《Unstable World》6. Leader


Osir, Lucas, and Aria ended up going head to head one meter before the general and the first person to run past him was… It was a tie!

“General Mayer!” said Osir

“Who was the first?” asked Lucas

“To run past you?” asked barely breathing Aria.

“It was a draw.”

“AH! Come on! Ok then… Rock, Paper, Scissors!” Said Osir


“Rock! Paper! Scissors! SHOT!”

It was another tie. They did it again and again.

“ONE MORE TIME! Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shot!” Said Lucas and after that, he was the first one to lose. Only Osir and Aria were left. Every Other team decided on their leaders so they gathered around them and for some reason, it was the biggest entertainment for them since school began.

“What’s all the commotion about?” Said the General as he walked toward a group but the professor stopped him.

“Let them be. It’s not like they are fighting. They are playing rock, paper, scissors to choose a leader.” Said Olsen as he showed scissors with his fingers.

“So childish…”

“What do you expect from the kids?”

Osir and Aria exchanged glances and shouted “Rock, paper, scissors, shot!”

This time it wasn’t a draw. Osir showed rock but Aria showed paper. Osir fell to his knees like he lost everything and Aria showed only a little bit of excitement.

“Wait… WHY ARE YOU THE LEADER?! When you didn’t even want to join any team!?” Yelled Osir as he was lying on the ground.

“You wanted to play rock, paper, scissors so don’t complain.” Said Aria.

She walked to the general to inform him that she is a leader when Osir was still whining behind her. General whistled, he got everyone's attention.

“Since everyone got their teams and leaders we’ll start a simple test. We’ll move to another testing ground. There will be a two-story building with 4 rooms on each floor. In the building, there will be four clones. One of them will be the hostage. He’ll be wearing normal clothes. Your mission is to save the hostage. The worst team will have a bonus hour of training with me!”


Teams waited for their turns in locker rooms. General didn’t want to give an advantage to the last team that would see the strategy of previous teams. Two teams have already finished. One team looked perfectly fine, probably they passed and in the second team, there was only one guy knocked out. It was time for the third team. After them, Osir’s team will be tested.

The third team ended the fastest but they yelled at each other. Every one of them got burned clothes. Osir and the rest of them stood up and left the locker room. General gave them signals to start. Osir and Lucas looked at Aria at the same time and said:

“What’s the plan? Boss…”

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