutly places a kiss on the tips of her fingers and then travels down and places another to the center of her palm, his lips giving a cool feeling contrast to his warm hands. Placing her hand on his cheek, he leans forward and his eyes that were following along the movements of his lips once more connected with the eyes that were his favorite color.

"Please don't ignore me or you'll break my heart. Can't you share what has captured your heart and mind, so much so you pay me no mind" his low timbre echoes in the silent room, adding a touch of seduction to the rain's hypnotic music. He stares unceasingly into her amber eyes, his usual grin replaced with the smallest of curves at the corners of his mouth, giving the Cheshire cat of a man an almost serious expression which is rarely ever on his face.

Andriet looks at the man before her and sighs in her heart. How did I manage to pick up such a high maintenance child? But though in her mind she criticized him; her soft index finger being held in his palm slowly slides across his cheek as she caresses his face. Mimicking him, she also leans forward, resting her other hand's elbow on the table as she holds her own cheek and slightly tilts her head. She ignores his question, as she doesn't even have an answer, she was simply staring outside in a daze. The man doesn't mind as he closes his eyes and enjoys her touch. The rain outside provides subtle background music to the beautiful scene of the man and woman lost in their own world, lost in each other's touch.

"Did you hear the news?" a rough voice that came from outside their booth breaks the beautiful moment. The peaceful serenity of the restaurant slowly leaves as the customers start a conversation, making an ethereal place mortal.

"Which news, in a big city like this something is always happening?" His companion responded as she accepted the meal one of Xirenia's doppelgangers brought to her.

He just rolls his eyes at her and stretches his hand to get an extra napkin from the counter. After his actions, Xirenia number 2 approaches their table.

"Sir, we ask that customers refrain from using their skills if possible when inside the restaurant, especially those that would affect areas outside their own tables and space."

"Sorry, sorry, just wanted to get some extra in case my soup spilt, I'll take note not to next time." He apologizes with a slightly embarrassed smile. Honestly, he was just too lazy to get up and go to the counter 4 meters away.

His companion simply giggles. "So, which news?" she asks him.

Quickly forgetting what just happened, he rolls his eyes at her again. "You already pointed out that this is a big city with a lot going on, so which kind of news could I be talking about? Obviously the one that has been making headlines for 3 months now since the first case happened."

After a moment of pause the woman's eyes widen and a touch of fear was visible in them even the cup in her hand shakes a little, the liquid in them making faint ripples "Oh, y-you mean that"

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