《A Nerd's Wet Dream Come True (Tossing an OC into Marvel)》A choice to be made


"My name is Harry Osborn."

If meeting Mary Jane sent his heart racing, meeting Harry was the complete opposite. His heart skipped a beat and he swore it felt as if his blood had frozen in his veins. This short and unassuming kid who was so shy he could barely look him in the eyes, this boy who was so young he would've been old enough to be his father in the previous world, was the future nemesis of Spiderman.

Green Goblin.

The insane psychopath that terrorized New York and in some instances the world was standing right before him. The heir of Oscorp. Standing at an impressive height of 5'3 and weighing all of what seems to be 110 lb, this munchkin would-be-menace had a half-open backpack slung over his right shoulder, the contents within obviously crammed in a hurry. Deja vu.

John reached down and helped Harry pick up his scattered books that feel upon their impact. A quick glance over his books and paper had him memorize the kid's schedule. He had better keep an eye on this one. He didn't feel safe knowing he had a viper living so close by even if the kid hasn't done anything... yet.

"O-oh, you didn't have too... Thank you." the Osborn heir looked genuinely surprised as if the mere fact somebody would help him was a foreign concept.

"Don't worry about it. This was partly my fault too. So, where were you going in such a hurry if I may ask?"

"Pre-Algebra with Ms. Wilson."

"Oh, I have her too! Well, actually it's for AP Algebra and I start next week. I'm Mary Jane Watson by the way, it's nice to meet you."

"Yeah, little Red here is actually a big fat nerd, don't tell anyone though, ok?" John gave Harry a conspiratorial wink as he told him in a mock whisper.


"Oh shut up, you were the one who told me I should take that class, you better help me get an easy A like you said Mr!" She gave him a glare with no heat behind it.

It seems as if their friendly banter had eased up the other boy as he lost some of his tension and decided to join in on the light-hearted fun.

"You don't need to worry Mary I promise to keep your D&D sessions a secret from the other cheerleaders."

The unlikely trio found themselves chuckling in the hallway. They chattered away in the hall about school and random topics. It seems as if they had become quick friends as the cheerful Mary Jane brought out the shy Osborn from his shell and John's sense of humor seemed to also kick it off well with the others.

They all left as soon was long out and they had to get home. It was a fun day, however, the thoughts of what that bright and nervous kid would become in the future wiped his smile off his face like nothing else.

Were the Glider and Serum already in the works? Did Doctor Oct already work there? Could he prevent the tragedies that seemed set in stone? Could he save him? Or.. should he just preemptively cut this bud before it grows into a problem...?

Should he kill Harry Osborn? An innocent child who has yet to do any wrong? God, he hated philosophy. Was this how people felt when asked if you could go back in time would you kill Hitler? The obvious choice was yes, and he remembered answering the same when asked by a friend back in high school. After all, the man was evil incarnate, was he not?

John didn't consider himself an expert nor a saint by any means, but causing the genocide of an entire people and a world war was pretty fucking bad. He didn't think many could argue against the fact that the elimination of Hitler would've made the world a drastically better place.


But that was a mere hypothetical situation, an impossibility, an answer he gave on a whim. Because it was the easy answer. Because it was the "right" answer. Was it really though? Could he really justify murder?

He didn’t know Hitler, not as anything as a man in a photo. Not as thingy remotely human. He didn’t see the pain and loneliness in his eyes, the sign of bullying abuse, the sheer intimate knowledge of his family issues. He didn't have to look in his eyes as the life left them.

The mere thought that he was contemplating the death, the murder, the assassination of a kid he had just met and shaken hands with mere moments ago was enough to make him sick, but it was for the greater good... Right?

He had a choice to make that would possibly decide the fate of everyone in New York, if not the world.

John came to one conclusion: He was far too sober for this shit.

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