《Flight of the Princess Sage [hiatus]》Ch 2 A fairy, an evil god and an eldritch monster Pt 5


Now that everything seems fine and dandy, let’s settle some things.

I stare at the… um, person? I stare at the person that looks, smells, feels and probably tastes like Aurora in front of me. Since they took on that form I will start to refer to them as a ‘she’.

So, the girl is sending me a great many chaotic messages in form of info, a type of mana that carries a person’s will. While originally it caused me to puke blood and faint in sheer pain at the number of intents received, now that I know how to deal with them it’s more or less save. Though my head is aching a bit.

I think about how to approach this problem. I understood some things and I think that now I know some of them and, to a degree, this is my responsibility, so I have to deal with it.

I look at the girl again. Yep, she’s not Aurora, now that I look at her more closely. Her face carries no expression and her eyes don’t have the same feeling.

Maybe talking from the beginning would be better?

Well, at least some pests from the Counsel got what they had coming. I never had the time to clean the mess up and at least one chore lesser on my to-do list is not a bad thing, right? Only, I really lament my wasted time with the person right here.

“Stella, what’s going on? Who’s this lady? Why does she look like someone we both know pretty well?”

Uncle has now completely stabilized and is back at his wonderful, fear-inducing self.

“That’s a good question, uncle! Sooo, remember how I told you about the entire thing with Aurora and me being chased, right? And I think this girl right here is the one who was doing the chasing.


“I told you that I knew next to nothing about the pursuer, right? So, right now I think I know who they are, what they do, why they do that and all that stuff. If I were in a mystery novel this is where the readers would be encouraged to look through the clues again and form their own conclusions, but since it seems we are a part of a poorly-written fantasy I’ll just dump my conclusions and why I think so. Don’t try to theorize, there’re probably not enough clues!”

I stop for a moment, form my own info, spending a generous amount of time at that, shoot it straight towards the girl, who, after taking it, takes a bit of time to digest it all and understand.

High-level spirits are such cheats! I filled that piece of info with enough information to fill several biggest libraries I’ve come across but the change of her expression tells me that she already went through the entire thing and probably understood it!

“Your guess is correct. I seem to have troubled you…” The phrase that came out of her mouth further shows the terrifying learning ability of hers. And she is probably a little uncomfortable with the way to address me. The fact that she can feel uncomfortable shows that she understood my info better than I originally thought.

“Call me Stella for now. How about we give you a name?”

“Umm, Stella, maybe you should explain what’s going on to me?” A baffled uncle asks

“Later, so, what name you would like to have? Since Aurora isn’t here I suppose the duty to give you one goes to me”, and she’ll be sooo angry when she finds out! Can’t wait to tell her that!, “But since you seem to be quite a smart child, you can choose one of your own.”


“No need. I still have a hard time understanding all of the intricacies of the society, so my naming sense is probably not very good.”

“Try me”

“Irrneturghti, Pythlgei, Arfpltio…”

“Enough. I think I should give you a name after all” I say with a warm smile. Though no one can really see it due to my size.

“Hmm. A name that carries meaning or intent behind it is, in a way, a restriction on a person’s freedom, in my opinion. So, I’ll just choose one that sounds nice to me, is it alright?”

“*cough cough * Maybe tell me-”

“In a bit, okay, uncle?”

“Is it alright to leave him out like this? Judging by the… ‘info’, as you call it, he will get angry. Or depressed. I still don’t quite understand that emotion thing-y well.”

“No, you’re doing a splendid job!-”

“Hey, Stella! What the girlie said just now-”

“Your predictions are quite good, you know? Now, to the name-”

“Stella, answer, what’s going on? Don’t scare me okay?”

“I think Luna is quite good. What do you think?”

“… Un! I like it! From now on, my name is Luna…”, she’s changing her expressions quite frequently, which is a good sign. Also, she seems troubled by the rest of her name. Aurora never showed a troubled expression, which is a shame, as it looks very-very cute!

“We’ll work on the other parts when we get Aurora. Now…*drum rolls* uncle Jim, meet my and Aurora’s daughter!” I think I overdid it with the sound effects a bit but I’m excited!

“…”, uncle takes a second to get it through his head. I can bet he has a lot of rude and uncalled for images flashing through his mind, “What?”

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