《Unstable World》8. Family Time


2scd of April 2056 Switzerland / Bern (niedziela)

It was early in the morning. Sun was slowly rising. Osir was awake while Lucas was sleeping. He dressed and headed to the cafeteria. He ate his lunch as fast as he dressed and left the dormitory. It was Sunday so he had the whole day off.

Center school over the year only rebuilt part of the city from the river to the east. The school for espers was located in the middle of the city. On the south side, there was a military base and on the north was a residential area.

Osir was heading to the north. As he entered the residential area you could see that every meter is used for something. In place of the park, there was more like a camping ground because there were so many tents. In school, they said that around a hundred-thousand people live here but not many people are outside now. Maybe it’s too early or many of them are working in the field.

Osir took out a piece of paper. On the paper, there was some address. “Camp 2 / Tent nr. 13”. He didn’t know where it could be so he asked someone. Unluckily he stopped a man that looked angry.

“Excuse me? Do you know where I need to go to get to this place?” Asked Osir as he waved a paper in front of the man.

“Look, kid… Don’t piss me even more…” Answered the man. First, he was angry but he looked calmer when he saw part of the text on the paper. He grabbed it and said:

“Oh…” He was silent for a moment then answered “Go along this road and turn left before a statue.”

The man gave back the paper and looked at Osir as he was leaving him. He was in shock after seeing this address. Osir reached the statue. It was a statue of a bald man with one arm. In 2052 Europe had four Serpent Rank espers. He was one of them. Thanks to him ten airplanes with many people on them landed without any casualties but the price was his life.


“I think this is the statue? Wait… Statue of an American in Europe? Well, at least he did great things.”

Osir arrived at medic camp number two. You could see six lines of tents with red crosses on them. In front of each tent, there were medical supplies. As he walked by a few tents he saw a big bag laying on the ground. The wind moved a bag a little bit and Osir could see a face. It was the face of a man with shattered skin on his cheek that you could see his jaw and his teeth. He tried to ignore it but he got goosebumps after seeing it.

Finally, he stood in front of tent number 13. When he entered the tent, each way he looked he saw women laying in the beds. He walked to the left corner of the tent and there was a woman with long blond hair and white eyes. On her face, you could see a few small black stains.

“Hi, mom.” Said Osir.

“Oh… You came, Osir!”

Osir gently hugged his mum and then they smiled at each other.

“How have you been doing in school?”

“Ah… You know few days of learning normal stuff and a few days of training. Oh! And I’m the leader of my squad!”

“Leader? Isn’t it too much for you?”

“I don’t think so, at least for now.”

They were chatting about Osir’s school until he asked:

“Enough about me. How have you been doing?”

“My illness is stable and I’m not that lonely. I made a friend here but she is on a walk with her daughter now.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear.”

“Here she is.”

Osir looked at the entrance and saw a woman with short black hair and one red eye and one yellow. She was sitting in a wheelchair. She didn’t have a right leg. She and her daughter came to them and from close Osir could see that the daughter is actually Aria.


“Hi, Sofia!” Said Osir’s mother.

“Hi, Kamila! Is that your son?”

“Nice to meet you.” Said Osir.

“Nice to meet you too. So you are on the same team as Aria. She told me a lot about you.” As she said that Aria looked away to not make any eye contact with Osir.

It was slowly getting time for dinner so Aria and Osir were going to leave. As Aria was leaving Osir was stopped by Sofia.

“I heard that you are a smart boy so would you mind if I ask you for a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Please… take care of my daughter, she is pushing herself too much sometimes.”

“I’ll do my best.”

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