《The Strongest Skill: Getting rich while becoming stronger》2.Checking out the features


-Checking Out the Features-

When Kenshin opened his eyes, he found himself laying on a soft bed. Looking around, he saw white walls everywhere. There was a window, but the curtains were drawn, covering the view beyond. Only a thin light of sunray was falling on the floor, indicating that it might be day time. From the number of medical equipment he saw around him, he concluded that he was really in the hospital and someone had rescued him after he lost his consciousness.

‘A hospital! Somebody rescued me?’ A smile flashed on his face as he thought of this. Just remembering the massive wound on his abdomen, he couldn’t help but shudder. He nearly crossed over to another world last night. Thinking of the wound, the memories of events just before he lost his consciousness gradually appeared on his mind as he started to frown.

Those floating boxes, those colorful texts, they were just too good to be true. He was in a dilemma. Half of him believes those memories while the other half thinks that those were just hallucinations he had due to his near death experience. He couldn’t come to a conclusion in a short time. Suddenly the door to the room was pushed open as a man in white doctor cloak and a woman wearing nurse grab came in.

Seeing Kenshin awake and sitting, the nurse was the first one to react. She came towards him in large strides while having a worried face.

“Ah! You! Why did you sit up? Your wounds were very serious, they are yet to heal. If you sit up like this, you will open those wound again.” She was in a flurry as she forced him to sleep again by pushing his shoulders gently. Seeing her concern as well as the dread of those words, Kenshin also didn’t resist and instead slowly laid on the bed.

“Haha! Mariko, don’t bother with this anymore. The patient was already healed. Open those bandages and check if I am correct or not.” The doctor laughed as he saw the nurse in such flurry as well as Kenshin’s playing along with her. Seeing such a scene, he began to think ‘This Mariko is such a worrywart. Didn’t she read his medical report this morning? Besides that young man, is it really necessary for him to be this cooperative?’

“What are you saying, doctor? Haven't you saw in what condition the patient came the last night? How can the wounds in just one night?” the young nurse named Mariko complained, but still obeyed the doctor and tried to open the bandage. Of course, it was not to check if he was correct or not but to change the bandages. Kenshin also looked at the doctor in disdain, thinking that he was on weeds. He clearly remembered what sort of wound he had received the last night, how can he be healed overnight?

“You guys, what kind of face are you making to me? I am a doctor you know!” the doctor sighed as he saw the disdain filled eyes of Mariko and Kenshin. Sighing once more, he came around and fiddled with the medical papers hanging from the Kenshin’s bed.

“Kya!!” suddenly Mariko shouted loudly, totally unprofessional of a nurse. The noise startled both Kenshin and the doctor but the later soon relaxed as he understood what happened.

“What is it, nurse?” Kenshin worriedly asked. From what he remembered, if it were not for his quick thinking and suppressing the wound using his hands, his inner organs would have slipped out. When the doctor asked her to open the bandages, he(Kenshin) thought that he(the doctor) was on weeds.


“Your wounds! They are gone! Such a big wound! How can it heal overnight?” the nurse couldn't believe her eyes and felt like she was dreaming. How could a person with such grievous wounds heal overnight to the point of not even leaving a scar? It was too unbelievable.

“Healed! What are you talking about? I can still feel it sti-” before he could complete the sentence, he felt that he didn’t feel any pain from his abdomen anymore. Its as if the excruciating pain that he felt yesterday was all a dream. In worry he looked down, only to find a smooth skin of his abdomen which was currently groped around by the young nurse.

‘What the hell! How can such a large wound heal overnight? What kind of medicine did this doctor gave me? Shit! Don’t tell me its expensive as hell, I don’t have money at all!!’ Kenshin gave all the credit of his healing to the doctor. And then despaired at the thought of having to pay for it.

“Doctor, what's going on here? How could a person who was on the verge of dying yesterday could heal up like this in one night?” Mariko had enough of fondling Kenshin’s skin, who was secretly enjoying it and questioned the doctor.

Giving her a genial smile, the doctor handed her a stack of papers and said “Read this report that came out this morning. You will know everything after that.” The beautiful nurse accepted them and started to skim through them seriously. She was determined to find out the reason behind the complete recovery of the patient that happened overnight.

“You are? Since you were unconscious last night, we couldn’t record your name, so can you please give us your name?” the doctor smiled strangely and asked. The smile on the doctor’s face made Kenshin somewhat perplex.

“I am Kenshin Muto. Thank you for saving me.” Since he was laying, he couldn’t bow, in exchange he only nodded his head.

“Thank you, but I can't accept that gratitude. It's not me who saved you. You are the one who saved yourself.” The doctor’s cryptic reply intensified Kenshin’s perplexion. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, “What do you mean?”

“I mean what I said. I didn’t do anything, neither any medicine prescribed by me.” As the doctor said this, he missed the subtle relaxing of Kenshin’s facial expression. He continued “It was all due to your own effort. It's only because you have a self-recovery skill and a very powerful one at that, coupled with your unwavering determination to live, you created a miracle and healed from a sure-death wound to a healthy person overnight.”

“Self-recovery?” Kenshin couldn’t understand the doctor at all. Since when did he have a self-recovery skill? How come he wasn’t aware of this skill? It's not like this was the first time he got wounded, then how come he didn’t discover this self-recovery skill before?

“That’s right, your self-recovery skill. I have even consulted with a hunter, and he confirmed that it was indeed because of a self-recovery skill.” The doctor continued to say while making the subtle changes of Kenshin's face.

‘Self-recovery! Wait!’ suddenly Kenshin recalled seeing something weird just before his consciousness faded. Narrowing his eyes, he thought: ‘Is this related to those boxes I have seen before!’ he could vaguely remember the contents written on those boxes. Among them was a box noting about him acquiring a passive healing skill.


‘That must be it!’ after guessing the probable origin of his self-recovery skill, the only thing remained was to confirm it.

“I see! Still, thank you for your effort. Can you tell me who brought me to the hospital?” Kenshin asked as he wanted to thank the person who saved him. If not for that person bringing him to the hospital, even if he didn’t have died of the fatal wound, he would still have died at the hands of the goblins when they respawned.

“You want to thank that person! Haha! Can you actually do it, if I tell her name?” the doctor adopted a serious face and asked Kenshin. The sudden change in atmosphere startled Kenshin. Even the nurse behind the doctor made a serious face.

‘What’s going on here?’ Kenshin couldn’t help but ask himself. Although he felt weird out, he still nodded his head.

“It was miss Yamazaki Aoi” the doctor solemnly replied.

‘Eh!’ Kenshin momentarily blanked at the familiar name. it’s not only familiar but also a legendary name among all the young hunters across the world. “Yamazaki Aoi! You mean that Yamazaki Aoi!?” for the sake of clarification he asked again, this time with an amazed look on his face.

“Of course the one and only that Yamazaki Aoi.”

“It turns out my savior is a legendary figure.” Kenshin was very surprised and a little happy. In this world, who doesn’t know about Yamazaki Aoi?! The legendary Hunter, who was born with the only ‘Divine class’ skill in existence! Some even claimed her as God's messenger or something.

Relying on this skill, she became the youngest Hunter ever to have her first Awakening. Her track record was also excellent, with no party member ever dying under her watchful eye, granted those party members were no pushovers. Her down-to-earth personality makes her even more popular among the crowd. She was the idol of many hunters all over the world. Power, money and fame, she got everything a hunter want to possess.

‘But what was she doing inside such a low-level dungeon?’ Kenshin thought while thanking his lucky stars that she was actually inside that dungeon.


After that, the doctor advised him to stay at the hospital for a few days and recuperate. After doing another round of routine check-up, he left together with Mariko, leaving Kenshin alone with his chaotic thoughts.

Since there was no one present inside the room, he decided to think of those boxes. If they were really responsible for him gaining a healing factor, then he must find the results.

After trying and failing various methods for some time, he finally concluded that maybe those boxes were a type of skill. To test his theory, he used the same method as one uses when activating their skills.


[System starting…10%]


[User Muto Kenshin welcome to Interface V 1.02]

[Please wait while the interface is loading your status…]

[Ding* Load complete]

[Current Status*]

[Muto Kenhin][Human]

[Level 5][1900 EXP for next level up]

[HP 150/150]

[MP 19/19]

[ATK: 25; DEF: 19; AGI: 31; PHY: 15; LUK: 9]

[Unassigned points: 4]

[Lives: 0]


[1. Replication Lv 1][1000 Exp to next level up]

[2. Passive Regeneration Lv 5][5640 Exp to next level up]

This time Kenshin was not as surprised as he was before.

‘So It was no hallucination!’ Kenshin confirmed his suspicion.

As he skimmed through the blue boxes, he couldn't help but smile wryly. This system, it was really like an old school RPG game. Status, Experience, Skills…everythign was the same as an RPG game window.

Did that mean now his life was a game too?!

He didn’t want to find out the answer.

Towards the top-right corner, he found a small ‘X’ button. Getting curious he pressed it. Suddenly the whole screen turned blank except for four yellow buttons with something written on them.





These four buttons were all self-explanatory. The status button will show his current status while Inventory will take to the storage space available to him. The Quest button will show all his running quests while maps will show his current position.

All these things are pretty common in the game but what about reality? Does it have the same function in reality as in-game?

“Let's check this out!” saying so, Kenshin selected the inventory button.

Sixteen smaller blue boxes appeared within a larger blue box.

“This is my inventory space!” Kenshin became excited. The world had evolved into an old school semi-RPG game. Why? Although there were monsters and dungeons all around, there was no class or status screen for everyone. Naturally, there would be no Inventory.

Every person who played those games knew the advantages of these inventories. That’s why Kenshin was very excited about it.

Now the problem was how to access this storage space? Grabbing a glass from his table, he placed it on one of the empty boxes, but it phased through it without any obstruction.

Physically putting inside was impossible! Another thing was that, unless it was him, no other object could physically touch those boxes. That’s a useful discovery.

Concluding this point he changed his approach.

Pointing his right hand towards the glass, he imagined it going inside his inventory.


This had also failed! Kenshin was really embarrassed. Time to change his approach again! This time he physically touched the glass as he repeated the previous step. Suddenly the glass vanished with silver flash as a small picture of it formed on one of the boxes.

“So that’s how it is!” Kenshin’s face broke into a grin. He finally learned the correct way to use the inventory. Having enough with the inventory function, he went back again and selected the quest button.

A blank blue screen appeared with some words written on it.

[You currently have 0 active quests]

Seeing that there was nothing else here, he clicked the same red X button and returned to the Home screen.

This time he selected the Maps button.

A large blue window popped up with various lines and graphs. There was a triangle in the middle of the graphs facing upwards. Kenshin guessed this triangle was his position. Basically, this map was the same as a typical GPS map.

“It’s really like an RPG interface!” a thick smile appeared on Kenshin’s face.

If this system works exactly like an RPG game, then it would be very convenient for him. He couldn’t wait any more to check out those features.

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