《A Nerd's Wet Dream Come True (Tossing an OC into Marvel)》Party! (part 2)


Slicked back hair, a good height of 5'8, grey dress pants, and a snazzy black sports jacket. Oh boy, he could practically see "Chad" being spelled out behind the dude. It doesn't help that the two gorillas that blocked him were being so deferent to the guy.

"MJ! It's good to see you again!"

"Hey, Tony, you know me. I can't resist a good party," She said with a small laugh before waving a hand towards her friend "This is John. Could you please let him in?"

"Of course! Hello there, the name is Hale, Tony Hale," Did this asshole really just pull a 007? Wow, what a fucking tool. He didn't know where these antagonistic feelings and thoughts were coming from, but he felt they weren't wrong in the least. "I'm terribly sorry for the behavior of these two. Please, do come in, I've never been one to turn down a partygoer."

That's why you have two punks hooked on steroids blocking the entrance, right? Just for decoration no doubt, yup, really great work. They're a perfect fit for fucking scarecrows or garden gnomes. He didn't let any of these sarcastic and rude thoughts out loud, of course.

"Hi, thanks..."

His reply was short and lackluster, but Tony didn't seem to mind. He had already turned to enter before John even finished after all. He didn't mind either though, because he had no intention for small talk. He was only here before to have MJ forgive him, but now he had to watch over her to make sure the creep wouldn't pull anything funny.

If John had thought the music was bad before, it was absolutely deafening as soon as they walked through the door. He could barely hear himself think. Mary Jane however clearly did not have the same issues. It was as if he was watching a fish reintroduced to water. She practically breathed it all in as if the energy in the air revitalized her from a long day's work. Gliding through the crowd the trio made their way to the snack table led by their host. He followed as best as he could and tried not to get stepped on or knocked over.


Seriously, people these days have just no consideration! Personal space or deodorant, ever heard of them? Some people seemed to take being a "party animal" too literally if the smell of some of them was anything to go by. His internal grumbling was put to a stop when a cup of orange soda was placed in his hands.

"Here ya go!" Mary Jane had all but shoved it at him in her excitement and he couldn't help but crack a small smile at seeing how happy she seemed. He wasn't one for such things, but suddenly it didn't seem so bad having a familiar face with him. He could suck it up and pretend to have fun for one evening at least, the tongue lashing from Ms Ekans was well worth it.


He wasn't really thirsty, but at least he wouldn't feel too awkward if he was holding onto something. The blaring music, the crowd of people, and the ever-shifting movements he could see from the corner of his eyes had him twitch ever so slightly. This was definitely not what he would call relaxing.

"Hey, loosen up a little, its a party after all."

"Yeah, I'll try."

Hearing the thinly veiled discomfort in her friend's voice Mary asked something from Tony. Even with their relative close distance, he couldn't hear a single word. Maybe he should've asked Renka or Henry to join him. Or at least borrow the latter's soundproof headphones. His head was actually pounding more than the time Renka threw a table at his face!

John snapped his head back as he thought someone had called out to him. It sounded urgent, yet he couldn't make out anyone he knew from the crowd. He waited a moment to see if they'd call again, but he didn't hear anything. He didn't have time to ponder on it when MJ grabbed his hand and led him to a more secluded location in the massive house. On the second floor were also party goers dancing and laughing, but one difference became obviously clear.


Everyone was an elite. He imaged this was what the VIP section of a club would look like because he did not spot a single person who wasn't either gorgeous or covered in wealth.

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