《Mistwalker Xyn and the Cult of Eldritch Evil》Chapter 15 — The Depths of Mastery


Chapter 15 — The Depths of Mastery

Admittedly, most cultists didn’t have the best home-lives, or they probably wouldn’t be cultists. But that didn’t mean they didn’t have any responsibilities at all.

It had been almost two weeks since Fenton Ravenhill threw himself into the Ancient One, why the sudden rush to collect his research now? But as the lowest in seniority, most of the thankless tasks fell to him.

And so, here he was, traveling with a fellow cultist, doubtlessly because the higher-ups believed they should always work in pairs or something.

“Let’s get something to eat and wait until after the town goes to sleep to make our move,” the hooded guy known as ‘Unseen’ decided as they stood before one of the inns in Ravenhill.

“Sure, sounds good to me.”

Why the guy wanted to be known as ‘Unseen’… Alennil had no clue.

Xyn let the obscuring mists around him and Yillian dissipate as Ayla and her master approached.

For there to be a land god here explained the strong Shadow energy Xyn felt coming from the forest beyond the wall… and around most of the town really. After learning of his Illusion Aspect, though frustrated, Xyn had occasionally wondered whether adding attunements for Shadow and Light to his cultivation would improve the usefulness and effectiveness of his illusions. Unfortunately, Shadow and Light energy sources weren’t particularly common. This was an opportunity not to be missed, and he would have to take advantage of it before leaving Ravenhill.

Xyn’s eyes widened upon feeling Master Garrin’s aura as he stepped out of the training hall with Ayla. The man’s presence was like inky black feathers. The layers of feathers seemed to be so black that they contained an almost infinite depth. This man was strong! Maybe as strong as Master Arienos!

Having found another master worthy of training under, Xyn bowed and saluted by bringing his fists together. “Master Garrin, this unworthy disciple thanks you for your hospitality.”

“Hooh, calling yourself unworthy would reflect poorly on my most promising disciple. You have my thanks for seeing Ayla safely returned to us.” The man smirked as he evaluated Xyn and Yillian with a long look each. “I’m quite interested in who your masters are.”

Xyn’s heart beat with pride at the compliment.

“This is Xyn, master. He learned the Way of Dancing Petals from Kaylie of the Thousand Faces,” Ayla answered for him and then indicated Yillian, “This is Yillian, he is an apprentice under a master-mage named Arienos.”

“The legendary Eternal Flower and one of the few Talveni Master of Elements. You’ve made some good friends, Ayla.”

Ayla’s cheeks reddened at the praise. “Thank you, master.”

Xyn’s mood soared at hearing Ayla admit that she considered him a friend. His tail curled in happiness under his cloak. The plan to win her trust was already bearing fruit.

“It will most likely be a somber affair, but you two should join us for dinner. After your journey, you are doubtlessly hungry.”

Master Garrin led Ayla toward the main house, and sharing a glance, Xyn and Yillian followed after.

The manor’s interior reminded Xyn of the lord’s house in Lorel’s Watch though the decorations tended toward black and green and raven themes. In the room the Shadow master led them to, a human male and female wearing finely-tailored clothing were discussing terms with a mage dressed in white and gold robes and wearing a skullcap with arcane glyphs. A travel pack was open on a low table with various travel goods arrayed.


“…it’s a steep price, but as he was the heir, we need to be certain of his fate,” the man was saying then looked up and rose from his seat at Ayla’s entrance into the room. “Ayla! You’ve returned, but why have you dyed your hair? And who are these foreign men that uncannily match the description Sir Devon gave of your kidnappers?”

Ayla looked to the side guiltily. “I hope that Sir Devin and Liam won’t be punished too harshly, but to continue my investigation of Fenton’s disappearance, I needed… other escorts.”

Fenton’s father sighed. “While I appreciate your dedication to my son, you should know that soldiers failing in their duties will be punished whether or not their failure was due to your action. You should reflect on that as a soon-to-be Baroness.”

“Yes, uncle.”

Xyn was surprised to see Ayla’s meek behavior around her family. He could understand it though, as the males were notably strong, and the female was of similar strength to Ayla.

“Ayla,” the female spoke up, her expression too complicated for Xyn to read. “You have news?”

Ayla hesitated and nodded. “I do. Aunt Elaine.”

That garnered immediate attention, and Ayla’s uncle motioned for her to continue.

“…I was able to talk with Nicolas Arden… before he was attacked. He seemed certain that Fenton had been consumed by a recently revived ancient land god, Xogg`Shriloth, and that there were no remains to be retrieved.”

The aunt sank back into her chair covering her mouth. Ayla’s uncle’s expression hardened. “And what was Nicolas’ involvement in this that he would be in a position to have such knowledge?”

Ayla shook her head. “I don’t have a full understanding of his involvement. I’m still investigating the cult that they were involved in and came hoping to search Fenton’s rooms for clues.”

“Diviner Ephren?” the uncle prompted the mage, whose glowing irises faded back to normal and had clearly been using a spell or technique while Ayla had been talking.

“What she says shows no signs of untruth. For there to be only recent possessions and no remains makes the task more difficult, but the specificity of the information provided should help me confirm the fate of your son, Sir Nerel,” the diviner assured, adding, “Death, particularly violent death, leaves strong traces in the Web of Fate.”

Sir Nerel nodded. “You’ll have your pay. I’ll excuse you so you may start on your work.”

The diviner rose from his seat and collected the loose items putting them back into the travel pack. “I appreciate your business, sir knight. I’ll do my best so that you can have certainty in the result.”

“Um, Diviner Ephren,” Ayla spoke up as the mage shouldered the pack and began to leave. “Can you not tell my father that I am here?”

The mage hesitated then answered, “I won’t keep it from him if he asks.”

Ayla seemed satisfied with the answer, and silence fell as the mage left the room.

“Mom? Is Cousin Ayla here?” a female voice came from an archway as a young human peeked around it and into the room. “Ah! Ayla, you’re back! They said you were kidnapped!”

The dark-haired young female started to bound toward her cousin before hesitating as she noticed the mood in the room and the two mysterious strangers. “Is this about Fenton? And why is Ayla’s hair dark like ours?”


The young female’s mother lightly patted the couch’s seat. “Katrine, come sit.”

Katrine took in the somber faces as she sat down and quietly asked, “Fenton’s not coming back this time, is he?”

Her mother shook her head and pulled her into an embrace. “We’re still waiting on the diviner for confirmation, but if Ayla’s news is true, then no, he won’t be.”

“Will I have to… become the heir?” Katrine asked with a commendable steadiness to her voice.

“No, unless something happens to your father, Marley can take the responsibility when he comes of age,” Katrine’s mother assured then asked, “Unless you want to be the heir?”

The young female shook her head. “No, mom, I’m fine with joining Sir Devin’s family. Lennis is nice.”

Katrine’s mom affectionately ruffled and straightened her daughter’s hair.

Sir Nerel gave Ayla a meaningful look. “I hope you aren’t intending to cause further trouble for your family, Ayla.”

Ayla dropped her gaze and gripped at her cloak before meeting her uncle’s chastising eyes. “Uncle… I’ve joined the Cartographer’s Society and become an explorer.”

“What?!” Sir Nerel blurted out in surprise, the knight’s gaze moving to re-evaluate Xyn and Yillian, who were still flanking Ayla from a step behind. “Are you really intending to abandon your nobility? To risk your life in the wildlands?”

Xyn had lacked the courage to directly confront his family and was suitably impressed when Ayla straightened her shoulders and replied with stubborn determination, “If that’s what it takes to decide my own future.”

Sir Nerel was stunned.

Katrine looked from her father’s face to Ayla’s and around the room taking in the expressions. “Does Ayla not want to marry the baron from Hamlin?”

Her mother grimaced and motioned with her finger to her lips and shook her head.

“Uncle, I couldn’t say it while the diviner was here, but the cult that Fenton was involved with has connections to the Tower, and the Society is quite concerned that the revived land god presents a danger to regional stability.”

Ayla’s aunt gasped. “Are we in danger here?”

Ayla shook her head. “We don’t know yet. That is why Xyn, Yillian, and I have been sent to investigate the cult’s plans and research in hopes of finding a weakness that can be exploited before the land god restores its full power. Fenton may have left some of that research here.”

“Even more reason for your father to know and be involved,” Sir Nerel argued.

“Nerel, let the girl have her adventure. You’re only young once. Besides, I suspect she might just be destined for greater things than being a baron’s wife,” Master Garrin spoke up from where he was leaning nonchalantly against the wall, drawing a surprised look from Ayla.

“Father…” Sir Nerel made a discontented face and sighed. “Fine. But you’ll at least stay the night.”

Ayla nodded. “Thank you-”

Ayla’s thanks were cut off by a rumble from Xyn’s stomach.

“Xyn…” Yillian groaned face in hand.

“You and your fellow explorers can of course join us for dinner,” Sir Nerel stated, motioning to a maid who was waiting nearby. “Lynne, inform the kitchen.”

“My apologies, uncle,” Ayla offered and shot Xyn a glare.

Dinner did turn out to be a somber affair as Master Garrin had warned. Ayla reminisced about antics that she and Fenton got up to when they were little which helped her aunt and uncle share some stories of their own. Xyn felt uncomfortable intruding on their grief, but the mood lightened when Katrine and Marley asked about Xyn and Yillian’s adventures as explorers. Yillian actually had more tales to tell, having been an explorer for longer, but Xyn did his best to embellish his exploration of the abandoned watchtower and his fights with the tangleweeds and the bear.

When he no longer felt he had anything to contribute, Xyn excused himself from the dinner, saying that he was tired from traveling and wanted to go out and meditate for a while. His escape earned him a scathing look from Yillian for abandoning him, but that was fine. There were things Xyn needed to think about—alone.

Once outside, Xyn Petal-stepped along the back wall until he found a bramble-free spot shadowed from both the last fading of the evening sun and the light of the rising moon. Settling in, he cultivated the thick energies mixing with the forest air while trying to suss out the nature of Shadow and what it might mean to his own cultivation path.

There was something about the infinite depth he felt from Master Garrin’s aura that left him feeling like he was on the verge of an important realization. Was that sense of expanded depth a property that only applied to Shadow? Could his own Mist have a similar depth? What if he could similarly expand the space inside his Fog of Lost Souls…

And raven feathers weren’t all that different from flower petals in the way they drifted on the wind… if he looked at Shadow from that angle, could he incorporate it into his existing martial arts? Xyn felt like he was close, but the key parts of the understanding still eluded him.

His mind kept wandering back to Ayla’s situation with her family. The way her family viewed Ayla’s pending marriage to this baron guy as a done deal was worrying, and that worry kept ricocheting around in Xyn’s head until he couldn’t think of anything other than making a direct appeal to her parents.

Unable to concentrate on his meditation, Xyn snuck back to his assigned room, changed into his clan robes and cloak, and left for the large estate atop the hill.

Infiltrating the main house proved simple enough, but as he reached for the handle to the double doors leading into the house’s large dining room, the doors opened on their own, revealing a long table with human males and females in green and black finery, excepting two: Fredrick and a man attired in a similar purple and sky blue.

The man at the head of the table gave a confident half-smile. “Ah, Xyn, disciple of The Eternal Flower, and the cat-kin that Sir Devin believes kidnapped my daughter, but who also apparently escorted her safely back home. I am tremendously curious what has brought you to seek me out. What can I do for you?”

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