《Flight of the Princess Sage [hiatus]》Ch 6 Knowing you Pt 2


Cold. It’s very cold. Somehow it makes me feel strange. I have stopped caring about the temperature even before I left but it still feels cold.

I’m carrying the last part to the big hole. And I throw in inside.

“With this, I’m done”

I do the motion that’s supposed to look as if I’m wiping the sweat from my forehead. I only made it dirty with blood. I should stop trying to do things on my own, I’ve never been good at it anyway. Nobles sure have it nice, no need to lift a finger, just order everyone around. That’s what I want.

“Well, thanks for your care, ev’rybody~ You have been VERY nice to me! I hope you enjoy it here. Bye-bye~”

With that, I snap my fingers and a small hill made of dirt covers the hole.

I then take out a wooden plank and stab it into the ground.

I then try to write the names on it and realize that it would be more comfortable to do it before I stuck it into the soil, so I take it out again and write them down.

After finishing it up I ready myself to stick it back but then decide to write another name too.

My name.

It’s not like I’m that attached to it and it’s best to leave the past in the past. That girl died here too, I will take over from now on.

So I write it down and stick the plank back into the ground.

“Hm, what should I call myself then~ I think Aurora has a nice ring to it. Nah, a single name is boring, let’s come up with something longer, okay? Good. What was the current Queen’s name? Regina was it? Then I’m hereby Aurora Regina Tertitian! Good!”

I clap my hands and jump up and down excitedly, happy with my new name. Though the Queen’s name was actually Rache, as I found out later.

“A-and I’m done! Let’s go!”

I tried skipping but the blood on my clothes began to stick to my skin and I decided to go back slowly…



“You don’t have to push yourself. If you don’t want to, it’s fine!”

I snap out of my contemplations. Seems my emotions showed on my face.

“No, I would have to tell you someday, now is as good a time as ever…”

It’s best to tell her about it now, it will be harder to do so later.


“You can tell me later! Tell me what you think you are ready to tell now and when you think it’s alright, tell me the rest, how about that?”

Mother tells me with the tone that says that it’s not up to negotiations whether I tell her everything or not. Maybe it’s for the best?

“Alright, let’s start with a bit of a summary of my previous life, shall we? In my previous life I was born as a human, probably, I don’t know, as I don’t know anything about my parents or relatives. What was different about me… well, there were many things which led a few people to believe I wasn’t human, but it doesn’t matter now. But my unique traits and a bit of effort allowed me to become immortal and transcend the mortal limits too and after a few decades I actually forgot my original name and decided to go by Aurora Regina Tertitian. I know, it’s a long and embarrassing name but over many years I’ve grown quite fond of it so please don’t comment on it.

After becoming immortal I continued to study my unique traits and it so happened that I developed a new branch of magic out of them, I call it soul magic as it deals with manipulation of reality through the soul as a medium. It also allows you to manipulate the soul itself, me being here is the prime example of it, and it also deals with the effects of the soul on its host.

In my previous world there was a group of people such as myself, who were immortal and were really good at magic, best even, they were called “witches” and “wizards”. Witches are all female and wizards are male. At least it was like that originally but as there’re all kinds of races out there it became weird. How do you call a being with no gender? How do you call someone with all the signs of having both? It was really really weird.

Anyway, I was a witch and a very well-known one at that. Some people feared me, some praised me, there were even a few planet-wide cults that worshipped me or used my character as the evil god that opposes light but I digress. As I was very well-known there were naturally groups of people that didn’t like me a lot and there was an organization called the Council of Fey who really wanted me to disappear and there was one time when a party of a few people was sent out to get me and among that party was a certain scout who was the most excellent magician at space control in all of the organization. The Fey Council consists of many high-level spirits so you probably understand just how good they were.”


“Lavenna, or do you prefer being called Aurora?”

“Lavenna is fine. It’s a name you gave to me, so it’s just as important to me as Aurora. In fact, since I died, it means that Aurora died too, I’m Lavenna, the girl who just so happened to inherit everything the witch Aurora had, including her soul.”

Mother smiled the brightest smile she has shown in the last two years.

“So, Lavenna, what are “high-level spirits”?”

I smacked my head. Of course she wouldn’t know.

“A spirit is a being made out of mana. They have no souls and are immortal too, obviously since they are made out of mana- You don’t know what mana is, do you? I even said it in the commonly accepted language which you wouldn’t know, obviously. Mana is like magic power, more or less. And since they are made out of man- um, magic power, they are obviously better at magic than everybody else. And high-level spirits are the spirits who are the most adept at magic, have a definite form, unlike low-level spirits and have intelligence.

So you can understand just how good the scout was, right? So, that scout was stalking me for a while and observing my schedule and habits and somehow felt closeness to me and turned on the organization. That scout was a fairy who had a strange fixation on the colour blue and her name was Stella. I didn’t trust her at first, I actually tried to either kill her or get rid of her somehow in the beginning, but I was no match for her at that time but as time went by and a few things happened I began to trust her.

After a while, I grew used to her being with me and her being with around helped me understand the world and magic much better than before, so much so, that I even got two titles: one being A High Witch and the other one was A Sorcerer.

Why I thought that having those titles was great is because witches and sorcerers can also be considered the craftsmen for immortals. We trade our creations, be that artefacts or magic formations or whatever else for whatever we may need at the moment. Being a high witch, a self-explanatory title, my prestige rose, so the things I could get also became more numerous. The sorcerer title is a rare title given only to those who have created a unique and powerful branch of magic, so it raised the value of my name among the witches and wizards.

Stella did a lot of things for me, such as she handled all the things I found too boring to deal with, like dealing with people and she also showed me around the three planes, the area where the high-level spirits found it appropriate to travel. We had a lot of fun times and made many good acquaintances and even friends, it’s a good memory.

Among those acquaintances, I even made someone a disciple of mine and raised them up to become a high witch and a sorcerer like myself. Well, I say raised but it was mostly her effort. Her name was Flora Adams and her title was the Life Witch. Mine being the Soul witch, as you would imagine.

Well, this and that happened and I died. Sorry to end it so abruptly but I don’t feel like talking about it now. Is it alright to end it here?”

“Yes. Though I do feel strange knowing that my daughter is probably older than me.”

“Didn’t I say that the witch Aurora died and I’m a young girl who got her inheritance?”

“But you refer to Aurora as ‘I’?”

“This and that are completely unrelated.”







After the conversation, we spent the rest of the day lazing around and just having small talk. I also helped her repair the hut she destroyed in indignation. And I also had her promise me to explain all of the magic theory she knew, though I’m sure she wouldn’t mind doing it even without the promise.

We’ll probably get targeted by gods and deities now, but it’s not something I can’t handle, what’s more important is that I have finally explained everything to mother and we dealt with our concerns.

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