《Young bloods (WIP)》Chapter 3: Who's guilty


“Come forth defendant, the high council of Rhineland orders you!” The high tables of bitches began barking as I was led into the courtroom.

“What? Again? You fuckers don’t have anything else better to do?”

“You insolent serf! Speak when you’re told!” The warden then smacked me at the top of the head with a baton which made me fell on my face as a result.

After limping up to the podium surrounded by smug heavily perfumed hogs that claimed their ownership over us. In short, I murdered a liar that tricked us into being slaves for his perverted and cruel family and was now put in front of an illiterate jury of wealthy bourgeois fuckwads.

“State your case serf! Tell us why you did such a horrific act against our esteemed and honourable Marqui Warden.”

“Your dishonourable honour, I confessed to killing Arthur Warden as his action was greatly harming the rights and freedom…” Before I could finish my sentence, the fat pigs of the monarchy rose up with yells saying that I confessed to killing the man and was trying to drown out my reasons for killing the man.

“He’s guilty!”


“Public execution!”

“Order in the court! Order in the court! Revenant serf, is there anything that you would like to give as your final defence?”

“First, I apologize for killing the depraved snake that is Arthur Warden in the name of freedom. As now the courtroom have been silenced, I wish to make clear of the reasons for killing Arthur Warden in my capacity as the leader of all the free Revenants and Terran that was forced to serve his family, through a poem. “

The crime of deceiving young unknowing people of Terrutan and Revenants to force them to work as his serfs.


The crime of forcing us to forsake our homelands, our beliefs to practice your own.’

Who is guilty? Who is guilty

The crime of usurping administrative power over the tribes and indigenous folk that lived outside of his territory through violence and intimidation.

The crimes of deceiving Rhineland Neighbors into believing that Rhineland is a fair country of hard-working people.

I ask you who is guilty?

The crime of taking away diplomatic rights and equality from demi folk and Revs.

The crime of colonizing and destroying the sacred lands that housed various nature-loving demi-folks…

“Serf Kim Nam Seung, the court sentence you to an eternity of pain and suffering under the cruellest punishment of Rhineland.” The court, insulted by my words attempted to silence me with their sentence.

However, due to the construction of their courthouse so that voices from bellow could echo up to their ear level, I was able to continue with my point.

“Arthur Warden murdered the Elf Elder Terasa, who signed a treaty with Rhineland to prohibit human disturbance in the sacred jungle that they called home, and was titled a hero. I justified killed him to free whoever was influenced under his rule and was given punishment for all eternity? Is this the extent of Rhineland’s laws?” I said before continuing with my poem.

It’s an honour to fight for freedom after death even if it’s not for my own sake, I accept my sentence willingly but do not be deceived by the lies and greed of those gathered here today.

Announce their hypocrisy and our sincerity to the world!

Who is guilty?

Who is guilty?

"We fought for our freedom, Rhineland did the same against its former masters. Who are any of you to judge us? Speak up you fat fucks!”I ended my claim with an insult, triggering many of the court attendees whom at this point couldn’t fight back with their words.


The greasy murmuring pigs then raised their voice, insulting me. Their words belittled this young man from Korea who had known nothing but to fight to earn his place, to fight for the reunification of his homeland and to fight for those more unfortunate than him. They could squeal all they wanted, but their judgment meant nothing to him, I thought to myself being dragged away by the courtroom guards.

“Freedom to all races! Death to Rhineland and it’s corrupted monarchy!” I shouted in defiance as I was taken away.

I was then gagged and shoved into a carriage leaving for a magical prison camp specially erected to punish and sentence Revenants and other Magical entities.

“Well, that went well.” One of the guards then turned her head toward me and tauntingly joked.

“Speak for yourself, their repulsive perfumes made me almost puke,” I said to my friends who was disguising as Rhineland guards as I slid off the cuffs.

“Are the bombs set?” I asked Cho Seoyoung, a North Korean comrade of mine who was laying explosives around the perimeter of the courthouse as I gave my speech imitation of a pretty hip stage play that the ROK officer whom I saved had shown me.

“Yeah…” She said, tossing me the detonator as we reached the top of a hill overlooking the courthouse where the disgusting pigs in human clothing waddled out of the courthouse.

With a satisfying grin on my face, I then flipped the switch, causing the Firestone bombs to explode, causing several casualties onto the monarch pigs and hopefully killing some of them as my brothers and sisters emerged from the shadows.

“Look, alive brothers and sisters, this is just the beginning.”

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