《Imperial Academy》Chapter 6


Morgan’s sleep was fitful and he felt mana enter his body several times during the time he slept which might not be strange when under the care of a healer but was still rather unpleasant. As even in his half aware state he could sense the mana invade his body, he even had a vague feeling that it was different mana every time. By the time he awoke his body was feeling better and his stomach grumbled. He opened his eyes and forced his body into a seated position only to freeze halfway.

Sitting on the sole chair was neither Igor nor Eva the female healer but an old man, the old man. Dressed in his unadorned grey robe and with his wispy white hair in disarray the truly ancient looking man sat reading a stack of papers. Morgan was unable to see the old man’s eyes but considering the speed at which he flipped through the pages he must be reading incredibly swiftly.

“What do you think?” The voice of an old man that Morgan did not recognize broke the silence.

Morgan saw that there was one more person in the room besides the old man. This man was wearing a blue robe with golden tread marking him as an Academy Grandmaster but Morgan could not recall having seen him before.

“Yes, it is Sylthian disease.” The grey robed man spoke in a high pitched and surprisingly upbeat voice that contrasted starkly with sombre voice of the Grandmaster. “Ahh you're awake, good!” He smiled and his golden eyes seemed to see into Morgan’s very soul. “You my dear boy. Are very lucky.” His voice sounded rather amused as he leaned in closer to Morgan. “What is your name?”

“Umm…” Morgan looked between the two men before answering. “Morgan, masters.” At the raised eyebrow he pushed himself up into a fully seated position and gave the best bow he could while seated. “Morgan Kiath.” He was feeling rather nervous being in a room with one of the three Academy Grandmasters along with the oddly upbeat old man whose intensity was almost off-putting.

“Nice to meet you Morgan Kiath, I am Aspartos Mudreth.” He gestured at the old man in the blue robe next to him. “This is Grandmaster Hypocra.” At this Hypocra gave a slight nod of his head. “Hypocra is the Master of the healers.” Morgan gave the man another seated bow. After which Hypocra was about to speak when Aspartos beat him to the punch.

“I’ll be frank with you Morgan.” He suddenly spoke in a far more serious tone of voice. “It is a miracle that you are still alive.” Morgan just sat there a bit stunned for a moment but recovered as he had heard similar things before. “Ohh, not the first time you heard that, ey?” Aspartos seemed to be reading his mind and his smile grew wider revealing surprisingly white and even teeth. “Well then let’s get to the point then.” He paused. Morgan noticed that he was holding his breath and forced himself to breathe. He wondered who this man was that could basically ignore a Grandmaster on the Academy grounds.

“You have Sylthian disease. This means that your nerves are being systematically destroyed over time.” He paused and leaned back. “As far as we know you are the only person who has lived past his eight birthday.” He watched Morgan’s reaction as he waited for a response.

“I was told that I could not possibly have Sylithan disease by the healers my father hired though…” Morgan spoke uncertainty.


“Yes that is the logical conclusion.” Aspartos said and nodded sagely “They say that simply because you are alive which to be fair. Most would argue is the correct assumption.”

“Even I would have come to the same conclusion before I met you.” Hypocra said in an authoritative voice. “As in with hundreds of recorded cases over the long history of the Empire there is not a single child that has been recorded to survive. So as far as we can tell, surviving Sylthian for as long as you have should’ve been impossible.” He said it with conviction born from experience. Morgan suddenly felt like his mouth was filled with sandpaper and his next word came out as a croak.

“Then…” Morgan was about to question if he really had Sylthian when Aspartos raised a hand interrupting him.

“That is why your case is so unbelievable that it could easily be considered a Miracle.” He laughed. “Even I have never seen such an incredible series of coincidences.” he smiled warmly before his face turned serious. “However miracles never last.” His words sent a chill down the spine of Morgan and he opened his mouth to speak but did not find the words. Aspartos let Morgan flounder for a bit before grunting and speaking in a calming voice.

“I might however have a way to save you.” He let his words sink in before continuing. “You see, the reason I came back to the Academy is to test a theory of mine.” This confused Morgan as he could not see how this was connected to himself. “To test my theory I need students that fit certain conditions. You happen to be one of, if not the most suitable candidate for my test.” He leaned forward again, his eyes now blue like a winter lake. “Therefore your survival is in my best interest. However…” He made sure Morgan was giving him his full attention before he kept speaking. “Treating you will not only be expensive and difficult but will also be a long and taxing process that in truth might kill you faster than you disease.”

Aspartos words held a weight to them that came not only from his old age and personal might but also from his unflinching confidence. Morgan swallowed hard as Aspartos’s rather overwhelming presence dominated his full attention and Morgan could feel cold sweat on his back as he shuddered. He could not imagine what kind of test this man would need him for. “I am not very good at magic or fighting, what could he want me for?” Morgan’s doubt must have been obvious on his face as Aspartos explained.

“What I need is a bit special.” Aspartos said in his usual tone of voice. “What I need is students with as low mana capacity as possible. “He smirked and Morgan felt rather embarrassed as his tiny mana capacity was pointed out. “That along with a mana vessel that is as malleable as possible.” He rested his head on his hand. “This along with the tenacity and willpower not to fail, which I believe you have plenty of.” He smiled. “You even have far greater mana control than I could have hoped for.” He grinned as he said this. “There are some other things as well but for now you are the only one who met my requirements!” He leaned forward and Morgan felt a rather bony hand ruffle his hair. “Now, back to your treatment.” He took out a paper from the stack and handed the rest to Hypocra. “Since treating you will require quite the effort not only on your part but also on mine I have a few stipulations.” He pointed at the paper that was even with a glance clearly a contract. “If you want me to treat you…” He paused dramatically. “You will have to agree to sign a contract with me.” Saying this, his finger started to glow softly and as he passed his fingers over the paper the letters started to glow softly.


“A magical contract?” Morgan asked torn between excitement and reluctance and Aspartos cackled.

“It is nothing bad.” He patted Morgan on the shoulder. “It is a simple apprenticeship contract with a few extra stipulations to compensate for the cost of the treatment. Along with some insurance should the apprenticeship be unfeasible after your treatment.” He said reassuringly and handed the contract over to Morgan.

As Morgan slowly began reading though the contract Aspartos produced a small dagger seemingly out of thin air. He looked like he was about to pick his thumb with it when Hypocra cleared his throat to interrupt and gave him a sharp look

“What? Ohh…” Aspartos looked over at Morgan with a sheepish smile. “Do you want a Lawmaster to look over the contract before signing it?” He sounded a bit unhappy about having to ask this and he half-glared at Hypocra with a sullen expression that could easily have belonged on a child.

“No umm… I’m fine.” Morgan said as he was just about done reading the short contract with its lightly shining letters.

“Umm are you sure? Things like this are normally supervised by at least a lawadept…” Hypocra said but became silent at the glare from Aspartos.

Morgan read through the contract an extra time and found that it was not much different from a normal apprentice except for a few amendments. Such as that Aspartos was not responsible for Morgan’s wellbeing during the treatment period and that during said treatment period Morgan would assist Aspartos in his work. Lastly it added that the ten year apprenticeship would only be realized if the treatment was fully successful, in case it failed Morgan would be obligated to work as Aspartos assistant or at the Academy for a period of five years to repay the investment. Aside from this it was the standard apprenticeship contract with their respective responsibilities and rights listed.

“Isn't ten years a bit long for apprenticeships?” Morgan wondered aloud provoking a snort from Aspartos.

“It is far too short in fact.” He answered. “If I could I would have liked it to be at least twice as long, but the headmistress told me that was ‘unreasonable’.” He grumbled. “How does she expect me to train a true mage in ten years?! Absurd.” He really sounded upset but he recovered in no time. “Well if you are done reading should we sign the contract?” He smiled and Morgan nodded. It was clear that Hypocra was not all too happy about this but he apparently was unable to stop Aspartos. So Aspartos simply pricked his thumb and pressed it against the bottom right of the contract leaving a bloody thumbprint. Morgan took the knife and with a wince he pricked his own thumb and pressed it to where Aspartos was pointing in the bottom left. As soon as he lifted his thumb from the paper it burst into blue flames vanishing before Morgan’s very eyes in a plume of blue smoke that faded just as fast. Morgan who had never seen a magic contract signed before jump further back into his bed startled.

“Hahaha!” Aspartos cackled happily. “Never seen a magical contract have you?” He grinned broadly and reached out and ruffled Morgan’s dirt brown hair. “I will start treatment tomorrow, so rest well today.” He gave a wave and promptly left followed by Hypocra who gave a slight bow before shutting the door.

Only now did it all start sinking in. He looked out of the window and saw that the sun was on the way down and he felt his stomach grumble. He sighed. “Can I really be cured?” He looked at the nightstand where the contract had vanished. “Who in the name of all the gods have I agreed to become an apprentice to?” He shuddered slightly thinking about how little he knew about his new Master. “Well that is if he can cure me…” He let that line of thinking die down and was about to get up when his door was pulled open.

“You feelin better?” Marih came into the room followed by Louie and Ross. “I brought some food!” He said and placed down the tray filled with mashed potato, a side of bacon and some cabbage.

“Yeah, I'm better.” He looked away embarrassed. “Thanks. I’m sorry for worrying you.” This caused all three to laugh.

“Looks like you're doing better now, I must say I was a bit surprised yesterday, you looked dying.” Louie said with a shake of the head.

“Yeah he even looked paler than you Louie!” Marith said, giving Ross a serious nod.

“Rude.” Louie narrowed his eyes at Marith. “You're not wrong though.” He looked away with a shake of the head in what was a mix of resentment and amusement which caused the others and even Morgan to laugh.

“Well anyways eat, you must be starving.” Morgan's stomach growled at Marith’s statement making Morgan wonder if his stomach had a mind of its own. As Morgan ate the three others discussed the day and a half since he fell ill. He was surprised to hear that at least eight different healers had seen him in his sleep. This made him a bit uncomfortable, thinking that a bunch of people he had never met had entered his room in his sleep. He also learned how Aspartos, his future Master, had heard of Morgan’s illness when Marith had informed Alina. He had apparently been in his office yet had overhead Marith and had come over out of nowhere and inserted himself into the conversation. He had asked a few questions then strode off in the middle of the conversation humming happily. Morgan shuddered slightly. “What kind of Master have I contracted with?” He thought once again and felt that his stomach suddenly hurt. He did not stop eating however. As the conversation naturally tapered off and Morgan’s eating pace slowed Louie who had been leaning against the door as there were simply not enough seats for the three guests even with Marith sitting on the foot of the bed spoke.

“So who is that old man anyway?” The three looked at Morgan. “I heard from the other that he is an incredibly powerful Archmage or something right? Though I can’t say I have ever heard of an Archmage before…” He trailed off.

“He is called Aspartos Mudreth, and from what little I have seen he is a rather powerful mage and he also appears to not be playing with a full deck of cards.” Marith said quietly as if the old man could still hear him.

“Well…” Morgan was unsure of how to explain beyond what Marith had said so he simply decided to tell them what had happened since he woke up. After an explanation that was easily the longest Morgan had spoken in months he was surprised to see that the one that was most serious and spoke first was Marith.

“Is that old man sure that he can cure you?” He sounded sceptical. “My little sister had Sylthian and she passed on when she was but seven.” He wore a sad expression. “Irrelevant of how much my father offered no one could save her.” He statement sent the room into silence that was only broken when Marith sighed and ruffled his head in frustration. “Don’t be so gloomy, I am just worried if he can keep his word.”

Morgan was about to say that he would only realize that he had been given no proof that Aspartos could in fact cure him. As he closed his mouth he came to the conclusion that even if he was confident that Aspartos could cure him that confidence was basically unfounded. It was based purely on his perception of a man he had just met. He was considering how to explain his conviction to his friends when his train of thought came to an abrupt halt when his thoughts landed on the word friends. “Is it really so easy to make friends?” He had to fight tears. “If this is how easy it is to make friends…” He involuntary hid his face in his hands “Then why... why have I been alone all this time?” He quickly bent over his food and stuffed his face to hide the unbidden tears and took a few deep breaths to ensure his voice would not break.

“I have no way of proving that Aspartos can but, I think that he can.” He pretended to wipe his face after eating making sure there were no tears in his eyes before looking up at his friends smiling. “Also he said it would be very expensive and I doubt that anyone would be willing to spend a lot of money if they do not have confidence in the outcome.”

“I suppose that is true.” Marith seemed like he was about to continue but Louie beat him to it.

“Well there is not much we can do about it. Anyhow Morgan looks tired so we should go for today.” Louie walked over and patted Morgan on the shoulder. “Also Aspartos said that he would start treatment tomorrow right? So tell us more than yeah?” Marith looked like he was about to argue but Ross glared at him making it clear that he agreed with Louie. This caused Marith to huff in annoyance but he still stood and took the now empty tray from Morgan.

As the three said their goodbyes and left, Morgan felt incredibly drowsy but also very warm inside. He was feeling hopeful that tomorrow would actually be better than today, thinking that this time, even his sickness would not be able to get in the way.

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