《I Can Respawn In The Apocalypse》Chapter 18: Twinkle Twinkle


We finished creating a total of 96 Molotov Cocktails.

They were made using the six pack glass bottles.

They had 16 six packs of those which we found in the front of the store and the back.

After emptying out the bottles we turned on all the gasoline pumps and started filling them up.

You start filling it up until it reaches about ⅔ of the bottle, after that you add in ⅓ motor oil. The motor oil is used to help make the fire burn larger and longer. The last step which is a crucial step when making it is the cloth that you use as a top and a fuse.

You first fold a piece of ripped cloth in half, this makes the cloth double layered, then you tie the cloth into a knot. That knot will be stuck inside of the mouth of the bottle and should block the gasoline from getting out.

That is how you make a DIY Molotov Cocktail.

With 96 of those we have like 96 bombs so it's gonna be really useful when taking down zombies. This will be enough for now.

Now the next problem I have is what should I do with this guy. I look at the man who is currently cuffed to the doors of the refrigerator.

I already have 38 people, including me and my sister would be 40 mouths to feed.

Then there's this guy… a criminal.

He's not really needed. My team is already way to big…

This apocalypse is a brutal one, so why should I care if he's going to die or not…

Lets just use him as bait.

I have everyone get back inside the trucks and police cruisers and then unlock the handcuffs to this criminal.

The man looked at me with hateful eyes. Eyes which seemed to say he'll skin me alive.


I looked back at him and with a smirk I took out my Glock when he was busy running away I shot him. Shots in both his feet were shot to prevent him from running away.


Screaming attracts zombies, but the thing that attracts zombies more is blood.

Fresh blood from an unturned human is the most attractive thing to a zombie.

With this guy immobile he'll be the perfect bait to lure the zombies into the gas station.

Previously I blockaded it with the trucks so that the zombies wouldn't get to us when we were looting the place.

Now that I have a Bait to lure them in I can safely have the Trucks drive away.

I have them drive towards my address. It's about time to get home.

But before that let's blow up this gas station.

I let the Trucks Drive away first at full speed after I grabbed a lighter and a loudspeaker.

"Come one come all to the Gas Station of death. Zombies are VIP Customers here so we will give you all a great burial place to die for free, you didn't hear me wrong. I'll say it again: we will make sure to cremate all of you for FREE 100% FREE so make sure you come to the Gas Station of Death. Remember to bring your brothers, sisters, parents and uncles for It is a 100% FREE Burial Place. I promise you won't regret it."

After shouting out a heart warming advertisement from the bottom of my heart for the Zombies I go inside the convenience store counter and turned on all the gasoline tanks and input a 100 dollars into the nearest pump.

I go up to the gasoline pump and held down the trigger.

The gasoline started gushing out and soon formed a puddle on the ground.


With the pump in hand I started drawing.

Circles, Triangles, Squares stars. I drew a whole variety of shapes and in a variety of sizes.

The Zombies were creeping in and the criminal I caught was trying desperately to get crawl into the Convenience store.

It wouldn't be long before the zombies got to me as they were only a couple of feet away.

I didn't really care at that point due to no fear of death and just continued to draw stars...

While I drew the little stars I started to hum...

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When this blazing hell is gone,

When all zombies burnt upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.

When the Zombies in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark;

He could not see where to go,

If you did not Ignite the fuse.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (ZOMBIE Edition)

By the time I finished singing the Zombies were already upon me.

It's time to go. I take my pump and started to douse gasoline on the machine itself.

I took out the lighter in my pocket and then.

With a slight quick rubbing motion on the lighters spark wheel it caused the fuse that it let out ignite.

When the Zombies in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark;

For he could not see where to go,

If you had not ignited the fuse.

The flame from that tiny spark jumped off of my lighter and spread to all the gasoline in the area.

In the short span of 10 seconds all the tiny stars I drew where lit.

The flame reached the gasoline tank in a matter of seconds and soon there was a...


The gasoline tank exploded.

The zombies that tried to kill me were incinerated.

There were about 200 zombies in the perimeter of the gas station so 20,000 Evolution points where earned in those few seconds.

But of course I wasn't there to see the scene of the explosion for I died the minute the tank exploded.

I was sitting inside the dark black room and a countdown timer was shown.


[Do you wish to Respawn?]


I just waited there for after every few seconds a notification popped up.

[Congratulations you have killed a Zombie.]

[You earn 100 Evolution Points.]

[Congratulations you have killed a Zombie.]

[You earn 100 Evolution Points.]

[Congratulations you have killed a Zombie.]

[You earn 100 Evolution Points.]

The ringing was nonstop and there were hundreds of them.

The constant ringing was driving me nuts so I simply put the ringing on silent mode.

Finally some piece and quiet.

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