《Braza the Architect - Magical Crafter, Builder, and Adventurer!》Chapter 8 Experimental Results


So this is what I realized. The materials, they are required as part of the focus, the template if you will, that’s why they aren’t required for every spell, but they are universally applied. We see them used during the release, and that’s why I thought they were part of the release. But they aren’t, they’re built into the focus section, where you’re drawing the magic together and providing it form.

As for the medium itself? That’s associated with both the power source and the magical expression. Same for the finger pointing and dancing; it’s not required for every spell, this gesture is only required if it’s an arcane spell, and this gesture is only required if it’s a divine spell and so on. They’re magical transformers, much like the different materials used to scribe scrolls and write gospels.

As for the wildly different appearances of the text for scrolls and gospels? That’s because once recorded the scrolls have to perform the duty of the source, as well as combining with the text to consume a portion of the spells expression.

Priest, Mage, Druid, or Shaman, they truly are all casting the same light spell! The apparent differences between them are merely caused by the differing power sources and associated release mechanism. In other words, the spell itself might be an “I”. But when drafting the spell scroll as a mage, in order for it to be a mage spell, you would need to write the spell on fine papyrus with gold infused ink to identify it as a mage spell, and then write the spell as a “T”.

In order to write the same scroll as a shaman, you would need to write the spell on bark pulp using octopus ink to identify it as being ancestrally empowered, and express the spell by writing the letter “H”. To create the spell as a gospel, you would need to reuse the back side of a religious text with the preferred spells text inked in celestial blood to identify it as a gospel, and then express that spell by writing the letter “P”, and so on.

But the spell itself? That’s only the “I”. The differentiations above and beyond that building block? They are made by the combination of the spellcaster class and level, and their expressions (chanting/dancing etc) when cast on the fly. The reason a cleric can’t cast the same spells as a mage? Because the power source is selected via class, and the expressions are inherently tied to the power source.

And with that, I got the prompt.

[Class selection available, Architect. Do you wish to become a level 1 Architect?]

I pause, and dismiss the slaves to return to tending their garden. That was, conceptually, not that difficult. Taking it from being a rough theory to being able to pinpoint exactly what makes that spell that spell, though? Successfully pinpointing the root of that spell? That was a nightmare.

As far as this new class prompt goes, if I say no it will remain available for selection later… But there’s no description for any of the class selections. I think the assumption is that you’re already aware of what the class selections mean, because you’ve already been practicing with them. But “Architect”? Really? That’s not a very useful title. Does that mean I’m designing spells now? What power affiliation would that give me? Would it be like the Lizardfolk classes and trap me at a set strength for an absurdly long time, or would it be dynamic the way most of the good classes are?

I’ve been trying so hard to find the commonalities between magic… If I choose this, does this mean that I’ll be able to cast anything I want? But how would that be possible? If my understanding is right, there’s no way to cast light with "P" if you’re already an "H", much less if you want it to also be a "T". Your expressions are tied to your power source, which is tied to your class.


My initial hypotheses were good, but as is often true when experimenting, the outcome doesn't align well with my desired outcome. If I truly am correct in my understanding, the very same discovery which explains why spellcasting for the primary classes are incompatible with each other only further cements that a single person cannot serve as several different types of mediums without selecting a class which would provide that compatibility. But… There’s also no way for me to experiment with this class without taking it.

I’ve never even heard of a class called “Architect” before, just a skill that some humans choose to practice and that applies to construction, not magic. There's no one I know I can ask for guidance on this one. I guess this is it then, I don't know if this is what I actually want, but I'm not going to be able to find out without picking it. This is a gamble, and all I can do is hope that it pays off.

“Yes, I accept the class of Architect.”

Unlike when upgrading my attributes, I immediately I feel stronger. More than that, I can feel my mind opening up, and knowledge that it feels like has always been there has just become accessible to me. Why would I feel like increasing my class is a huge power up, when increasing my attributes, which by all accounts should be a really big deal since that’s the foundation on which everything else is built, is hardly noticeable? Search me, I have no clue.

I receive another prompt:

[You are eligible to select a level 1 talent. Would you like to select now?]


I don’t even know what I am now, I can hardly be expected to make a rational decision for a permanent ability selection without knowing what might synergize well with it. I need to take some time and review my status as well as examine that new knowledge that flooded into my mind.

I take a few minutes to digest the contents of the skills tab, which is finally unlocked, as well as my special qualities, and my derived attributes. Whew! I have to admit, I feel much more likely to survive now. I’m still pathetic but this is orders of magnitude better than it was. My health doubled just like that, if I'm lucky even Roark might take 2 hits to drop me now!









Derived Attributes:







Primary Attributes:



















Special Qualities:

Cold Blooded

Night Vision



Natural Armor

Exceptional Lungs

Natural Swimmer

Exceptional Balance

Simple Weaponry

Medium Armor

Architectural Comprehension

Disable Traps

Variable Item Creation

Scroll Manufacturing





Operate Magical Devices












Ok so let me take a look at some of the new things. Some of them are pretty obvious, like the medium armor special quality allowing me to wear armor. Since it only allows up to medium that means I would have no problems wearing lighter armors, like leather or hide armor, and it also means I wouldn't be able to wear plate mail since that's a heavy armor. So where is the line, what counts as medium? I’ll have to ask around or try different types of armor out and see which ones I can use effectively.

I’ll skip the skills for the moment and revisit them shortly since those are either class agnostic and reflect things I’ve studied, or are class specific and should be hinted at via the class qualities. Obviously there are no skills awarded for something like nuclear fusion or java programming, but I’m surprised to see some of the skill options.


Yes I learned some of the basics of stonemasonry, but even on Earth I was no expert, and I haven’t practiced it once since coming here. Conversely, I’m fairly confident in my survival skills back on earth, and I know survival is a skill in this world too which makes it easier to do things like find or make good shelter or make or find potable water, and I've both been through classes and had a small amount of practical training here. So why did stonemasonry make it onto my list of skills while survival did not? Frankly, I can’t even guess at this point.

The good thing is that along with the skill came a deeper understanding than I'd ever had in my old life, I really could build a stone structure using only materials found in this world, but it's still bizarre that I would get this as a skill with no clear reason for it. Regardless, these are just skills, so they shouldn't be terribly important since anyone can learn any skill, they only need to unlock it and get lucky enough to have the specific skill they desire appear on a level up.

Alright, lets drill down into the new "Special Qualities" as far as they'll let me go.

[Architectural Comprehension:

After holding or handling an object for 1 minute, the architect can attempt to determine if a particular item is magical in nature. Their odds of success are modified by their operate magical devices skill. The architect can attempt this no more than one time for a specific item each day.

After holding or handling a magical item for 1 minute, you may attempt to determine what that magic item does. The odds of success are based on your operate magical devices skill. The architect can attempt this on a particular magical item no more than once per class level.]

Well, that might be useful. Magic items aren't exactly common though, and I'm not what one might call a fan of needing to hold something for several minutes to maybe possibly figure out what it does. I can already envision a cursed artifact triggering and possessing me or something because I was foolish enough to touch it.

[Disable Traps:

You can try. Your odds of success are based on your perception and disable device skills. Good luck, things don’t tend to end well on a failure.]

Hah. The system has a sense of humor, I see. I don't even have a "perception" skill!

[Variable Item Creation:

On a successful check, you can spoof meeting requirements when creating a magical item. You must succeed on a separate check each time you need to meet a spell requirement. Your odds of success are based on your operate magical device skill and your class level. ]

Spoofing? That's… Not a term I expected to run into in this world. If I'm reading this correctly, though, it means I can pretend to be something I'm not to create items I shouldn't be able to create. Niiiice! Err. I mean, gee, that is interesting. Similar to the Disable Traps quality though, this one says its keyed to a skill. At least this time around it's a skill I actually received.

[Scroll Manufacturing:

You can create consumable spell effects, i.e. scrolls and gospels.]

Ok and what’s this bit that's under magic? Shouldn't this say "Arcane" or something like that? I've never even heard of imbuements before?


Although artificers are unable to cast spells in the normal fashion, they are able to imbue temporary magical effects into items. You have 2 imbuements available each day. Casting an imbuement takes 1 or more minutes. Details for imbuements you can cast can be found under specific imbuement entries.]

Oh ok that’s. Not what I expected. I think I see where this class is going now. I got excited when I saw something under magic, but this is not what I was hoping for. I’m not a spell caster at all. Not really. It looks like everything special about my class relates to magical items: more specifically creating and using magical items.

That’s actually kind of cool I guess, except it isn't very special. You see, level 1 mages can craft scrolls too, and level 1 priests can create gospels. It’s really nice that I’m able to take my pick among power sources for the items I make, but honestly making magical items is absurdly expensive. I have no money to my name. None. I mean, now that I'm having to feed myself, any given meal of mine is more likely to be grubs or maggots than anything else. Much more likely.

I'm from Earth. I've adapted because surviving requires it, but this really isn't… I'm having a hard time describing how frustrated I am right now.

Money aside, I also lack the things which I would use that money for; I don't have any materials appropriate for crafting magical items. How in the world am I supposed to be able to do anything at all?! Even if I get a loan or something, and frankly lizardfolk aren't exactly renowned for their robust banking systems, scrolls and gospels fall apart after being used 1 time. This is nowhere near as powerful as a regular mage or priest.

The other spellcasting classes can not only craft their own scrolls, they get to cast spells on top of that, and they get other nifty benefits like being able to summon familiars or scaring away or outright destroying nearby undead or… This is truly, truly disappointing. That spoofing ability sounds good, but if it let me create different types of items, why would it also give me the item creation abilities separately? No, my super spoofing just lets me pretend that I'm a caster so that I can make an item at all.

I wanted more flexibility, and instead I got crippled. I already see how to use the class; use magic items to replicate the spells from every field to make magic items. Instead of seeking strength through bigger attacks and bigger spells and so on, I leverage items to do that for me. That variable item creation skill is no joke, it’s downright amazing. But scrolls? One shot items that don’t perform any better than their corresponding spells even when used at the same level, and which don’t grow stronger along with the caster, and that can only be used once, each of which costs more money than I’ve ever had in my hand at any point in this life?

Once again, I spend a few minutes digesting the situation. This class is really not what I was hoping for. I wonder if this is what Mental Me was warning me about when he said not to be a baker? And yet, there is nothing I can do about it now. I can change classes next level, but that would mean I was a level 1 architect level 1 mage, instead of a level 2 mage. I’ll always be weaker than someone else of my level. I can try and stay the course here but frankly from what I'm seeing this class is completely untenable.

Even if I had absurd funds, enough to buy this entire village, I’d just go broke within a level or two. As exciting as it was to get a class I'd never heard of before, the simple truth is that these class abilities are complete garbage. I haven't finished exploring it yet, I still need to pick a talent and look at my imbuements, but this is a very, very bad start.

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