《A Nerd's Wet Dream Come True (Tossing an OC into Marvel)》Party!


The bell had just rung and John was on his way to his locker when a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulders. His eyes narrowed with a hint of steel. He spun around with an elbow towards where he guessed the person's throat would be. A flash of red was seen in the corner of his eyes. As best as he could he shifted the angle of the blow towards the wall behind her. A soft thud was heard and Mary Jane flinched.

"What the hell?!"

Her eyes looked as if they would pop out of her head as a hand clenched her rapidly beating heart. She did not expect to be suddenly attacked when greeting her friend. As soon as she calmed herself she gave him a small glare.

"What was that for, Karate Kid!?"

His tense body soon relaxed upon seeing the resident redhead before the realization of what happened settled in his brain. He almost seriously hurt one of his few friends. This wasn't the first time this week as he was becoming increasingly jumpy whenever he as outside.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry MJ, I- you startled me."

"I startled you? I'm so sorry for trying to ask you to hang out, but I'm not the one throwing blows out of nowhere! You damn near gave me a heart attack!"

"No, I didn't mean- I'm sorry. I've just been a bit... on edge, ya know?"

"No, really? I couldn't fucking tell."

"Look, John, I don't know what the heck is up with you, mainly because you won't tell me," She gave him a glare at that statement, "But what I do know is you need to chill. You're jumpier than a rabbit and all this stress obviously isn't good for you. So, today you're coming with me to Tony's party and I'm not taking "no" for an answer this time. Its Friday and I'm not having you sit home alone."


He didn't even have a chance to argue his case when a harsher look was directed at him. All his fight and bluster deflated then and there.

"I'm I understood?"

"...Yes ma'am"

"Good, be ready at 4. I'll meet you at the park."

She walked off before he could reply and he quickly did the same. Unknown to the pair, moments after they left, a kid would become covered in plaster as when he leaned on the wall it completely crumbled.

He wasn't sure how to feel about this. He was never one for crowds or parties, but he felt he owed it to her not only for his the stunt earlier in the morning but for how he hasn't really been around much. Granted he felt justified for the most part, he was trying to prepare for upcoming super villains and finding a wandering murder after all, but the point still stood that he blew her off a couple of times.

Which was why he found himself wearing some of his nicer clothes and waiting in the park alone at 3:45. If you weren't early you were late, or so it was said. It didn't sound like something he would abide by, but it seemed appropriate for the occasion. Maybe? He didn't know. Wait, was this a date? Crap maybe he should've gone shopping because what he classified as nice clothes were simply the few that didn't have mud stain or rips in them. Boring faded blue jeans and a navy blue T-shirt. Sitting on the bench John's hand went towards his hair and messed them up in frustration. Or was that anxiety? He didn't know nor care at this point.

He really hoped this was a casual party. Surely MJ would tell him if there was a dress code?

"Whatcha thinking about?"

Thankfully, although startled out of his thoughts he managed to suppress his reaction this time to only the slightest twitch of his shoulders. A look over his shoulders and he saw Mary Jane in black skinny jeans, a striped white long sleeve, and a red vest. She was leaning forward with her arms crossed on the back of the bench with a smirk on her face.


That's a future supermodel for you, even in such a simple get up and hardly any makeup at all she was simply stunning.

"About how I told Miss Ekans that I would try to not stay out barely a day ago and here I am about to go to a party after my bedtime. You're a terrible influence MJ." He deadpanned at the girl whos smirk only grew wider at that. She ruffled his hair as if he was a kid. He ignored the truth behind that statement and merely gave her a small glare.

"Aww, thanks! I do try. Anyways, come on, daylights a burning!"

He followed closely behind her and ended up being lead to one of the better off neighborhoods. It wasn't close to Henry's place by anyways, but there was an obvious sense of wealth from the size and styles of the buildings. Each one was at least 3 stories high and had large yawns, nothing like the jam-packed sardine cans of apartments that littered the rest of New York.

Even a couple of streets down he could already hear the music and practically feel the ground vibrate beneath his feet at the sheer volume. Each step filled his stomach with more dread. Shit. This was so not his scene. By the time we were down the streets, he could no longer hear MJ. Walking towards the entrance two large teens, football jockies judging by their jacket and figures, blocked the entrance like bouncers. He thought they must've stayed back at least 3 times. Seriously, their biceps were larger than his freaking head!


The one on the right stopped them from entering and gave them a dull look while his friend was just scrolling through his phone, content to let his friend do all the talking.

"Mary Jane Watson."

"Gimme a sec."

He scrolled through a list on a clipboard before quickly finding what he was looking for.

"You're good. Name?"

"John Doe."

Suddenly the bored eyes were replaced with confusion for a brief moment before a deadpan look was directed at him.

"...You think you're funny, kid? Beat it, before I beat you."

He was confused as to the sudden hostility.

"...? Excuse me?"

"John Doe, haha, hilarious. This is a private party, now get off the property before a throw you out."

The derision in his voice was clear and the jock was serious about kicking him out as his friend also put his phone away and rolled his sleeve up. Seeing things suddenly escalate prompted Mary Jane to speak up.

"Wait! That's his real name. He's cool. He's with me."

"...Seriously? Anyways it doesn't matter, the kid ain't on the list, so unless you want to join him, scram."

Mary Jane wasn't about to back down that easily though, and for a moment John wondered if he would need to step up? He subtly shifted his weight on his back leg as he prepared to pounce at any moment. If those two retards even think of raising a hand against her, well... A few months in the hospital would be enough to teach them their lessons he supposes?

Thankfully things didn't get to that stage as a sudden voice called out to them.

"Woah, no, let's all calm down. This is a party ya know? No need for violence."

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