《The Strongest Skill: Getting rich while becoming stronger》6. An Upgrade in Power!!


-An Upgrade in Power-

Kenshin had not expected the appearance of classes.

After the dungeons appeared on a massive scale all over the world; some people got affected by the radiation emitting from those dungeons. They gained the ability to kill the monsters. After killing them, they realized that these monsters drop interesting things after their death, exactly like an RPG game. These dungeons not only spawn monsters that drop gold and other important materials but also drop magical equipment. As for skills, they were either inborn or would later be awakened as the hunter level-ups.

After the founding of the Dungeon Control Board, this global organization categorized these skills and divided them into classes. When Kenshin applied for his hunter’s license; he was categorized under the warrior class. Now when his system had shown him about classes he could choose, he was more than a little surprised.

There were three classes available to him with all of them being melee types. He carefully looked through all the classes and tried to recall the advantages and disadvantages of choosing them. The Knight class was a common class that was chosen by every player in a game. But this was no game; this was a reality. The knight class was giving him a fixed increase of STR and AGI after every level up.

The Paladin was a class that made to wear heavy armors and have blessings of the gods. They could borrow the god’s power in the form of blessing and faith to dish out devastating damages to their opponents.

Then the last class in the list, Magic Knight, was basically the paladin class without any of God's blessings.

From the three classes, Kenshin was very much inclined towards the Magic Knight class. Paladin needs devotion and belief in a god, frankly speaking he would suck at this class. He wasn’t a religious person to begin with, from where would he bring out blind faith?

‘Magic Knight it is then!’

Kenshin selected the Magic Knight class.

[You have chosen the Magic Knight class]


[Generated INT stat...]

[You have obtained a class bonus of 2 points fixed increase in INT, STR, and DEF]

[You have learned a class-specific skill ‘Flaming Slash’]

[Flaming Slash Lv 0][1000 EXP to next level up]

- Uses 10 MP to dish out 40 points of fire damage to the opponent

“WOW!!!” Kenshin was thrilled. Including this new skill, he now has more than three skills available to him. Then he remembered that there was something else also written on his window, something like a system store facility!

Pressing the ‘X’ button on the top right corner of the blue screen, he returned to the options window and sure enough, there was another button below maps.


“What is this?” getting curious, he pressed the store button. Upon his selection, the blue screen vanished and replaced with various pictures and words written on it.

[Welcome to System Store]

[Currently, you only have access to Level 1 store]

[You have 490 G in your bank]

Below there were four buttons.

[Potions], [Weapons], [Armors], [Skills]

“Holy shit!!” Kenshin couldn’t keep his cool after seeing this. He was impatient to see what’s inside, but his rational mind prevented it. The floor will reset after one hour, before that he should pack all the dropped dark steel.

There was a reason why zombies are very unpopular among hunters; not only they don’t drop any loot after their death, but also they are a pain in the ass to kill.

Scanning around, he found there were only twenty stacks of dark steel dropped on the floor. With a sigh, he collected them into his inventory. Currently, his inventory was mostly empty except for a large duffle bag and some snacks.

The duffle bag was for hiding his inventory.

Kenshin decided to move on to the second floor. Initially, he had no plans for going any higher than the first floor but now that he has leveled up and acquired a class; he wanted to test out his limit in battle. Thinking of this, he stepped on the portal leading to the second floor of the dungeon. When the light vanished from his eyes, Kenshin noticed he was being stared at by a group of people.


The second floor contains only skeletons. They were stronger and faster than zombies. They could use weapons and spells, and also drop items upon their death. Hence, it was no wonder that he could find a few people on this floor.

“Hello!!” he greeted them with a polite head bow. But his polite gesture was disregarded by all of them. These eight people, who were sitting near the portal and taking a rest after a gruesome battle sneered at him. They seemed pretty hostile to Kenshin, though he didn’t know why. He simply decided to ignore them. There were people like them everywhere.

As he was about to walk past them, he heard a bunch of nasty words pouring out of their mouths.

“He is here alone! What is he thinking?”

“Even we eight couldn’t last here for more than five minutes. Does he think he is stronger than all of us?”

“Lad! It was better to return and come back with a party of no less than ten people.”

Hearing this kind of words in such a mocking tone, Kenshin’s reaction was to flip his middle finger at them. It was better to stay away from this kind of people. Though their intentions were right, their behavior was pretty bad.

“Fuck! This lad, here we are giving his free advice, and he was disrespecting us!”

“I hope he gets himself killed.”

Kenshin basically turned a deaf ear to their jeering and went on his way. Not even five minutes later and he encountered a skeleton brawler.

[Skeleton Brawler Lv 2]

[HP 50/50]

[ATK 10][DEF 5]

Kenshin was not that surprised. He has already encountered this kind of monsters in his life many times. Currently, his base attack power was 27. His longsword provides 10 points of weapon damage, increasing it to 37 points. With precise strikes, he could increase the damage rate to more than 50 points.

He can one-shot these skeleton brawlers.

*Sling* Kenshin unsheathed his sword from his scabbard and slipped into a basic longsword stance. The ox ward is a stance done by putting the left foot forward, and the sword held close to your face and aimed towards the upper regions of the opponent's body. Kenshin slipped into this stance.

“GRRR!!” the skeleton roared as it charged towards Kenshin. Undeads have an inborn hatred towards the living, making them frenzy whenever they encounter something living. Those eight people were not attacked by the monsters while resting because there was a protective circle surrounded the portal.

It was a kind of green zone inside the dungeons.

When the skeleton reached his range, Kenshin made a simple thrust with his sword. The sword penetrated through the undead’s skull, killing it instantly.

[You have killed a skeleton brawler]

[+40 EXP]

[+ 1 worn-out leather glove]

[+10 silver coins]

‘Nice! I get 40 exp per kill here. I also received some equipment’ Kenshin thought as he selected on worn-out leather gloves to see its properties. The drops seem to be collected automatically by the system.

[Worn out leather gloves]

[Durability: 10/20]

[+4 AGI]

‘Nice glove! It gives +4 AGI’ Kenshin mutters as he equips them immediately. His old gloves have no such property as it was only a normal leather glove.

Kenshin knew that if he tried to sell this glove in the market; then he could get no less than 50~100 G for it. He has decided to sell it after exiting this dungeon.

After equipping the gloves, Kenshin felt a substantial increase in his powers. His agility was increased by four points, making him faster than before. Four points were equivalent to the amount available after one level up. Kenshin was very happy. His fighting instinct was triggered, fueled by his desire for money and equipment, he lunged towards the skeletons roaming all around the second floor.

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