《Mistwalker Xyn and the Cult of Eldritch Evil》Chapter 38 — Deciding The Way Forward


Chapter 38 — Deciding The Way Forward

Rael slashed a persistent swamp horror and the grasping swamp grass with his flaming swords as he spotted the beacon for Arienos’ camp. Or what he assumed was the location of the half-elf mage’s camp.

Continuing his run through the dangerously aggressive swamp, he soon cut his way into a clearing marked by warding stones. Tents were being set up and a handful of elven rangers were guarding the perimeter.

“Ah, Rael! You made it,” a voice called out to him from by the tents, soon followed by the mage himself.

“Arienos,” Rael returned the greeting, striding over to clasping the offered hand.

Arienos gave his hand a firm grip before letting go. “It’s good to see you. Iressa is here already and is handling the wards. The others should arrive tonight.”

“Must be bad, if you’re calling in so many top explorers for this,” Rael observed with a grimace.

“It’s bad,” Arienos agreed. “And getting worse. We suspect the Zogg has recovered all except for one of the Remnants and is growing more powerful by the day. Iressa says we have at most four days before the Zogg’s divine realm becomes too large to seal and too dangerous to assault.”

“Is there a plan?”

Arienos nodded. “Kaylie is working the Ester Capital, and there’s a chance our agents in that human kingdom can acquire an artifact that might allow us to indefinitely seal the Zogg in ice.”

“That sounds promising…” Rael allowed. “What if they fail?”

Arienos grimaced. “We’ll have to wound it enough for Iressa to seal it the hard way.”

Rael grunted. That was pretty much how it always went.

“Go ahead and get settled in, set up your tent. I need to contact Jed Valence and coordinate our teams.” Arienos motioned to the surrounding jungle-looking swamp. “Feel free to cull any swamp horrors and scout around the entrance to the divine realm, but be careful not to get too close. We don’t want to force a confrontation just yet.”

“Alright, I’ll get to it. Let’s hope Kaylie’s people come through in time.”

From where he and Yillian were comfortably seated on the couches and chairs lining the room’s perimeter rather than at the table in the center of the room where Ayla and Alennil were, Xyn snacked on cheese and meat provided by the duke’s servants and looked around the large ‘conference’ room packed full of the nobles that assisted the rescue of the cultists’ victims and in the battle with the Justicars.

Fredrick was there with his crystal-sword knight and the greying-mained human diviner from Ayla’s home town. Of the three, only Fredrick was seated at the table, with Sir Dyne occupying a couch and still recovering from his injuries—if the bandages and splint on his wrist and leg were any indication. Ayla’s friend, Marleyne, was there with her earth-mage brother, both seated at the table together with Ayla’s brother, the duke’s ice-mage son, and a knight who was apparently Ayla’s brother’s captain. Standing behind the duke was an advisor of some kind whose clothing suggested an inflated sense of self-worth. Master Rethan had also chosen to attend as a representative for the Society’s presence in Haverin City, which seemed to cause some awkwardness among the humans for some reason.

The reason for Xyn and his fellow explorers’ presence was mainly due to Sarlen meeting with Master Rethan and convincing the catkin poison master that they’d all be safest resting at the ducal palace in case the Justicars made another attempt at their arrest. Jessi, Hoss, and Klode and other senior explorers under Master Rethan’s responsibility were watching over the chaos-essence victims and making preparations for them to be discreetly transported to Ravenhill.


Temporary permission came from the local duke almost immediately, but it also came with a demand for a meeting and report on what had happened. Xyn still wasn’t sure the human was on their side, but from the way Ayla was acting with deference, it was clear she thought the man to be important to the success of their efforts.

“…by pretending to join them, I obtained a map to the ‘farm’ where the research is being performed,” Sarlen defended. “Because a diviner should be able to track them using the map, I thought it more advantageous to let them escape.”

Xyn’s eyes narrowed at what the pompous ice mage was saying, his tail curling and striking the couch.

“Still, to let them escape after what they did…” Ayla grumbled.

“Indeed,” the duke agreed. “And for cultists to have entered and exited my castle undetected and unreported when the plan was to capture them—going as far as your personal quarters, Sarlen—is also upsetting.”

Alennil made a placating gesture from beside Ayla. “If you’ll forgive me for speaking, Your Grace, Sir Sarlen is right that I can use the map to track them, and that brings the possibility we can rescue the rest of the kidnapped people—maybe even put a stop to this.”

Sarlen gave an appreciative nod toward Alennil.

Xyn calmed his tail. The confirmation of this duke’s ice mage son letting the leaders escape riled his anger, but what Alennil was saying made sense. And, putting a stop to the Xogg would mean he could get back to his real mission. He still didn’t like it, though.

“Even so, I would have preferred to have been directly informed,” the duke chastised his son then sighed. “What’s done is done. The reason you are all here is for us to decide on what actions need to be taken next. The involvement of the King’s justicars puts me in a difficult situation—and if one of the royals is behind the terrible actions taken here in my city or if vampires have infested the king’s palace…”

“If vampires have gotten to the King…” Ayla’s brother’s captain worried. “It could lead to the fall of the kingdom and war between the dukes.”

The advisor nodded his agreement. “If they manipulate the truth of events, we might be made to stand alone against the others—a truly undesirable situation.”

“The justicars not being able to produce a writ likely means they aren’t acting under the king's direct orders,” the ice mage, Sarlen, volunteered.

“One can hope,” Duke Haverin allowed. “But they will surely return with one now that justicars have been attacked—unless doing so would expose their activities to the King. Lady Ayla, should I choose to protect you and your explorer companions, at least here in Haverin City’s ducal palace you will be safe until they get a writ from the King.”

“We appreciate your consideration, Your Grace. I apologize for the trouble my actions have brought,” Ayla quickly accepted with her head bowed.

The duke remained silent for a while, his gaze seeming to judge Ayla. “Your efforts may be what saves this country. Or we may all end up considered traitors to be executed or imprisoned, our lands taken away and our families disgraced or worse.”

Xyn observed the humans as they grimaced and shifted uncomfortably at the duke’s words.

Leaning back in his chair, the duke continued speaking, “With the politics what they are and an unknown extent of Vampire infestation remaining in the city, I’m hesitant to commit resources elsewhere. My further worry is that without Sarlen’s or Sir Denathen’s aid, the assault on this ‘farm’ will fail—particularly should the justicars be persistent in their pursuit of Lady Ayla—and losing valuable mages or knights will only further weaken us. So, I’m also reluctant to allow such an expedition. And assuming you still lay claim to your honorary knighthood, Lady Ayla, through the Ardens and your father, you are currently one of my vassals.”


“I am, Your Grace,” Ayla replied firmly. “I have not abandoned my oath.”

“Good,” Duke Haverin replied with an approving nod. “Now, reservations aside, with the risk Sarlen took, to not make use of the information gained would be a waste of a hard-won opportunity. Which means we need options with a viable chance of success. Suggestions?”

The ice mage looked smug at his father’s words, but none of the nobles at the table had any ideas to volunteer—or at least, none wanted to go first.

“Hmm… if I may speak, Your Grace,” Master Rethan spoke up into the awkward silence.

The looks the catkin received from the humans were too nuanced for Xyn to discern their meaning, but he suspected many weren’t particularly friendly.

Duke Haverin motioned for the catkin to proceed.

“As you heard, these cultists captured and experimented on my daughter,” Master Rethan stated, black claws extending even though his voice sounded relaxed. “That makes this personal for me. I have a fair number of skilled explorers here in Haverin City that will join me out of respect and personal obligation, others who will take missions for coin. While the Society isn’t in the business of solving your problems, stopping these sorts of organizations from disrupting the balance is the main reason the Society exists.”

“Can your people ensure the success of a mission to this ‘farm’ location?” the duke bluntly asked.

“Against justicars, vampires, and tower mages?” Master Rethan shrugged. “If I were going along the chances would improve significantly, but I suspect my talents would be better used coordinating a joint defense of the city and protecting the residents of this palace against further infiltration. Instead, I have two senior explorers I would recommend for the mission—a sound element specialist who will provide significant direct combat strength against individuals and groups and a stealth specialized scout who can assist with infiltration and threat disposal.”

“An assassin?” the fancy-dressed advisor blurted out, aghast.

“Some might call him that,” Master Rethan admitted then the corner of his mouth wryly tugged upward. “And I’ve heard word that Grand Explorer Kaylie of the Thousand Faces is investigating the situation in your Tower of Magic, for what that’s worth.”

More uncomfortable shifting happened among the humans, but this time Fredrick couldn’t keep silent, “To have dangerous foriegn shadows lurking in our cities like spiders casting out their web of influence dancing to the tune of unknown puppeteers doing who knows what and recruiting our brave knights and mages to nefarious purpose, is it truly allowed by the king and not treason to conspire with them?!”

Ayla rolled her eyes and scoffed at the baron, “You mean like our Tower of Magic joining with vampires and Priests of Malor to kidnap subjects for mad experiments and recruiting discontent mages into a cult that might well bring about the end of the world?”

Xyn couldn’t help a smirk at the stunned expression on the soft baron as the human sputtered.

“My d-dear Ayla! Surely you can’t be comparing the two?!”

“The Cartographer Society is not the arm of any country. I became an explorer of my own choice and have not been asked to do anything that would betray my oaths as a knight.” Ayla’s eyes flashed with power. “Aid has been offered in our time of need and you would have us fight among ourselves, Fredrick?”

“But Ayla, how can you be so sure they aren’t just using you to get access to other nobles to take advantage of our situation?” Ayla’s friend asked, her eyes nervously glancing at Master Rethan as she spoke. The noble girl’s older brother nodded in agreement.

“Yes, that is the concern indeed,” the duke agreed. “Aid offered in a time of need is often the most suspicious of all and is often accompanied by a price to be discovered later.”

“It is as Your Grace has said,” Master Rethan confirmed. “While I am personally motivated to assist for my own reasons, as the Master of the Haverin City branch of the Cartographers Guild, I represent the interests of the Society in this city, and the Society does not give out its aid as an act of charity. One way or another, the Society will handle this matter, and the obligation owed will be higher if the problem has to be solved for you rather than through cooperation.”

“You dare to threaten a duke of the Kingdom of Ester?!” Fredrick gasped in outrage then his brows drew down in confusion when the duke didn’t seem to share his outrage.

The duke made a wry half-smile. “Though I laud your passion and agree with the sentiment, Baron Fredrick, there are some entities in this world that it is best to recognize as existing beyond our reach. Explorer Rethan’s ‘Society’ is one such entity. That’s not to say there aren’t some who have chosen a path other than cooperation and become an example to enlighten the rest of us. As difficult as it is to admit, we should consider ourselves fortunate their Shadow Council hasn’t taken such interest so as to ask for something other than mutual cooperation.”

Surprise was followed by nervous glances being exchanged by the humans, with Ayla’s friend giving Ayla worried looks and glancing Xyn’s and Yillian’s way a few times. Fredrick looked more pale than usual, and Ayla’s brother had a stern expression with his lips pressed into a thin line. The others also wore what Xyn would consider disgruntled or worried expressions, with the exception of Sarlen who seemed to have already known about the true nature of the Cartographer’s Society.

“Explorer Rethan, if I were to accept your offer and thereby giving someone of your skills and affiliation free access to this palace… I would be placing all the nobles living here and their families at risk simply on my judgement of your honor and your organization's goodwill.” Duke Haverin rubbed his forehead for a while as if the matter was causing a headache then leaned forward and met Master Rethan with a serious gaze. “But if the cultists can so easily infiltrate even our personal quarters, perhaps it is indeed the lesser of evils.”

Gasps echoed out from the advisor and several of the nobles gathered, Ayla’s brother included.

{Ayla, Yillian, Xyn, I have updates from Kaylie and Arienos.}

Xyn shared a surprised glance with Ayla and Yillian.

{Master Valence, this might be good timing as we are currently meeting with Duke Haverin to discuss what to do next. Master Rethan is here with us, and thus far the duke seems receptive to assisting.}

It was Yillian who answered, his reply coming through the amulet as the humans objected over their safety and that of their families and a pointless discussion ensued.

{Winning over the duke’s support would be helpful, maybe even critical. Be careful not to disrespect the duke as you listen.

I’ll try to be succinct but there's a lot to get through. Let me start by giving you notice that your investigation mission is complete, and you are being assigned two new emergency missions:

First, Kaylie has discovered the location of the Orb of Endless Ice which can seal the Zogg in ice. It is stored in a vault requiring a spatial magic key which has yet to be located. The orb will need to be retrieved and delivered to Arienos’ camp in Mirewood as soon as possible.

Second, the cultists still have a Remnant at a location they are calling the ‘farm’. If Xogg`Shriloth’s already-split-off avatar crosses human lands to retrieve the Remnant like it has been doing across the lizardman lands, the result will be a disaster which might empower the land-god to an extent we can no longer contain—particularly if it consumes a city or large town. This Remnant must be returned to Mirewood and preferably a place where it can be sealed along with the Xogg and its roaming avatar.

You need to accomplish these tasks within three days. After that, the land god will become too powerful to stop with the current resources in the region. Dividing the tasks among you may be the only way to accomplish them in time.}

Shocked by the news and the new missions, Xyn and his companions shared another look—one that didn’t go unnoticed.

“Is there something wrong, Lady Ayla?” Duke Haverin asked.

“Ah, no, Your Grace. There’s nothing wrong,” Ayla replied, speaking both aloud and through the amulet, adding, “We are currently communicating with Master Explorer Valence, who has new information about the current situation.”

The duke made a gesture of permission with his hand. “Proceed.”

All eyes in the room were now awaiting the results of their communication.

As the most senior initiate in their group of three, Yillian again took the lead.

{Retrieving the Remnant will be difficult. Alennil told us that a Priest of Malor is needed to safely move a Remnant. We have a map to the location of the ‘farm’, there’s a possibility we could capture a Priest of Malor there.}

{Though risky, it’s probably the best chance we can hope for. Is it possible you will be able to achieve that in time to assist with the orb’s retrieval?}

{Unfortunately, the location isn’t close and might not be close to any usable teleportation points.}

Xyn was already thinking that the orb’s vault might be something he could possibly overcome in a way the others—even his grandmother—couldn’t.

{Master Valence, I might be able to help with retrieving the orb. I would need to know more about the magic protecting the vault, but my newly-created Illusion Step might let me get inside even without the key.}

{Xyn, I will inform Kaylie. She’ll be awaiting you at the Lonesome Braggart in the capital city and has asked that you bring a Tower mage with you and to arrive by teleport, if possible. You may want to seek the assistance of your fellow society members there in Haverin City. Yillian as well.}

{I will.}

{Master Rethan seems willing to provide a pair of senior explorers to assist us, and seems open to providing more.}

{That’s good to hear, Yillian. Thank him for me.}

{Of course.}

At the duke’s impatient eyebrow raise, Ayla began filling him in about the news and their new missions.

{Master Valence, the Abbot here at the Temple of Ellnys say that we can still cure some of the recently turned vampires if the Vampire Lord is killed… is there anything than can be done?}

{You’re in luck then, Yillian. The Vampire Lord is already dead. Slain by Kaylie. Is there anything else? Ayla?}

“A Remnant? At the farm?” Alennil blurted out in surprise when Ayla got to that part, and Ayla motioned for him to hold his questions for a moment as she responded to Master Valence.

{Ah, I’m here, Master Valence. After seeing what these cultists did here in Haverin City, I can’t leave the kidnapped people at the ‘farm’ to their fate. I want to go with Yillian.}

{Considering what happened with the justicars, it might be for the best for you to stay away from any large cities. Alright, I’ll allow it, but stay alert and remember: the justicars are diviners.}

Xyn was disappointed, but he also admired Ayla’s determination to bring justice to these despicable cultists with her own hands. Maybe he was even a bit jealous. He wouldn’t waver though. The orb was clearly the more important task, and maybe one that only he could do. With the time constraint, they would have to split up.

As Ayla resumed her report for the nobles, Yillian had another question.

{Um, Master Valence? The duke here is worried about Ester’s king having been compromised by the vampires. Is there any information on that? It might help with our negotiations for aid.}

{There is. Kaylie has reported that the king was not involved in the conspiracy and is optimistic that he will take action now that he has been informed.}

{Really?! How in the hells did Xyn’s grandmother…?! And so quickly?!}

Master Valence chuckled at Yillians reaction before giving a last bit of advice:

{Take advantage of any help from the duke that you can. These are missions of the utmost priority. Failure may lead to an uncountable number of deaths and the fall of Ester. Possibly the elven lands and Beastlands as well.}

Xyn saw Yillian swallow at the extent of their responsibility, and Ayla paused to stare at them for a moment before a question drew her attention away.

{We’ll do our best.}

{Good luck. Contact me if you have any difficulties with the negotiations or anything new to report.}

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