《A Nerd's Wet Dream Come True (Tossing an OC into Marvel)》A burning determination!



John couldn't help but feel a sense of Deja Vu as he was sent sailing out once more and landed on a very familiar courtyard. He didn't have time to contemplate the strangeness of his life in which being sent flying and getting knocked around was a common occurrence as incoming foot flew towards his face. He barely managed to block it with both hands before the assailant flipped herself off his palm as if it was a launch pad. With cat-like grace, she landed with hardly a sound.

She had silky black hair styled into a short ponytail in the back with two tufts of hair mimicking cat ears on either side of her head. Her sideburns curled around her cheek and framed which brought out the gleam in her jade green eyes. Two golden round bell ornaments hung behind her ears. Matched with her signature bright red Chinese dress and she made for a very striking figure. It was Renka Ma, his new friend who had taken up to sparring with him in her free time. His master had approved of it as facing different opponents and styles was helpful towards his growth.

He had grown past the level where random thugs or small underground fighting did much for him. He needed more skillful opponents that could push him. It didn't change the fact he was getting his ass whooped on a regular basis by the much more experienced girl.

A blocked jab that numbed his arms made him remember that perhaps that description was a bit too literal. Thankfully he didn't voice his pun out loud as he was sure it would've earned him an even more furious series of blows. He sent a sidekick to get her to back off and earn himself some breathing room, but it was a futile effort as she not only dodged his blow but had hopped on top of it.

Using her insane reflex and balance she performed a handstand on top of his swinging leg and twisted her body to give him a devastating blow to the temple. A knee with the force of her entire body's momentum plus gravity did the trick.

He dropped like a sack of potatoes.

John had woken up with the motherload of all migraines. It only took a moment before he recalled what had happened.

"I lost again, huh?"

"Yup, but don't be sad, you're improving every day! Soon you'll catch up to even me before you know it."

"I guess. It's just a bit frustrating, ya know? Everyone I know is so much stronger than me, it doesn't feel like I'm even getting anywhere."

It has been three months since he started his training. While his other endeavors such as social life and business were going great he was still getting nowhere. Oh, sure, he polished his technique every day, had the forms and movements literally beaten into him until most of it was pure reflex and instinct by now, but that was nowhere near enough. So what if he could beat up a gang of thugs by himself? So what if he could out skill most kids his age?

He wasn't competing with average people. He wasn't going to settle for being a small time hero. He had to be able to contend with the big league, people, things, that could rip apart grown men or the armed forces with ease. No matter how skillful he was for an average person it wouldn't mean anything. He had to be more than that. He had to be more than just a strong 'human' he had to break limits. To achieve the impossible. To be a legend. That was his goal. And it was so far away. Only 9 more months until Spiderman would be born and he had to get a foothold before then if he wanted to change things.


He had to snowball his advantage before others stepped onto the field and he lost his head start.

Seeing her new friend's crunched up eyebrow she flicked his head which was resting on her lap.

"Idiot. Do you think we were all this strong from the start? Me, my father, even Shang Chi, we all had to start from somewhere. We've had years of training, John. Some of us were groomed for it since we were young. I come from a long line of Martial artists John, you could say I was literally born for it. I'm actually insulted you think you could catch up to me in only three months."

A small glare without any heat behind it was directed at him.

"Ah, no, I didn't mean- I'm sorry."

"John, these things take time. What was that phrase..? Rome wasn't built in a day? Anyways, don't worry about it. You're making amazing progress and if you keep working hard I know for a fact that you'll become great. I believe in you."

The sincere tone she had was enough to move him. He couldn't remember the last time someone told him that. Sure he had friends who were alright with his path in life and what he did in the old one, and Henry and MJ were cool with his current one, but they didn't actually know what he went through nor understood. But here was someone who not only did but wholeheartedly supported him.

"I... Thanks, Renka, that means a lot."

"No problem, what are friends for?"

He laid there with his eyes closed for a few more moments until the pounding went away. Getting up he walked her back to Mr. Fu's Dumpling House.

"Hello John, have you come to return our resident trouble maker?" Although she hadn't been here for long she already had something of a reputation. A fearless waitress that wasn't scared of gangsters. Every now and then some people sought trouble or were intoxicated and rowdy. She handled them all equally, by kicking them out. Sometimes quite literally.

"Uncle~!" Renka whined in protest. She didn't try to find trouble, trouble just finds her! It wasn't her fault that idiots didn't learn their lessons the first time. People should know by now that the Ma family wasn't one to be messed with!

"Don't you "uncle" me, have you forgotten how you broke that man's arm last week?"

"What?! How could you fault me for that? He was acting inappropriately and was harassing our waitresses!"

He enjoyed their friendly exchange as despite how loud they were there was a sense of warmth of a family. He watched their byplay for a few moments before they remembered he existed

"Ahem, thank you for taking care of this child, John. I know she can be a handful."

"Ah, no, it was no trouble at all."

"Why are you guys talking as if I'm a child..? John is younger than I am!"

"Yes, truly, it must've been hard for you."

"Well, maybe just a little bit. That temper of hers is a bit hard to control."

"Hey! Why are you both ignoring me? Don't just talk as if I'm not here!"

After teasing Renka a bit more he returned to Shang Chi's dojo. There his master and friend sat on a large cushion drinking a freshly brewed cup of tea. To his right as an identical seat and steaming cup in front of it. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed his hot drink.


"So, how did your spar with the young Ma girl go?"

He wasn't sure how he was sensed as he was sure he didn't make any noise entering, heck he hasn't even stepped a foot pass the open entrance! He just mentally added to the category of mystical kung fu bullshit. It was totally without a hint of bitterness. He was not jealous. Well, ok, maybe just a bit.

"As well as you probably already guessed. I got my ass handed to me, except this time the beating lasted a bit longer."

John was way past the point of being embarrassed by a girl kicking his butt. The truth of the matter was she was simply better. He'd catch up though! Shang Chi gave a small hum of agreement as he placed down his empty cup.

"Yes, that girl, Renka was it? She truly does take after the Ma family's arts. I expect no less from the daughter of the famed Kensei Ma."

"What? You know who her father is?"

A loud burst of laughter that shook his frame was Shang Chi's response to his question.

"I don't think there is anyone within the true martial arts community who doesn't know of him! John, I may be regarded as "The Master of Kung Fu", but not even I can claim to have mastered the countless amount of styles that encompasses Chinese martial arts. No, there is only one man I know which can do so, and that is Kensei Ma, leader of the Phoenix Alliance whose members reach over 100,000!"

John almost choked on his tea hearing his teacher. All this time he thought he was looking for a useless deadbeat father who ran from home and abandoned his wife and three children, yet now he is being told that the person he considered a bum was actually such a legendary figure. What kind of concept was that, 100,000 followers! Enough to be called a private army than a school. If Renka was any indicator of their skills and considering her young age, wouldn't they be able to march up to the capital and take it over? They might be able to single-handedly overthrow the People's Republic!

That was like finding out that a hobo was actually the president or the janitor at your school was a god or something!


"That's...That's insane, wait, does that mean he is better than you?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that! I have never had the honor of facing him, but I wouldn't say I didn't have a good chance" A cocky smirk on was Shang Chi's face. John could practically sense the pride and confidence he excluded as if a physical pressure. If it was anyone else he wouldn't have believed them, after all, Kensei was apparently a living legend and was good enough to be the master of countless men and women, but his teacher was also on another level.

He bit his lips as he hesitating to ask a question that has been on his mind. Shang Chi obviously noted the expression on his pupil's face but patiently waited. Only the sound of sipping tea was heard for a solid five minutes before John gave his outburst

"Master...Is there a way for me to unlock my Ki quickly?"

"Oh? Is there something wrong with my method?"

"I don't wish to question your methods by any means! I mean no disrespect. I'm grateful beyond words for all the help you have provided me these past months, but there is something I must do soon, and to do it I need more strength. I've done as you instructed, there isn't a single day in which I have not meditated. There isn't a single set or kata which I didn't perform with my all, yet I still find myself no closer to reaching it."

"I see, may I ask what it is you wish to accomplish?"

John avoided eye contact and hung his head low. He felt quite shameless to be asking this of the man after all his generous help. Saving him from the thugs, providing him a roof over his head, teaching him his secret arts. Truly he was the older brother he had always wanted as a kid. Always dependable and caring. Yet he felt as if he spat in the man's face with his request and even worst denial to answer. He wanted to trust the man, to share his knowledge with him and everything that kept him up at night. He was naive thinking of the world as if an old cartoon or comic, he didn't consider all the dark undertones of the stories, focusing on the witty jokes and the hero saving the damsel.

It took seeing Mr. Fu beaten half to death to knock him out of it. This may be a world based on the comic, but it was a living breathing world, things happen outside of the focus of the hero. He'd have to pick up the slack. He wasn't sure if informing Shang Chi would lead someone else finding out. Not that he thought the man would tell anyone, but in a world with telepaths and cosmic omniscience being it was better safe than sorry. If one of them decided to kidnap him and use his knowledge for evil or judged him a threat to the timeline then it was better only he was affected.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you the specifics, but if I don't then a lot of good people will get hurt.

Time was running short. 9 months may sound like a lot of time to prepare, but it really wasn't when one gained their power through training and comprehension and not magic or super serums.

"I see, as your friend it saddens me that you can't trust me with your burdens, but as a teacher, it fills me with pride to see you become your own man. As long as your heart is just I will always support you. However, I must warn you that this method to forcefully unlock your Ki shall be agonizing."

"Thank you, master. I'm ready."

Shang Chi got up and walked towards a drawer in the corner of the room. He rummaged through it for a few moments before returning with a polished redwood box. Opening it revealed what must've been a dozen silver needles.

"I shall use acupuncture along with my inner force to stimulate your own. Remember, no matter how painful it is, you must not move a muscle."

A firm nod was the young boy's response. Normally such an extreme method wouldn't be used, but Shang Chi could sense the sheer determination in the boy. While by no means life-threatening the pain would be considered torture to most people. A smile was on his face as he saw the boy. It'll be alright, his student was made of more sturdy stuff than those wusses.

A gleaming needle glowed blue as Shang Chi channeled his energy into it. A small draft could be felt in the room as wind twirled around it as if a small twister. Even as it slowly headed towards him a drop of sweat dripped down John's face. Before it even touched him he could feel the pressure from it. A slow and smooth motion slid the needle into him as if it fell into a pool of water there was not a hint of resistance. It was near his solar plex

John's eye widened and he had to bit the inside of his mouth to suppress a scream. The initial entry wasn't so bad, but once it was fully inserted and his master let go to retrieve another one was when the pain started. As if something was rampaging inside of him all his organs throbbed in pain. No matter how he tried to empty his mind and still his body his fingers twitched and a vein bulged on his forehead.

Yet before he could even begin to deal with the pain of the first, the second soon joined. If the first felt as if a foreign entity was playing around with his organs and using his intestines as a jump rope, then the second caused his body to beat itself up. His bones ached and tendons screamed in pain as his muscles contracted and squirmed as if alive. His bones felt as if there was a python trying to crush them.

It had only been a minute since the procedure started, yet his entire body was soaked in sweat. The third needle entered right below the second. Three needles lined in a perfect row along with his abdomen. It was sheer agony. His body burned with energy and it felt worse than being burnt alive as it swirled around inside of him as if trying to cook him alive. His breath came out in thick white vapor and his skin turned red as a lobster. He was being roasted from the inside.

Needles after needles entered him and eventually Shang Chi started to insert them in his back. It felt as if one went in between his spinal disks and stabbed a bundle of nerves. His body shook with pain no matter how hard he tried to stop them. A molar cracked in his mouth and a dribble of blood leaked out. His eyes were beyond bloodshot and he wasn't sure how much more he could endure.

"Only 4 more John. You're doing good." The fatigue tone of his teacher mad him realize he wasn't the only one having a hard time. He guess it was entire the intensity of the energy needed or the sheer concentration. If his friend was suffering so much for his selfish wish how could be be such a bitch about a little bit of pain? With renewed determination he steeled his nerves. His body slowly calmed down and stilled. It still hurted like hell as every single needle multipled the pain.


another jab in his back and they were now close to his shoulder blades.


It was hard to think as pain consumed every thought, he tried to focus on the surroundings to distract him. Oh hey, since when did they get a new bonsai tree? Maybe he should water it aft-

"1 left! Almost there, John."

A sharp sting in the base of his neck

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