《Virus PZDC-21》Chapter 6


The apartment was dark. The first thing I did was check the windows and front doors. The next thought was a mobile phone. I urgently found it and turned off all sounds and even vibration.

I immediately tried to call the rescue service, but was not at all surprised when I found out that the line was overloaded. Obviously I'm not the only one who came up with this brilliant idea.

Having calmed down a bit, I decided to surf the Internet using the same phone. I quietly crawled into the shower, fearing that the light from the phone might draw unnecessary attention.

Mutants clearly could not appear in apartments out of thin air. It wasn't hard to assume that they were originally humans.

There was little information on the Internet yet, it is obvious that the worst thing began this night.

However, I found information on preliminary signs of infection. What confused me was that it was claimed that there weren't many mutants. However, judging by the growling sounds I heard that night, combined with what I saw outside, the word "few" was a bit of a clear understatement.

Anyway, I checked my body under the phone light, but found no problems on the surface, seems I was not infected. At least one good news for today.

I tried to analyze what I saw. Apparently, the mutants saw the man from the windows and rushed to him. The distance from the windows to the man was small, maybe in the region of ten meters.

I wasn't sure whether he was making unnecessary noise, but judging by his behavior, he definitely tried not to make any noise.

It is difficult to say whether this matters, but for example, the distance from the man to my window was already about 30 meters. At least mutants did not jump out of the windows of my house in his direction.


Another obvious trait was the vitality, speed, and strength of the mutants. One of them jumped from the second floor, but this practically did not slow him down and, moreover, did not injure him at all. If I were in his place, I'm not sure I could have done it so easily.

I was asking myself if some secret virus to create super soldiers burst out from the walls of the laboratory of some fried corporation or government?

It reminded me of the Resident Evil series, but right now I wouldn't mind being a part of this movie. Where is my slow brainless zombies with cardboard heads? What the hell is going on here? You can't start the plot by turning people almost into tyrants at the very beginning, how should I survive after this?

I suppressed my stupid thoughts and began to consider my options.

Fortunately, the apartment had windows facing the other way. Unlike the side with the road, the courtyards here were clearly abandoned and clogged with garbage, the same was true for the parallel building on the abandoned side, which was clearly not residential.

As a last resort, I even have an exit to the roof from my pantry, although I have never tried to climb there before. The roof was closed and although I could open it, what was I to do there? Enjoy the sight of pigeon droppings?

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from such creatures, I sincerely doubted that I could have performed better than that guy outside. And after what I saw, I doubted that I would have the strength to pierce the skull of the creature.

There was a faint hope that the hearts of these mutants would remain vulnerable, but I would not want to blindly bet on that.


On top of all of that, I was one of those American losers who did not manage to have a firearm, which I now greatly regretted.

It may be worth trying to find weak points in the head of the creature, such as the back of the head and temples, perhaps the neck but neck were looking more thin than normal aswell. As soon as there is a chance I will check it out, but now it was necessary to decide on a reliable option, thanks to which I would at least have a chance to kill the creature.

The only obvious weakness in any creature is the brain or cervical spine. The only sure way to get to the brain, besides the eyes, is through the mouth of the creature. When they pounced on a man, they often opened their disgusting mouths with menacing growls.

However, it will not be so easy to break through to the brain or at least the neck through the mouth. I remembered how my girlfriend sucked me off last year, she swallowed damn deep. This is certainly not the best example for comparison, but in this case the only one that came to my mind.

A sufficiently long knife is needed for a successful strike, I carefully left the restroom and went to the kitchen, carefully picking up one of the kitchen knives. Then returned to the restroom.

Now the matter is small. You just need to get excited and compare the size of my penis with the size of the knife, and then you can figure out the rest.

I reached into the phone and opened the porno. Circumstances were not very conducive to this, but I am a young, healthy guy and ready under any circumstances.

Soon my friend was on alert, I brought a kitchen knife closer to him, trying to compare their length. The knife obviously came out longer, which I did not really like, but I quickly realized that I should not take into account the handle of the knife, because I did not plan to shove it into the mouth of the mutants.

Lowering the knife between my legs, I now compared the length of the knife blade with my friend, then a satisfied smile appeared on my face, mine was longer, albeit a little. True, I did not smile for a long time and slapped myself in the face to recover. I found something to be proud of, especially at such a time.


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