《A Nerd's Wet Dream Come True (Tossing an OC into Marvel)》A day in the park with my doggo


A bunch of kids was laughing as they kicked a soccer ball in the park. It was a sunny day and there was a pleasant breeze to keep the heat off them, perfect for playing outside.

"Cmon, Tommy, you got this!"

A taller kid cheered for his friend who was running ahead of him with the ball. It was a clear shot to the goal as there was nobody to block him. Tommy knew this as well as a large grin grew on his face. He lifted his right foot and kicked the ball as hard as he could!

It flew across the field with great speed and power. However, the smile on his face was quickly replaced with horror however as it went in the completely wrong direction!

Flying past the goal it headed towards the benches where a girl was resting with a golden dog on her lap.

"Watch out!" all the kids shouted in fear and they ran after it, but it was clear there was no way they'd be able to stop it.

Just as she turned around in surprise at the incoming missile a furry paw lazily rose up and smacked it to the side. Seeing the 'threat' was over a pair of sapphire blue eyes closed and it simply laid its head back on the lap. It was far too comfortable at the moment to be bothered any more. The soft cushion it had along with the fingers running through its fur was simply heavenly. Speaking of which it noticed a disturbing lack of petting as it gave a small bark and whine.

"Thanks, Esper, ya such a good boy"

An affirmative bark was her reply and she was sure that if a dog could sound smug, that was it. The overgrown lap dog nudged its nose towards her abdomen as if asking for more praise and demanding more belly rubs. She happily complied as nimble fingers worked its way through silky fur. It was actually ridiculous how soft they were. He had better hair than even her!

"Who's a good boy? You are! Yes, you are. The best boy in town!" She laughed as she complimented her canine friend. Although they haven't been together long she was incredibly fond of Esperer. He was an amazing and strange one. At first, she was a bit worried about how she would take care of him. She lived mostly day by day and barely had any money as it was. Not many people would hire a street rat like her nor could she rely on human kindness. She was no charity case.

Yet, he blew through all her expectations. He not only could take care of himself in terms of food and potty training (Not that she has ever seen him eat or do his business) but he seemed to understand whatever she asked of him and never got her in trouble. Best of all he never wandered off, even when she had to leave by herself doing work, he was always there waiting for her. His nose even got her great food on more than one occasion. You'd be amazed at how much people wasted, she had found an entire pizza once, still warm too! Mushrooms and pineapples weren't really her thing, but beggars can't be choosers as they say. Pineapples on a pizza wasn't that. At least that's what she tries tells herself.


Still, she couldn't describe the joy she felt at coming home to her shitty shanty town or corner of the park and knowing someone was going to welcome her home. Meeting the lovable mutt was the best thing to happen to her since she ran away.

"Sorry, miss! are you alright?"

"Woah, that was badass, how'd you teach him to do that, lady?"

They were all covered in mud and sweat. It was actually a bit gross, but there was a hint of envy in Rogue's eyes. They were all in shorts and t-shirts. A good choice considering how hot it was, but a luxury she couldn't afford. Having their arms over each other's shoulders, laughing with friends, having their guard down and completely relaxed. She would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous and there was a hint of bitterness in her eyes as she watched them all chattering away.

A sudden paw to the face knocked her out of her funk.

"Ow! Esper! That hurts." He had booped her right on the nose and stared at her with his chest puffed out in pride too! A long and wet tongue dragged across her cheeks and up the side of her head. Her bangs now stuck up as if a drunken hairstylist had too much fun with hair spray. She couldn't stay mad at him for it as the stupid smile on his face was too darn cute. Curses. Yet, it did brighten her mood.

"Yeah, Ah am fine. Be careful next time, alright sport?"

Esperer had hopped off her lap and she pulled her hood tighter over her face. Just as she was about to leave she noticed Esper wasn't following her. Turning around she saw he had dashed through the other side of the park and retrieved the missing ball. He headbutts it until it bounced to her feet.

"Sorry, buddy, but this ain't mine."

She reached down and picked it up before tossing it towards Tommy. The kid caught it and opened his mouth before closing it again. This happened a few times before he managed to find his nerves and said what was on his mind.

"Um, if you want, why don't you play with us? You guys don't mind, right?"

He tentatively offered before turning around and asking for confirmation with his friends. He had thought Rogue was some old lady walking her dog when he saw the grey hair sticking out the side of her hoodie, but now that she was facing him he was flustered. She had forest green eyes and shone in the light, only further highlighted by the auburn bangs of bob-cut framing her face, the white streak gave her a unique look. All in all the young boy thought she was gorgeous.


Rogue didn't know what to do. While she longed for companionship she was also afraid of a repeat. Of causing another Coddy. Thankfully the choice was promptly decided for her when an all too familiar head pushed her along. Taking that as a cue they started passing the ball around, not so much playing a proper match but a giant form of hackysack or hot potatoes. Seeing how nobody was too close to her and they were playing with only their feet Rogue soon lost her anxiety and started to have fun.

Of course, only three out of the 8 of them were any good at keeping the ball midair, with some missing or falling on their faces. Needless to say, getting outshone in front of the girl some of they developed an instant crush on was embarrassing belong belief. Yet, they all felt it was worth it hearing her beautiful laugh.

They made a mental note to ask their parents if they could go again tomorrow.

All too soon the boys had to go home as it was getting late. The sun had started going down and she couldn't help a small irrational part of her from being upset at it for doing its job. Still, she had fun with Esperer and that was good enough for her. Maybe she'd see them again? It felt silly, but she was planning to start hanging around here more for the slim chance they met once more.

"Cmon boy, let's get dinner."

This time the mischievous fluff ball fell in line with her steps. While her ankle had gotten much better since the fall, running around and kicking a soccer ball all day had aggravated it and she was limping ever so slightly. Her faithful companion didn't mind her using him once more as a crouch. In fact, he swooped between her feet and lifted her on his back. Her admittedly short frame made her an easy fit on the large dog. Though she didn't see him suddenly increase ever so slightly in size and bulk to support her weight. His nostrils flared as he took a deep whiff of the air. A familiar scent beckoned him and he knew his little friend would love the surprise.

"Woah, calm down there cowboy!" She glued herself to his body as he bolted through the streets and jumped over a 5-foot fence. Using to his feats of strengths from her odd friend she didn't register the impossibility of such an action. As if she weighed as much as a feather he dog didn't slow down at all and continued its blistering speed.

Finally, Esper slowed to a stop, making sure to take caution that his friend wouldn't be flung off nor sick from the shift in motion. He was a thoughtful boy.

Rogue slowly got off his back while being dizzy from the rush despite Esper's attempts. As she looked around she realized where he had taken her. It was the back of Sally's Bakery. She would often walk past this store and stare at all the cup little cakes and food on display with Esper. She was confused about why he had brought her here when the sound of claws on metal got her attention.

She walked closer to the large garbage bin and his eyes widened as something sweet filled the air. She glanced at him and he wagged his tail excitedly, she gave a small laugh and patted his head.

"Ah guess we're in for a treat, aren't we Esp?" She lifted the lid and found a huge amount of food. Loaves of bread, cinnamon rows, and even the cute bunny cupcakes she was eyeing the other day!

She took a loaf and carefully examined it, it didn't look or smell funny, and breaking it in half got her a view of fluffy white and a crisp crunch. It was fresh, probably made within the day.

Places like these were they threw out entire batches of food because they had to keep everything fresh or nobody wanted it was a gold mine to her. She took one of the large empty boxes and filled it with a pick of almost everything. It was a good haul that would last her for breaks and lunch tomorrow.

"Jackpot! Good going, Esper!"

A kiss on the nose was her reward.

"Who's a smart boy? You are! Yes, you are!"

Esperer, however, had tracked this down as a reward for his friend. He was so proud of his little girl. She actually managed to have a good social interaction with people her age! It does his heart good knowing she was happy and breaking out of her shell however slowly.

And so they enjoyed their rare treat as they walked back home. Neither knew they had considered themselves the guardian of the other and the wiser of the relationship.

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