《Eyes of heaven and hell》End of training


Chapter 4- End of training

The sun was shining bright, Ken and Mia were doing push ups out in the lawn. Arthur was sitting under a tree reading a book while the two were training up their bodies. Arthur was finally ready to teach them both how to increase their Meoka power.

"You both have been doing really well lately so I'm finally going to teach you how to use the full extent of your power."

Ken and Mia had been waiting for this moment for a long time, Arthur sat them both down by the fountain and pulled out the rock which allowed them to use Meoka without draining their bodies.

"Ah I remember this rock, you showed it to us when we first arrived here, I can't believe it's already been a year since." Said Ken.

"Well I can't teach you how to use Meoka before you've trained your bodies to handle it."

"Now both of you listen up, there's only one rock like this in existence and I had an old friend give it me. Do not break it."

Ken and Mia nodded. Arthur gave the rock to Mia as she had more experience with it. He asked her to show Ken how to use the rock.

Mia looked at Ken and said, "Listen up Ken, to use this rock you must close your left eye and chant the following

"Oh power of the rock, heed our call and give us the power of the all might gods"

As soon as Mia chanted those words she disappeared, her entire body vanished, Only her breath was audible. Mia moved her around Ken in a circular manner as if to tease him.

"I WANT TO DO THAT TOO" Ken shouted excitedly.

Mia looked at Ken and smiled thinking about how he's changed ever since she first met him.


She handed him the stone and made her way inside the house to drink water.

Ken looked at the stone and thought about how far he's come since he was the weak little boy.

He chanted the words just as Mia instructed him to but for some reason nothing happened.

Arthur looked at Ken in disbelief and thought to himself how this was possible. The ancient stone which grants free power to all.

"I can't believe it, you're a monster Ken, this shouldn't be possible. In all my life this has never happened before not even with 'him'."

Ken felt hopeless, he felt like he couldn't exact revenge on null without even being able to use his powers.

"Master why me? Why couldn't I have a normal life with my parents? I've only ever wanted that."

"Why did you become Edgar Allan Poe? You're so strong that the stone literally can't access your powers."

"Oh. I thought I couldn't use it cause I'm weak"

No matter what Arthur said he knew he was training something that wasn't human. He wanted for Ken to awake like 'he' did but didn't know if it would bring calamity to this world or blessing.

Arthur advised Ken to keep training until he finally awakens. Ken agreed to the this and trained his body as much as he could. Arthur also told Ken that trying to use Meoka no matter how little he could would increase the process of awakening his eyes.

Day in and day out Ken and Mia trained as much as they could. Mia trained to hold her breath when Invisible in order to completely conceal herself.

5 years passed and there was no sign of awakening. Mia who was now 18 was even more beautiful than before, her purple eyes and shone brighter with age and her brown hair got a little shorter, her skin colour was pale ivory and her voice was slightly deep.


Ken on the other hand was built with muscles, his muscles did not look to prominent but they were definitely there. His eyes black and white now had the power to change to the colourless.

He let his hair grow out until they just reached below his eyebrows. His hair was snow white and his slim structure didn't do justice to the muscles underneath.

Ken was now 16 years old and was losing hope. Nothing was working out for him and his aim at revenge was lowering each day. Mia and Ken were sitting inside the house and talking

"Ken you can't be losing hope like this, I'm sure you're gonna awaken soon. The day you awaken will be the day I join you for your revenge."

"What do you fight for Mia? Why do you work so hard. What's your goal, you've never told me. The burden you carry why don't you share it with me."

"I'll tell you when the time is right. You're one of the only people in this world that I trust and I don't wanna spoil our relationship with something like that."

Ken didn't particularly like the idea but he respected Mia's decision.

Ken left the house and went to the garden where he sprawled across the grass and looked at the clouds in the sky. He thought to himself if all this was really worth the revenge. He dozed off due to the harsh training he went through in the morning. When he came to he saw a light shining in the sky clashing with a dark shadow. He called Mia in a hurry.

"Mia come look at this. What is that." Said Ken in a confused tone.

"What are you talking about? I don't see anything."

Ken was confused. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. He blinked twice but the two bodies did not fade.

"I see it's finally that time" said Arthur.

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