《Written In Stone》Carson ~ Chapter 6:the escape


The door banged open, it was the fire guards and they were angry and weren't alone; the shadow guards were with them. Suddenly gunnar melted into the shadows, I sent a wave of fire at them and before it reached them Cale sprayed it with water and creating steam but it wasn't steam it was stone it was raining stones suddenly the stone collected into a crudewall then a hole appeared on the wall behind us and some rebel extractors walked through the door suddenly a Chyklos jumped on a extractor, “no puddles stop!” said cale as he made a “come at me motion, making the chyklos zoom towards Cale

“Where'd you get that” I asked “I have my ways” he says then in a

gruff voice the leader (you can tell it's the leader if they have a diamond hard hat) of the rebel extractors said “come on, the wall won't last forever” he says. We rush through the opening as it starts to close and then the ground opens up into a slick slide, so slick it was like it was coated in butter.

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