《A Nerd's Wet Dream Come True (Tossing an OC into Marvel)》Shang Chi: Note to self, never have kids.


Unfortunately, before the last needle even entered, the Blue Ki escaped from his body as if a leaking faucet. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head and his body still as stone. John had lost consciousness while maintaining his upright position. However, there wasn't a look of disappointment in Shang Chi's face, but rather a glowing pride. He never truly expected the kid to complete the opening of his pathways. He had merely wished to test the kid's potential and will power and he was astonished.

While he wouldn't say it to his face in fear of making the kid sad, John...Truly didn't have any talent! He would have to demonstrate and explain everything multiple times for the kid to understand, and even then most of them went far past his head. It was while they had mostly practiced on forms and sparring, to get the body to understand what the mind didn't. He had been beating reactions and form into the body for months. The only thing the boy had going for him was his incredible memory and sheer gut and determination.

Perhaps another style would fit him better, but his own style of Kung Fu didn't seem compatible to his student. He wasn't sure to laugh or cry. Countless people had sought him out for the secret of his technique and experience, yet the one he chose to inherit it ended up a bad match!

At least the boy was diligent. He would not ask more of the kid than his best efforts.

Still, that was one hell of a pain threshold John had. Normally even grown men or battle harden veterans cried out in pain after the second needle and most failed after the spinal tap. The pain of even a mundane needle between your spine would be enough to knock out people three times his age.

He didn't know what drove his young friend to go so far, but he could respect such determination. He'd do his best to give him the tools he needed to succeed.

Carefully removing and packing away the needles, Shang Chi gently carried the unconscious boy to rest in his room. His wounds were not truly as bad as they seemed and they were healed and cleaned up within minutes.


"I must be going old, to think such a thing took so much out of me" Contrary to his words the young man in his early 20s rubbed his back as if a senior citizen before going towards his own room with silent and light steps.

It was the morning after his failure. John silently sat that the breakfast table after placing down a plate of eggs and sausages between them. He had ended up sleeping over and had only woken up recently. His fists shook as he grit his teeth in self-loathing. His nails dug small cuts in his palm as his knuckles turned white from the force. He stood in front of the Asian man reading the morning newspaper before falling to his knees with a heavy thud. The man raised an eyebrow as he saw his student's strange action. He idly wonders what the strange boy was up too now

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry."

His eyes widened in alarm however when John didn't answer him and slammed his head into the floor with enough force to shake the table. He was so dumbfounded that he didn't manage to stop the boy before he was done. Once, Twice, Thrice. Each as heavy and loud as the previous. A cut had opened on his forehead after the first, but he didn't stop until he had done three kowtows.

"I'm sorry!"

Shang Chi hopped off his seat and hurried to lift the boy on his feet and clean his wound with his handkerchief. An all too familiar glow soon saw to it that the wound sealed shut.

"Are you alright?! John, why did you do that?"

"I've failed you, I'm sorry." He never really understood the phrase a teacher for a day is a father for life until he meets Shang Chi. This wasn't simply a teacher-student relationship like he had in school or even the college professors he was friends with. There were an investment and intimacy he couldn't describe in words. And the enormous guilt he had when he had woken up and eaten at him the entire time. It was as if lead filled the pit of his stomach. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't bear the thought of disappointing someone so important to him.


"I'm so sorry"

He couldn't think of anything else to say. What could he even say? After such a selfish request was granted to him, he still failed!

He had never cried since coming here. Not when it was winter and he was lost and alone in a new world, not when the realization of never seeing anyone he knew settled in, and not when he was enduring his hellish training. He didn't have an emotional attachment to anyone or anything. He frankly didn't care. He had nothing to lose. But here, now, he finally had something precious to him. He was scared of losing the faith of his master. Terrified even. Fat drops of tears ran down his face and his frame shook worst than it did the previous afternoon during his attempt at unlocking his Ki.

Shang Chi had decided one thing then and there. Children were a lot more complicated than martial arts for sure!

How did things go from such a 180 change? Here they were making eggs and having breakfast together, he had gotten pretty far with the crossword puzzle even! Then BAM his student has an emotional breakdown.

He let none of his confusion show in his face as he just enveloped the scared kid in a hug, rubbing his back and doing his best to say what was hopefully soothing words.

Minutes ticked by and the food must've grown cold by now, but Shang Chi didn't mind. He just continued to comfort John. After the ten minute mark the shaken finally calmed down and the sobbing gave way to small hiccups. He released his hold and rubbed the kid's head.

"So, want to tell me what you're sorry about? You didn't crash my car last night did you?" With a big goofy grin, the Asian man tried to lighten the mood with a joke. It earned him a small tug on the corner of the boy's face. He didn't own a car as he didn't want to contribute to the problem with pollution. Besides, he had a bike and could pedal faster than any car. Why make himself suffer from the bullshit that was finding parking?

"Aren't you mad at me? I failed you."

"Oh? And how pray tell did you do that?"

"Yesterday! I wasted all your time and efforts. No, this started even before yesterday. Ever since I joined here. I can't unlock my own Ki and I have no talent! I'm just a useless fuck up."

"John, that's not true yo-"

He couldn't finish his sentence before a shout interrupted him. His voice was rising and he was turning red in the face.

"Yes, it is! You don't need to lie to me to spare my feelings, Shang, we both know it's a fact. What the others pick up just by listening to you takes days for me even with your personal guidance. I'm just wasting your time and efforts!"

"John, John! Listen to me!"

Snapping the kid out of his hysterical rant he made his student look him straight in the eye and gave a soft smile.

"You didn't disappoint me John. In fact, I couldn't be prouder!"

A dumbfounded look was what he got in response to his claim and the man gave a hearty laugh.

"John, did you know, you amaze me every single day you come here. Things were hard, you didn't know what the hell you were doing and had the grace of a drunken elephant attempt ballet. Yet, you came back day after day. No matter how hard things got or how many times you were knocked over you charged straight on with single-minded determination. So what if you haven't unlocked your Ki! It just means you need more practice, but willpower, guts, drive. Those are the most important things, things I can't teach you, and you have those in spades."

A watery smile grew on Johns before he buried his face in Shang Chi's shirt. A flash of disgust was seen before the returned the gesture. He'd have to get dry cleaning to get rid of all the mucus, but at least his disgusting pupil was pacified. Ew oh god, he's rubbing his face in his stomach now and smearing snot everywhere.

Shang Chi came to another conclusion of the day. Kids were gross.

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