《Industrialising Dungeon: The Crimson Forges》Arc: 1 - The Power of the Soul III



Report authorised by: Overseer Teluga

Subject: Core 00

Reason for reports: Dormant state of Core 00

Unlike its broth... others of its kind who have already begun their firsts tasks, Core 00 still seems to be in some form of dormant state.

Though normally this wouldnt be much of a issue, as every core has different times of awakenings, but for the first core to be installed in this world to act in such a way is slightly disturbing.

Reading my instruments granted by our System, it is clear from the fluxuations of mana that everything should, in theory, be operating correctly.

Normally one would assume that there might be a malfunction within the innerworkings of the core itself, however since said core was formed personally by our exhaled one, and as such this cannot be the case.

The only assumption left is that the conciousness we transported to be absorbed and form the base intelligence for the Dungeon-AI was somehow either flawed or corrupted.

Further observation is required to find the cause for this phenomenon and to see if the core should be terminated



Allen's gaze went up into the sky. ''How many times has the sun come up already? '' he wondered to himself.

Looking back down, he glanced around the now small village.

He hadnt done much to them yet beside sometimes implementing certain technologies to speed up their process, and was mostly exploring the limits of this strange system the Old man left him with.

Exploring said system had let him to quite a few usefull techniques and exploits.

One of those would be the fact that, should he spend much of his energy he could actually directly control one of his 'villagers' he could simply show them advanced techniques that would normally require years to develope.


''Though the question still remains where I gather the energy from to form all of this, that and the fact that after doing my 'transfer technique' I pretty much black out and return to my little square pocket...'' Allen mumbled to himself

In any case, both on their own accord and with some small help here and there from Allen, the village numbered around thirty houses, each holding atleast five to six people in them.

The style of well, everything, seemed to be taken from medieval european times, mostly from the area that would be the Holy Roman Empire in those times.

The only building that had not yet been touched was the massive viking-longhouse, which both stood out because of its size, and of the different architectural style that was used.

Beside the village were fields of grains and other plants being cultivated using bronze tools and flattened dirt-roads occupied by large, human-towed wooden barrows snaking through them.

All in all, besides the Longhouse located in the middle of the village and the massive obelisk-like stone standing a few meters in front of it with a few people on their knees beside this, Allen's small community could be considered a normal village.

''Ah, they're still doing that whole praying thing huh, I hope the Old man doesnt mind. I dont have any plans to become a god anyway...'' Allen said while staring at the praying villagers

''No wait, isnt this more like some form of narcicism? since everything here is my soul?'' Allen continued before sighing and returning to his observing duties as the sun lowered and night fell once more.

The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west.

Fields of golden yellow blooming, harvested and replanted.

The River always flowing, the fish travling up and down.


In the distance, the forest in harmony, never being overhunted, though never having outbreaks of overpopulation as well.

The Village... nay, City below, ever busy, ever expanding, buildings rising from nothing, sprawling lines from the center of it, every single person working not for greed but for the community itself.

And, hovering over said village, the grey light shone without anyone seeing.

Its influence ever expanding as Bronze turned into Iron by the power of casting and Iron together with metallurgy into steel.

Though weapons had never been needed, weaponry itself had advanced at a disturbing rate.

The obelisk now replaced by a massive cathedral dedicated to the might of the Light,

rivalled only in size by the Palace guarded by the humongous Citadel filled with rows of gaping steel maws commonly known as cannons decorated with beasts and other mythical creatures, as if anyone who dared face the massive walls would be destroyed by their wrath, around it.

Deep underground, light-blue lights could be seen shining a pleasant light around as massive furnaces could be seen, working all day-round.

Massive stone and wooden halls, filled with children of all ages, their focus on the white sheets below, their ears keenly listning to the person in front of them.

Only a translucent white barrier stood between them and the great beyond.

And so the City ever expanded, the Grey light still shining above them as both the arts of Magic and Technology expanded, hand in hand towards a greater future



Report authorised by: Overseer Teluga

Subject: Core 00

Core 00 still lays dormant after fivehundred years, multiple attempts at forming a connection to check on its subconsious state have been authorised and attempted, but with no results.

As such, requests for termination with the reason of malfunction have been sended out and should be arriving within the next fifty to onehundred years.

The only question remains is how something the exhalted one himself has created was able to malfunction in the first place still exists,

I Teluga have tried to destroyed all rumors among the overseers of other dimensions that the soul was simply flawed, sadly, some have escaped my grasph

Though its mana intake has risen beyond even my levels, I can only presume that this is merely because of its malfunction

I can only hope Core 00 somehow will awaken soon, with its massive mana intake it would be able to easily catch up to the others of its kind with ease.

For both the Exalted one's and my own reputations sake...


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