《Zombie Survivor Diaries》Chapter 3: Tattooist Prologue


The Tattooist sits in her office, discussing a design for her customer, before she knew it she was caught, stuck thinking about the times before this, the times when everything was much more simple. Her inmates fulfilled simple wishes, tattoo patterns that did not seem in any way difficult; a tear next to an eye, a skull embedded on their shoulder, something sweet like a heart, their mothers name filling its outline. As time progressed, her job changed, became increasingly difficult , requests piled in, they were different, complicated. These integrate tattoos of a man and woman holding each other close while being consumed by a fire. It held special meaning, and importance, ‘until death do us part’, it was symbolic, a meaning greater than its appearance.. But to her, relationships were impermanent, never would they live up to their expectations, never would they last. Much like life, she thought to herself. At the end of the day, money was money and her appearance was close to her. She liked to prove she was the best of the best. Her customer was rather picky as right now she had shown her about 4 designs already none of which were to her liking. The latest design she came up with was luckily more to her preference and the couple decided on a price. 200$ for a smaller tattoo that was decently detailed. The woman looked sick as she tried to leave, so Tattooist slowly helped her walk and asked if she was okay. The woman didn't reply in any understandable way, the only thing that came out of her mouth was mumbles, something about her feeling lightheaded. Tattooist decided to grab some water for the lady, in the back of her office was a bathroom that she could use when necessary. Despite her being the only one allowed to use it she never really liked using it anyway. As she filled a glass of water she heard some more stumbling, it came directly from the room she just let the lady in. Tattooist rushed over, afraid the lady fell over and hit something. She didn't care for the lady in particular but she really couldn't risk being sued right now, her company meant a lot to her, it meant that her life was back on track and going in the right direction.But as she entered the lobby the woman was standing up looking directly at Tattooist. She changed, her body had growths all over her body, growths that werent there when she was with her just a moment ago. But that was not the only thing that happened as the woman rushed towards Tattooist, who was barely able to keep the woman off of her as the sudden lunge surprised her. Quickly she looked around to find something she could use to keep the woman off. She then realised the glass in her hand as she moved the woman off of herself. Then she threw the glass into the woman's face with all her might. It shattered into a thousand pieces, scattering onto the woman's body and the floor. It didn’t look like the woman would get up anytime soon, so Tattooist made her way into the back to grab her phone and stuff to call an ambulance. But as she made her way back to the front of the store while on the phone she noticed more people outside, all with these horrible growths on their bodies. Something was wrong, very wrong as 911 wasn’t responding either, the line kept ringing and ringing but there was no response. The people outside had not noticed her yet so this was her chance to go back into the building, grab some more supplies and what not. This entire situation looked like it came straight out of a movie and if her movie knowledge was correct she would get ripped apart if she moved out onto the street. Staying inside and thinking of a solution would be better… for now.

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