《General of Darkness》Chapter 4: Mother and GoD’s Game
Orion’s POV
My consciousness stays in the void feels like an eternity. I don’t know how I am aware of this situation as I don’t care about my surroundings. Having no memories is something that feels unnatural. Then the negative feeling emerged inside of me for the first time.
Was it boredom or impatience?
I try to ignore that feeling but it never disappears as if it taunted me to do something. Something new to be precise.
I am about to do it, not knowing how to solve the problem and the result is an ultimate failure. Of course, it didn’t give me a clue why I feel this way and how to remove it.
After a few minutes of not doing anything, I saw the very long vertical glowing white line.
Is this a light?
This thing seems familiar but at the same time, I don’t know what I was doing when that line of light slowly expanded as if it creates an opening to a new world. The unsettling feeling emerged inside me but the beauty of the big entity that holds my small body made the negative feelings away. This entity’s pair of purple eyes stared at me with visible happiness.
My instincts told me that this entity is my parent.
I smiled back at her before moving my head to the left and the reflection of us can be seen in the mirror while mother is sitting on a black chair. The color of her hair and some parts of her dress are the same as the void. The rest are white and purple. Her smooth skin is paler than mine.
My hair is blonde and I’m wearing a set of blue clothing matching the color of my eyes.
I wonder how this information instantly registered in my mind such as the small details around us and they were so easy to understand.
“My child, how’s your slumber?” A cold feminine voice echoed in my ears made my body shivered as I don’t understand why her body became very cold.
“I am your mother.” She said smiling as I curiously stared at her eyes that glowed for a moment.
“Ótfa sieníavalatak ot? (Do you understand this?)” I don’t understand what she said while my eyes blinked a few times. She giggled and brought me somewhere else.
Natasha’s POV
I expected that this child will straight up just killing me once he wakes up from his slumber but he’s harmless for now.
The child knows Avarian language as if it was one of the built-in features of this little monster. Anyways, Lieutenant General Einstein and his crew were done creating the venue which can be located at the center of the Shadow Continent. When I and Orion arrived at the backstage, I knew this little event is not extravagant because the given time is too short. I don’t know if the child will like it or not.
Good thing the clouds covered the sky to lessen the heat of the sun so the baby won’t complain about this.
Einstein’s POV
The design of the venue is supposedly extravagant as what we always wanted to experience but the schedule had been cut so suddenly which made our designer barely managed to finish the blueprint in a few minutes while the workers finished the task in urgent haste. The result is embarrassing and outrageous! I blame the human child for making our work so underwhelming in the eyes of our kind especially to HER.
With this, our general will think we are very incompetent.
And now, I’m here standing in the middle of the stage while facing my audiences in military uniforms as they patiently waiting for our general’s arrival. In a distance, a few drones can be seen near the stage while I also spotted General Avarice and his so-called siblings in the front seat. I’m utterly surprised that they seemed impressed at this poorly created little venue which made me wonder about the progress of our enemies’ weaponry and politics.
We’ve been kicked out for so long and I don’t believe if they are still the same or without any progress. It’ll be no challenge if they only depended on the ancient technologies and magic once the new shadow wars begin.
When I feel the presence of our general, my audiences immediately stood up from their seats and I cleared my throat before I began the opening ceremony.
Orion’s POV
I heard a very loud voice coming from the wall made me want to stop it. I can’t even understand what the other entity was saying but the glowing gold and purple box thingy appeared before my eyes.
English language has been installed.
The user can now comprehend English language.
The words hurt my eyes for an unknown reason but as soon as I finished reading them, the box disappeared and I can finally understand the voice that is opposite of my mother’s.
“This is the day, we celebrate the awakening of our president’s first child-”
My concentration of listening to the other entity’s speech while staring at the cloudy sky has been cut when mama covered my face with a soft white cloth. I want to remove it by my hands but mama put it back. So I let it stay and wait for mother to remove it by herself.
Then I can feel mother starts walking and since the cloth is very thin, I can barely see countless entities in black clothing as they stood with their unreadable faces. The other entity beside mother is talking in another language that I don’t understand and then mama finally removed the cloth that covered from my face. I smiled at her and to other entities because I feel the warmth inside of me.
Was it, joy?
Then I mentally concluded with primal instincts:
I feel at home.
♦ ♦ ♦
Natasha’s POV
Everyone’s eyes are now locked on the smiling baby that I’m currently carried. I don’t know why this child is suddenly acting cute. I mean, he’s now starting to chuckle as if someone tickles him.
As my eyes lay upon my people, I don’t feel any hatred nor disgust from their non-existent hearts. From the looks of their faces, I can tell that they have wistful affections for ancient times. I don’t know what happened to them before the war but I’m certain of one thing.
Shadows are fond of children or maybe it’s because of this baby’s charisma.
“Es sonémotirahc iasíe ítaig órohcnys. (I forgive you because you’re cute.)” Albert whispered in shadow language as he averted his eyes.
This old geezer is hiding his anger earlier but now it immediately dissipated.
Parenting 101 Part 1 Completed!
Rewards: A new game and order coming from your God.
I was about to mentally comment about the rewards but Albert began the closing remarks because most of the Children type shadows came here to see the child, selfies, and eat some food. Of course, most of the kids are very impatient which is why catering and photo booths are required on every occasion.
After this event, everyone left except the janitors, and high ranking shadows. While they’re taking pictures like we’re the celebrities, I received Crack's messages.
G.O.D.: Hey champ! I finally finished my game. Wanna play?
G.O.D.: If not, I let Avarice play this most epic game that I’ve ever created.
G.O.D.: I almost forgot, you haven’t read your notifications. You better check them out.
Is this the result of his little experiment? And why the hell would I play another game if I’m currently playing the hardest game while using cheats?
I couldn’t help but feel infuriated at this crackhead. Good thing the child distracted me from his soft laughter or else, everything is not going well.
House (Optional)
Live together with the baby outside of your Pocket Dimension as long as you like because… Why not?
Rewards: ???
This new mission is odd. I hope the rewards are better than his newly created game. And now, Elios wants to talk to me so I signaled him to come closer. He hesitated at first maybe because the other high-ranking shadows stopped from taking pictures while the baby curiously looked at him. When he’s beside me, the shadows gave us some space and patiently watched us from a distance while his siblings are still eating.
“Eralim. (Talk.)” I said in shadow language.
“Iroffé ákigam ianíeig aitsáret itiíopomisirhca iak imóka Nóiks OriepÍ nits úotnap notróhc noirgá í nortnéd aiegréillak áimak odan órobned? (Why I can’t see any growing trees or wild grasses everywhere in the Shadow Continent even the unused vast land is magically fertile?)” Elios asked as he tried not to look embarrassed but his cheeks were darkened which means he’s blushing. The way he speaks Shadow Language is a bit rusty and he needs more practice.
I thought he’s trying to tell me something important but I chose to answer his question because the baby can read the atmosphere even he can’t understand Shadow Language.
“Because life didn’t exist in here.”
“Uh… Okay.” Elios awkwardly scratched the back of his head but he continued, “I know you want more information in the outside world but I’m not pretty helpful for that because you know… I and my siblings can’t roam around the kingdom but there’s an alternative for that and I’m sure you’re interested in our hometown that hasn’t been touched by our enemies.”
Since I didn’t know Elios’ full background, this is my chance to know more about him and his possible connections.
“Tell me more.” I said, arching my left eyebrow.
“Well… My hometown is home to refugees from different factions around Nature Continent. During the Shadow Wars, the Ancient Shadow Army evacuated the Shadow Walkers in the most secluded place where our God’s divine beast is commanded to protect the refugees. If you ask me how we got caught by those Avarian humans, the answer made us frustrated to remember but I’ll tell you.”
“Our father desired to leave the only safest home that we could remember and he wanted to bring us along with him but grandpa didn’t like his idea. Since Gramps is the leader of the Human type Shadow Walkers, he used that power to separate us from our father but I and my siblings didn’t remember how we ended up inside the Avarian dungeon cells. Father didn’t say anything about it and I concluded that he’s regretting his dumb decision.”
I nodded as my eyes are now focusing on Orion’s. Good thing he’s not an annoying child. “I see. So you have a relative.”
“Hmm… Yeah. I may be young at that time but my memory is sharp. If you want to check our hometown, just let me know.”
Elios was about to leave me but I stopped him by using my ˹Body Control˼ because I have more questions to ask.
I’m intrigued by the refugee camp that he mentioned especially his grandfather. I’m assuming there are other types of Shadow Walkers in there. Then a new plan has been created in my mind. I intended to build a nation in this unused vast land because it’d be a waste if we don’t use it. My problem is our population remained the same because we can’t reproduce so those refugees will be helpful.
But there are more questions.
After building the homes for the refugees, will Elios and his siblings’ loyalty increase?
Can I gain more soldiers out of those refugees?
My ˹Spoiler˼ skill is useless because it can’t see the percentage of my success so I have to try it on my own and see it for myself.
“If your memory is not rusty, how many refugees in there? Because I planned to use this land and build my palace in here but now you told me something that would help to make our forces stronger, so I will build a nation instead. With that, I’m also planning to bring those people in my territory for the exchange of their loyalty and military services.”
“They’re around a hundred million before we got caught.”
I looked at Albert and signaled him to come closer then I said, “I know that you and the others overhear our conversation.”
Albert awkwardly chuckled, “We are ready to take our punishment, General.”
Elios was shocked and pitied this old man but I’m not planning to punish everyone, “There is no need for that. I called you because I have a new project.”
My good old Albert seemed intrigued by it and said as he smiled in excitement, “Oooh… Please continue, General.”
“I want this unused vast land to transform into a place for the refugees.”
Elios is overwhelmed by my plan, “What? That’s too much. Living underground is already enough for us.”
Albert crossed his slender arms under his chest and said as he looked displeased at Elios’ shy behavior, “With all due respect, General Avarice, refusing her kindness is the same as you spitting out the food at your mother’s face.”
His words made Elios shrunk to where he’s standing which reminds me of how I scolded Emmanuel when he was 6.
“Oh. I guess I have to accept her gift then.” Said Elios.
“Not just you, the refugees can also benefit from the gift.” Albert corrected him.
Elios continued, “But I’m not sure if the Divine Beast is still there while protecting them.”
Albert seemed not to know about the Divine Beast and he remained silent but I’m not falling for that simple act. I can detect lies even in the slightest movement. He’s not the only one who’s acting like they knew nothing and I only pretend not noticing them to avoid the thing I feared. I won’t let them go back to level zero or else, our hard work is a waste.
I caressed Orion’s hair through my free hand and said, “Let’s just hope that thing still exists.”
Our preparation is still progressing and I hope Crack is joking about the game thing because I can’t afford of failing of what I’d started.
“Albert, you are in charge of choosing the best architects and engineers. Give them one day to make their blueprints for the entire nation and let me decide which one is fitting. The capital of our nation should be my palace and you’ll be the one to build it. Assign 300 Children type Shadows as maids and butlers. What I mean is, the children must be part of M.A.I.D. forces”
MAID stands for Mad Angels in Disguise and it’s also a subclass of agents and spies. This is the forces of elite Children type Shadows who specialize in infiltrating the enemy bases. Their small and fragile-looking bodies with their innocent faces have a 90% chance to fool the enemies. The reason why I chose MAID forces because someone made a thread about them wanted to play as housekeepers so I’ll grant their wish.
Albert bowed as he plastered his right hand on his chest and said before he left, “Understood.”
I faced Elios and said, “Before you do your thing, let me ask you something. Just once.”
“Yeah. Sure. Why not?” He smiled.
“How’re the homes of the refugees looked like? I’m just making sure to satisfy their needs once they get here.”
Elios pondered for a moment, “If I compare them to the so-called movies that I watched earlier, the human type shadow walkers’ home looked like a modern city but there are some ancient buildings survived such as the churches and shrines. The animal and insectoid type shadow walkers have floating homes, underground rivers, caves, and giant hives. Lastly, the elven and fairy type shadow walkers have giant trees and mushrooms as their homes.”
I nodded and Orion is getting bored at this, “You can go now. I’m busy to entertain this child.”
After that, I and Orion went inside my Pocket Dimension and we're transported to my office. I heard the growling sound coming from Orion’s stomach so I feed him milk. I tried my best to act as his real mother so he won’t notice that we’re using him as a secret ingredient for Crack’s experiment.
I texted Albert about the inspiration for the homes of the refugees so maybe I can choose more than one blueprints.
To be honest, this day is a bit fortunate. Bathing and putting Orion to sleep is not even a challenge to me because he’s just too smart or was he afraid to take on my bad side?
When night came, I silently created two new quests.
New Nation
Use the useful continent and create an official Shadow Nation.
Rewards: ???
Homes for the Shadow Walkers
After evacuating the Shadow Walkers from the Nature Continent, they will be the user’s second batch citizens.
Rewards: ???
♦ ♦ ♦
World of Gold
Night Time
Elios’ POV
I played some cube games in my memo and drive me mad because I kept dying. Games are supposedly fun but this is what I get.
The creators of these games are monsters! They made me mad!
Anyways, some players beat those types of games and I ended up watching their playthrough but I also watched the RPG walkthrough because it’s interesting. Suddenly, I shivered when someone is sitting next to me. He wears a black gaming helmet with a GTVR logo.
“Krak! Krak! Krak! Are you bored playing those rage games?” The nameless god asked me as he turned his head to face me.
“I’m not good at these games. Maybe I try the relaxing ones.” I admitted because lying to a god is futile.
“You should try my game.”
Before I refuse him, I am suddenly teleported in the void and the black gaming helmet is visibly on top of the bed because there’s a spotlight from the above but I can’t see him anywhere.
“Just wear the God Tier Virtual Reality Helmet and lay down on the bed.” He instructed me but I have a bad feeling about this.
“Why me?” I asked while following his instructions.
“Because the Dark Messiah doesn’t want to play my game. She said that it’s a waste of time. So you’ll be the one to play it for me. You are my beta tester. You have to play the game 1,000 hours straight.”
I panicked because Natasha only gave us 2 weeks to prepare for our entrance exam.
“Don’t worry. 1,000 hours inside of my domain is 1 hour in the real world.”
I tried to calm down and hoping that he’s not lying.
“Before we start the game, I warn you. Don’t freak out because it feels real as if your consciousness is transported to another body and that body is an otherworldly humanoid species with a mission into the other world. You can feel pain in there too but if you die, you can’t die in the real world because it’s just a game and your avatar will just respawn to your last save game file. Any questions?”
The game sounds interesting and I can’t wait to experience it so I replied, “No.”
“Close your eyes and the game will begin.”
When I closed my eyes, I can feel my body is falling and hearing the thunder. I tried to open my eyes but failed. I tried to move my body in vain. I also feel so tired as if my energy has been drained.
Then some words and logos that can be seen in the middle of the void.
Crack Studios
/The Surprise Inspection/
After reading it, I can finally open my eyes and I’m still falling from the night sky that is covered with clouds with a few lightning. I’m even burning but I don’t feel the heat. Unfortunately, I can’t move until I landed on someone’s wooden house. I feel bad for the owner because there are big holes on the roof and the wooden floor. Since I was burning from my fall, the house is also slowly burning.
Good thing my back didn’t break from the fall. I slowly stood up and checked my body. It’s all black as if my whole body is painted with black paint. Then I paused when I smell blood.
“Mama? Papa?” A voice of a girl and the sound of the unlocking the door can be heard from behind.
Wait… Two people died because I landed in the wrong spot?
I turned around and what I see is an 8-year-old human girl who’s 15 ft. away from me. She’s horrified at the sight of my existence and stood in there, frozen.
Suddenly, I’m in the third-person view and I can see my naked baldy avatar that has nothing hanging underneath. It looks like a genderless humanoid entity who’s covered with black ink but the purple eyes are glowing.
Then the game wants me to input my desired name and customize my avatar. I named him Avarice. The gender is obviously male and my avatar grew a dick underneath. I can even customize the size of that thing but there’s a limit because it depends on the race.
The original race of my character is Shadow but I have to choose a race as my disguise. There are many races to choose from but I chose the human race because the description said that they dominated half of the world and my current location is obviously the human territory.
Next, I can customize the appearance of my avatar. I can become short or tall, thin or fat, and whatever I want. The customization took me 2 hours because I want to look like myself in the real world but there’s no option to change the eye color which is kind of disappointing or maybe because I’m a shadow. Unfortunately, the game warned me not to look so pretty or ugly because the people in this game might suspect me.
Screw this! I’m handsome in real life!
After customizing my avatar, the game asked me to choose the game difficulty. There are only two of them and I was about to choose the normal mode but it suddenly chose the hardest difficulty which was called Hell of all Hells.
But I’m just a beginner.
Then I heard HIS annoying laughs from a distance and said mockingly, “Buhuhu! Wanna cry now? It’s just a game!”
“In real life, you played in the most unfair game difficulty imaginable but you managed to survive this long through luck or your usefulness for the enemies’ benefits. So your gameplay right now didn’t even reach 1% of your real life’s situation. My creations are too vulnerable ever since my cracked ass got more cracks but I can feel their perseverance. They are nobodies in the game they played but they accepted what they have and hopeful that one day, their savior will come.”
He continued as his voice became closer, “But now, you’re playing my game and surprise SURPRISE! You’re the main character and –”
I cut him off, “I want to play in the easy game dif–”
He cut me off and his voice is so close as if he physically whispered to my ears which made me shivered, “You won’t get any special things with those weak ass game difficulties except the Hell of all Hells.”
“Then what are those special things?” I asked curiously.
“You’ll see.”
“Tell me or I quit.” I threatened him but he didn’t reply.
I want to quit the game but there’re no options to choose so I gave up and the game wanted me to start the first mission in my current appearance but I don’t have clothes.
Do I have to walk around naked? Wait a sec. What about the girl? Don’t tell me she’s still in there while I’m morphing into different appearances for 2 hours.
When I’m done, I pressed OK then I’m back in the first-person view and the time seemed to be frozen as the game wants me to check the Journal by mentally say the word ‘journal’. As I followed the instruction, I can see the small tabs above the black box. Then I read them from left to right. There are: Missions, Lore, Statistics, Collectibles, Trophies, and Achievements.
Missions is the first tab of the journal. It has Main Mission, Faction Mission, Follower Mission, and Side Mission. My current mission is the main mission called Falling Star.
Mission Started: Falling Star
Falling Star
Description: I don’t know where I came from and who sent me into this unfamiliar world. Fortunately, I remember my name. My skills… Speaking of my skills, I forgot all of them. Anyways, at least my instincts helped me to disguise myself as a human. Having no memories of my past is quite a mystery and if I forced myself to remember everything, my head starts to feel painfully hotter but from the bottom of my non-existent heart; it says that my mission is unclear because I’m here to investigate something from this world. Wait… What am I supposed to investigate in this world?
First Objective: Kill the human girl.
Description: My instincts told me that I must eliminate the witness neatly. Leave no traces.
I mentally shook my head because I have no guts to kill her. Before exiting the journal, I read the other missions but they’re empty. Then I checked the Lore tab. It has World History, Diaries, Letters, Notes, and Books. Unfortunately, they’re all empty as well just like the Collectibles, Trophies, and Achievements.
The Statistics is about my progress in the game. Under the statistics are General, Quest, Combat, Magic, Crafting, and Crime.
After reading the statistics, I exited the Journal and the time resumed while the girl finally decided to escape. I just let her be as the portion of the roof collapsed which blocked the hallway where she ran into.
Failed: Kill the human girl.
Completed: Spare the human girl.
Description: Change of plans. I let her escape… FOR NOW.
Second Objective: Escape Sheylan Village.
Description: The fire drained my life force. I must escape.
I hope the girl survived the fire.
Speaking of fire, it suddenly spreading faster which I didn’t have time to get some clothes, and not just that, my HP is draining so fast. The game quickly explained about the fire while I ran in the other direction. It is said that the fire is not normal and it was meant to kill me but I luckily survived.
As I ran and bashed the door down, I felt so powerless because I’m level 1 while I don’t have Shadow Senses and Ghost Mode as if this game is testing my survival tactics. Anyways, I may not feel the heat but my HP is very low. Then I heard the voices coming from the girl’s neighbors. I’m lucky that none of them checked behind the house and I stealthily escaped the village while my HP goes up into full health.
When I’m far away from the village, I stopped for a moment and looked around to find something that would cover my body but there are 5 wolves chasing after me. I can even see their levels and HP bars. One of them is level 5 and the rest is level 3. Thanks to my original race, I’m not running out of stamina so I can run non-stop until I reached the pond. The odd thing is, the wolves were suddenly engulfed with fire and killed them instantly.
Where is the fire coming from?
In a blink of an eye, the fire spread and grew bigger as it heading in my direction as if that thing is alive, trying to hunt me down. I decided to stand in the middle of the 3 ft. deep pond as the fire suddenly took a shape of the 5 giant serpentine fire dragons. It even cut down some trees to trap me. It’s a good thing that the pond exists which can give me a high chance of survival.
Completed: Escape Sheylan Village.
Third Objective: Survive the attacks of the Remnants of the Sun Dragon.
Description: The fire is alive. Those things seemed to be so dependent on the burnable things. On top of that, they’re only after me and at least the whole village didn’t burn down to hell. And now, I won’t let those bastards kill me while the pond is on my side. Well, I’m going to dance with them until they’re running out of fuel.
I tried my best not to get roasted for an entire 15 minutes and those things are slowly shrinking when they’re running out of things to burn. They even managed to damage me which kind of frustrating because my HP is too low. Out of 100 HP, I have 1 HP left and if these bastards hit me again, then I’m dead.
Fortunately, the cloudy night sky starts raining hard which causing them to die slowly. However, one of them spoke before it finally erased from existence.
“I… will burn… you again.”
I was about to say something like ‘Well… This game is too easy.’ but there’s no voice coming out from my mouth. So I’m a mute in this game.
Completed: Survive the attacks of the Remnants of the Sun Dragon.
You acquired a new achievement!
[God of Tango]
Survived against the Remnants of the Sun Dragon in Level 1 and without equipped items.
Completed: Fallen Star
Mission Started: Master in Disguise
Master in Disguise
Description: I don’t know much about this world so I better learn it through observing the inhabitants and I better be careful of the creatures that are preying on me. As for my shadow powers, I must try to remember slowly, and my ability to disguise also needs more practice.
Then someone is clapping as the game paused and the familiar voice said, “The Remnants of the Sun Dragon would never appear in Normal Mode but too bad, that thing is one of the special things.”
I frowned and replied mentally:
How is that special? It almost killed me!
He just laughed and the game resumed. I don’t understand how special that thing is but I continued my journey until I stole someone’s clothes that have no tracking magic. In real life, I’m good at stealing stuff. Stealing books, gold, jewels, and any stuff that can help my growth faster is just a piece of cake. As I checked my status, I’m just level 1 and my thief skills are level 100 which is convenient. I even built some temporary underground hideouts to put my stolen items in there.
Unfortunately, I didn’t finish the main quest and I’m certain that this world is almost the same as Octavia but I learned that the humans or any race didn’t possess the power of the System which is quite convenient. I’m sure the creator of this game is inspired by our world’s story.
The name of this world is Heptavia and it consists of 7 continents. Each continent is governed by the God-like beings and they’re 7 in total while the 8th God did not exist but in the statistics, the grand total of Gods is 8.
Each of those continents has at least 1 human empire. Those 7 human empires were united and called Dihpolis Empire. This current human empire has 7 kings and 1 faceless emperor named Dihpolis. I haven’t met the human emperor but I suspected that this guy is the 8th God because he’s the only human who lived for thousands of years and has the power to kill the Demi-Gods or New Gods which made him known as the God Slayer.
The human kings informed the public that he’s badly wounded from his recent battle against the 7 Ancient Gods and those gods are also injured. In his weakened state, the non-human empires or kingdoms have a chance to invade Dihpolis Empire just to get what the humans stole from them. Those non-human empires possessed 7 non-human heroes and they’re the ones to lead the legions of non-human armies.
However, the human empire had their own 7 new human heroes that served the god slayer for 5 years and I haven’t met them yet because I’m busy appreciating the whole world while piecing the puzzle together. The purpose of my character is still unclear but if I focused on the main quest, I will possibly know the secret of the human emperor because one of the 7 kings is a traitor.
The nameless god told me that the traitor of the Dihpolis Empire would never appear in the normal difficulty because he’s one of the special things; the same as the head of Dihpolis Investigatory Organization. The detective is tailing me ever since 3 days after I escaped Sheylan Village and he’s a hidden human hero.
That detective made me create 15 identities just to make sure he’ll never get me. I don’t know what made him special but he’s just a nuisance in my gameplay. I only prefer the traitorous king because he might help me to reveal the identity of the emperor.
Before the nameless god forced me to quit the game, my avatar is level 153 and most of my dummy identities are criminals. My main identity is unknown to the public except for the detective hero’s organization because they’re trying to capture me alive for obvious reasons.
And now, I’m back in the real world and the nameless god is standing beside the bed. His smile is unsettling and asked, “Do you like it?”
I jumped off the bed and answered while stretching my limbs, “Yes and I want to play more.”
He laughed and clapped his hands, “You can play it next time. Too bad, Natasha should’ve played my game. She deserves a little break and more rewards.”
“She can get more rewards by playing your game?” I asked curiously.
The nameless god didn’t answer my question as he snapped his finger and sending me back to where he found me. I checked the time and I’ve indeed left Octavia for 1 hour.
The End of Chapter 4
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8 159 - In Serial8 Chapters
Soul Split
Due to a crazy experiment, Tom got sucked through a malfunctioning portal into the unknown. Upon waking, he realized his soul survived and was rebirthed in a new world. But due to the stress of transfer, the soul split into two and passed through the reincarnation cycle as two separate beings. Even as the united two had fully reawakened to their other selves, the future looks grim. Armed with a withering lineage, a broken wing and the knowledge of an aspiring engineer, they set out to explore the world, one crazy technological advancement at a time.
8 210 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Zephyrus
Eleanor is the captain of a pirate ship with a well-run crew. That is until she meets an unlikely creature on the open water. After one fateful night she becomes thrusted into a world of mythical creatures and dangerous transformations, and must fight those around her to get back to her waiting ship.
8 132 - In Serial13 Chapters
Rewind The Classics 2021
Rewind The Classics is officially back! Hosted by 33 English, 26 International, and 3 Community profiles, Rewind The Classics 2021 will be rewinding and retelling hit classics this year.All Wattpaders who speak English, Turkish, French, German, Sinhala, Chinese, Thai, Hindi, Dutch, Portuguese, Korean, Indonesian, Arabic, Russian, and/or Spanish are welcome to participate in this international contest of four great categories and dynamic activities.What are you waiting for? Climb aboard the pumpkin carriage and meet us at the magnificent sky-high castle at the pinnacle of Wattpad Classics. Together we'll say "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Then...Let's REWIND THE CLASSICS!
8 73 - In Serial41 Chapters
The Hopeful, The Hardheaded and the Homework
School is a drag. Life can be monotonous and boring. But it doesn't have to be if you don't let it. A modern high school AU for the characters of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Primarily centred around Enoch O'Connor and Olive Elephanta (as their film selves).
8 138