《Rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in Another World》Chapter 15 - Orcs


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“As expected of the Water Bomb, luckily it was not used in large numbers back on Earth… still, how antis climatic, for those dangerous lizards to die just like that…”

[Ding! You have killed Surile x 64]

[Ding! Received 320,000 CP]

As he was appreciating the power of the bombs, notifications began ringing in his ears. He left the riverside and went to a safe spot, in order to avoid any other beasts which may appear due to the disturbance. Once he was a good distance away, he opened the System screen and checked his spoils.

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Name : Add (Adolf Kaiser Weismann)

Race : Human

Credit Points : 871,500


Vitality : 18

Strength : 20

Agility : 15

Dexterity : 12

Defence: 15

Intelligence : 7

Wisdom : 6

Stamina : 12

Charm : 6

Magic Aptitude : Enhancement Magic (Low)

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He was now close to having a million CP, which made him a bit excited. There were as lot of things he could buy from the system now. The first thing he did was to purchase the Grade - C Gene Enhancer which instantly reduced his balance by 500,000. Still, it was worth every point and Add kept it in his inventory, to use it later. He was in a forest where monsters roamed freely, and using a gene enhancer which knocked him out for hours every time he used it was not a bright idea. The next morning he left the area and looked for other monsters to hunt, the surviving Suriles had fled the place and the loud explosions had scared away nearby monsters, so staying around was not worthwhile. He then made his way upwards, towards the higher slopes of the hills. Till now he had been roaming in the foothill regions and valleys, and wanted to see if he could find better prey.

The forests in the upper regions of the hills had changed their structure and instead of the moderately spaced trees below, dense foliage covered these higher slopes, with tall trees growing dozens of metres high and spreading thick canopies. The atmosphere was moist, almost everything was wet and there was a lot of under growing vegetation on the forest floor. Add who had ditched his original green-brown camouflage uniform, was now dressed in a black-grey camouflage uniform with heavy duty military boots which helped him blend with the dark ambience of these forests. The katana was kept at his waist, coupled with the AK-54R in his hands, and the large backpack on his back, he looked rather impressive, a samurai-soldier hybrid of sorts.

On his way up he had been reading the encyclopaedia frequently, familiarising himself with the monsters he could face. There were thousands of them, so he mostly focused on D rank and above as F and E rank monsters were not worth worrying about. During this time, he also had to deal with a lot of monsters on the way, starting from giant snakes, to groups of feral rats and even some carnivorous plants, which could eat prey the size of a dog whole. There were also bigger threats such as a large cat-like monster called [Creothrax]. It had given him quite the trouble with its agility and reflexes. All these constant fights and attacks were a nuisance, but thanks to that he had gained decent amounts of CP and due to his regular use of the Katana when dealing with the monsters, his skill with the Katana had noticeably improved. After three days of trekking and killing random monsters, he spotted a large group of humanoid monsters. Looking through his binoculars, he quickly identified them as Orcs.


They were usually as tall as humans, if not taller. With their tall and muscular bodies, Orcs posses brutish strength and raw power, and had a deformed human like appearance. They were generally, broad shouldered with a slightly bent posture, flat-nosed, with wide mouths and slant eyes, long arms, dark wrinkly skin, and large fangs. Their skin colour ranged from murky grey to bland shades of dull green. Most Orcs however had darker shades of black or brown skin. They had deformed faces which were looked like a very ugly human with his face flattened by a club. They have a good sense of smell and hearing but their eyesight is average. But some Orcs tend to have a more 'human' shape and stronger than their peers. They have stronger bloodlines than regular Orcs and often lead their tribes.

Orcs lived in tribes of a few dozens to hundreds, where the strongest one ruled. They had primitive ways in which the females stayed in the nests while the males went out to raid . They had their own coarse language and were more intelligent than goblins. Their tribes had various classes of Orcs, some more deformed short and weak, which were of the lowest position, while others were strong and occupied the mid level in the hierarchy. The average Orc was a C ranked Monster and had strength much greater that of a Goblin champion. The stronger ones would be B – ranked and their tribe leaders could even reach A – ranks. They loved to battle and were very barbaric, not using much, if any tactics, and clashing head on with their foes and overwhelming them with brute fOrce and numbers.

The leaders of the Orc tribes were the strongest individuals. Orcs were inherently, evil, cruel, wicked, hateful, black hearted creatures, and hated everybody and everything including their own kin. But their hatred was particularly intense for humans and other prosperous races. However, despite their abominable nature and form, occasionally there were Orcs, which were not dim-witted but clever and crafty, and these types of Orcs were usually the leaders of large tribes. Orcs were able to make crude clothes too and many of them wore loincloths made of animal leather and used leather and fur as clothes on their torso. They primarily used weapons made of bone and wood, but could also use human weapons with ease, although not as elegantly. They were omnivores who ate almost anything, but preferred meat above all else. Especially Human meat. To them it was a delicacy. They often raided settlements of other races pillaging and slaughtering, which earned them hatred from all other races. Many times they would be killed by the other races, yet their breeding abilities were second only to goblins, and coupled with their intelligence, they thrived in the dark forests and woods, while some tribes also preferred caves and tunnels as their homes.

All in all their intelligence could be compared to feral cavemen, but was still quiet good when compared to other monsters. Orcs usually hunted in groups, and the group Add spotted appeared to be a hunting party with 17 individuals. There was a few dozen metres of distance between them and the tree on which Add was hiding. Without wasting time, he prepare the AK-54R and aimed at the Orcs, who had began to sniff the air, possibly aware of him. it was too late however, their fates were already sealed.

*Click – Clack*

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After eradicating the hunting party, Add began to search carefully for the Orc settlement. Orcs were not like goblins, and were able to build crude shacks to serve as their houses. Since there was a hunting party, there had to be a settlement nearby. He looked around for any trails, as he went along the direction where the group of Orcs had come from. After searching for quite a while, he did manage to find it at last. The settlement was located a little over two kilometres away from where he had encountered the group. There was a cliff, about a dozen metres high, below which a flat valley extended between two hills, it was here that a narrow stream flowed through and the Orc village, if one could call it that, was located. From the cliff, It was easy to observe the village with Binoculars. He looked at the Orcs and began noting all details.


There were over a dozen huts in the village, and Add estimated that there were over a hundred Orcs in total. As he was observing them, a group of Orcs moved out of the village, armed with bone spears and clubs, seemingly going to hunt. The village as a whole seemed to be unaware of the fate that had befallen the previous hunting party. He watched on, as the ignorant monsters slowly approached their deaths. By the time, he had a clear shot at them they were around 500 metres away from the cliff he was on. He targeted an Orc at the very last of the group. The crosshair found itself on an unsuspecting Orc’s chest.


The Orc felt a sudden pain tearing through its chest. It clenched its chest and staggered back, its eyes widened as blood kept spewing out of the hole in its body. It frantically looked around as if searching for the attacker, but his eyes didn't find anything and soon lost their light. The lifeless body fell down with a thud, alarming the other Orcs. They began shouting in their hoarse language.

[Ding! You have killed Orc × 1! You received 3000 CP]

Add took a general sitting position for sniping more effectively. He used the crossed ankle position as it was a favourite of snipers in the sitting variations. Both legs are out in front of the shooter, with the supporting side ankle placed on top of the firing side. This last bit is important, as it raises the front knee a bit and provides a better platform for the support elbow. The crossed ankle position puts more of the body weight lower to the ground and helps compensate for recoil and wind.

This position was one most useful and versatile of all positions, in sniping. It offers the best combination of versatility, steadiness, and quickness of the lot. With mastery of this position along with a proper weapon, one could accurately shoot targets at maximal ranges. The Orcs watching one of their own, suddenly die, immediately began to search the surrounding area. The small cliff Add was on was covered with shrubbery and he had especially chosen an area with denser bushes to hide. As such it was quite hard to spot him. Without wasting any time he loaded the next round and again fired. The head of another Orc immediately burst open.

*Click – Clack*


*Click – Clack*







[Ding! You have Killed Orc × 9! You have received 27,000 CP]

Within seconds he emptied the magazine, each bullet claiming an Orc's life. The powerful .338 Lapua Magnum rounds, were strong enough to punch through sheets of steel, the body of the Orcs, by comparison was softer. Add mainly aimed at their chests, and the heads, although it was difficult to aim at the head which is much smaller than the chest, while the Orcs were moving in random directions. He quickly attached a new magazine of 10 rounds, which cost 50 CP, quite costly, but the price was understandable for the power of the round. By now 10 Orcs had died and the remaining Orcs began scrambling in the cover of trees. Another ten shots later, 6 more Orcs had died. By now the Orcs had scattered and were running back towards their village to warn others of the attack.

Add stopped sniping as the trees prevented him from getting a clear shot. He changed his position and moved on to a tree he had selected before. From here the Orc village was in clear view. He stayed and waited there for a few hours till it was dark. Orcs had less trouble in dark than humans as they were able to see roughly the same as in daylight. He kept his eye on the scope and silently watched. He too had no trouble seeing at night thanks to the night vision goggles. The earlier events had made the Orc village very alert. A few Orcs patrolled the village perimeter while most of them were huddled inside. He kept watch for a sometime more when many small groups of Orcs, each having 5-10 members, suddenly left the village and went in every direction.

(They are probably searching for the killer....It’s a good chance) Add thought.

He waited for the groups to leave and then set his sights on the one closest to him. Some 300 metres from him a group of 7 Orcs was moving, they were checking every bush, and every crevice searching for their enemy. However they too were killed immediately by the hidden sniper.

(Time to move out...)

After dealing with the 7 Orcs, he put the AX338 into the inventory and held his AK-54R. Having a long sniper rifle was a hindrance in thick jungle terrain. In the darkness of the night, he who was covered in black, blended with the darkness itself. moved to a different location further away from the cliff. He was still near the village, and spent the night on a tall tree. No fire was lit, as it would give away his location, a meal consisting of combat rations bought from system, served as his dinner and he spent the night there sleeping lightly. In the dark night, the grunts and shrieks of various beasts echoed in the forest. The forest at night was a beautiful place, however it a was very dangerous place as well. A single mistake and you would become food for something. Add kept his vigilance even in his sleep. A trait he had picked up in his long years as a soldier. Occasionally the noise of Orcs searching the forest could also be heard.

The next morning he again returned to his sniping spot in the bushes. He used his binoculars to see what the Orcs were doing. The Orcs, after having many of their companions killed mysteriously, were very cautious. They had been unable to find the killer and with their basic intelligence warning them, they stayed together within the village not venturing out, and strictly patrolled the surroundings of their village.

(This is a bit problematic.....well when have snipers alone won a war.....?)

Add decided to go with frontal assault. He prepared a dozen Grenades and tens of magazines for the AK-54R. He also purchased a few smoke grenades just in case. Also, with 15,000 CP he purchased a set of body armour, made from Aramid fibres and ceramic plates to cover his torso and neck, and a combat helmet for 5,000 CP to protect his head. He also wore a gas mask which could prevent smoke from entering his lungs. With all this he completely looked like a special forces operative now. The young master headed towards the Orc village which was less than a 100 metres in diameter. As he approached, some of the patrolling Orcs discovered him. Orcs hated humans a lot, as over hundreds of years, the human race had been their major nemesis. They began shouting and calling for their companions while moving to attack Add, but were killed by him shortly.

(Hmm? These Orcs.....they are quite sturdy....)

The Orcs could take a few hits from the AK-54R before dying. If not shot in the vitals like the head, they could take over ten hits before dying. Their bodies were very strong. Although it was not much of a hassle, but if in a life or death situation, this would be very dangerous. Add manoeuvred himself dodging any incoming attacks while returning fire. An Orc shoved a bony spear towards him, which he dodged by shifting his weight to the side and shot the Orc to death. The Orcs' movements were quite fast, almost on par with his own. He saw more Orcs had began arriving from the distance and threw a grenade at them. With his strength he was able to throw it over 50 metres.


The grenade detonated affecting a radius of 10 metres, instantly killing an Orc and wounding few others. Other nearby Orcs were stunned, making them easy pickings for Add. As he cleared his path and entered the village, and more Orcs swarmed towards him. He kept moving around rapidly shooting in all directions in short bursts. The Orcs soon realised that trying to fight directly with this human was futile, to they began throwing stones, bone spears and clubs towards him, some of which hit even hit his body. Thanks to the ceramic plates, he was not injured but this forced him, to take cover behind trees. Although the body armour protected him, he was not going to treat his body like a punching bag. Add took out two smoke grenades, and threw them into the village. Dense greyish-white smoke filled the area confusing the Orcs. He made use of their confusion, wearing the pair of night vision goggles which had the ability to see through smoke using thermal viewing technology.

In the dense opaque smoke, the Orcs were completely confused and were unable to make sense of their surroundings while the smoke made it difficult to breathe and their eyes burned. Add who was wearing a gas mask was spared from this, and although his eyes burned slightly, he endured it. In the smoke he saw his targets as bright glowing figures, and delivered them to their fates. However he made sure not to get too close to them, as he had an advantage at mid range combat. The Orcs confused by the smoke, died one after the other unable to so much as touch him.


As Add was killing the Orcs, he heard loud growls and grunts. From within the thinning smoke, another large group of Orcs was rushing towards him. These Orcs were more muscular than the average Orc, had skins of lighter colour and were much more ferocious. They had large clubs and bone spears while a few had large scimitars, axes and other weapons, which seemed to have they robbed from humans. Leading them was a large Orc over 2.5 metres tall. It had a large mace in its hand and a lot of tribal markings on its body and it also wore bone accessories.

(According to the Encyclopaedia, that is an Orc Chieftain... Looks like I will have to change my approach...)

Orc Chieftains were generally the strongest in a tribe. They B – Ranked monsters which variants of regular Orcs. One on one, an Orc Chieftain was stronger and smarter than a Goblin King and more than thrice as strong than an average Orc. Once the Orc Chieftain appeared and began giving orders, the other Orcs quickly retreated, and began surrounding him. He threw a few more grenades towards them and retreated. A few Orcs tried to stop him but were killed in return. The Orc Chieftain was more intelligent than its peers, It immediately halted its tracks sensing danger. But the grenade was something he had never seen before. The grenades detonated causing panic and immobilising the horde, while Add safely returned into the forest, away from the Orcs. His speed was much greater than the Orcs and they were disoriented so he left them behind easily.

He got up on a tree and again took out the AX338 sniper rifle. Right now it was his best option. Of course he could engage them in melee combat, but Add was not sure if he would be able to win that way, although he was confident he could take down a few Orcs by himself, being surrounded by dozens, with their leader giving orders was a situation he wanted to avoid. He looked through the scope and as he had expected he saw Orcs led by the Chieftain right on his tail. Although Orcs were intelligent, their hatred for humans was enough to suppress that. The Orcs were enraged at him, a human, who had killed their kin, and wanted to slaughter him, and watching him escape made them feel that Add was not that much of a threat after all.

"You all may be a bit stronger than me, and much more in number... but at this range that doesn't matter anymore..."

He aimed at the approaching Orcs and began firing. Although he was not hidden, but he didn't care for that. All he had to do now was patiently wait. He wanted to target the Orc Chieftain, but it was smart and always stayed behind its underlings.

*Click – Clack*


Round after round he fired, each taking a life. The Orcs soon got to know about his location, and tried to surround him, but under his sniping they kept dying like defenceless chickens. The Orc Chieftain not being able to suppress its rage ordered its minions to swarm the tree he was on. As if hypnotised by its roars and shrieks, tens of Orcs surrounded the tree. They began hitting and ramming the tree wanting to bring Add down.

*Clink* *Clink* *Clink*

Suddenly, three small round objects fell on their heads and then rolled on to the ground. An Orc looked at them with confusion and grunted.



A series of explosions blew the horde apart, blowing smoke and dust into the air. These Type – 201 HE grenades did their job beautifully. Some debris reached Add who was on a branch, about 10 metres above the ground, but his armour protected him. As the Orcs were huddling together, many died due to the blasts. The tree itself was quite badly damaged, but thanks to its thickness, it still remained standing. Next Add used the machine gun, and began spraying volleys of bullets into the Orcs, the sheer amount of bullets, quickly suppressed the excited monsters, killing many causing great wounds to others. The Orcs however, seemed too drowned in their blood lust, that they kept trying to bring down the tree, and were rewarded with more grenades. The Chieftain was dumbfounded at the explosions and the subsequent rain of bullets. Watching its minions turned into mangled pieces of meat, and shredded by bullets, it realised that this human was very dangerous.

'Run!' Its brain told it. If it survived, it could make another tribe. It would gather an even stronger group of underlings next time and slaughter this human. From an young age this chieftain had been through many battles. It had cunningly killed its competitors and obtained a tribe for itself. He could surely do it again. Thinking all this it began running away, but unfortunately, it forgot something very important. That in doing so, it would expose its back to the human whose sights had been locked on it for a long time now.

(Little critter run away, Live to fight another day ? Too bad, for you, there will be no 'another day')

Add aimed at the escaping Chieftain with the RPG and fired. The rocket exploded at its waist and tore its body into two. While the lower half collapsed into a pile of burned mangled meat, the upper half flew through the air, blood splattered and the innards began spilling form it. Its eyes were still open, with abstract fear and unwillingness in them. The chieftain had died a gruesome death.

(Next, lets clear up all loose ends.)

Add jumped down from the trees and began looking for any Orc survivors. Some of the Orcs were still barely alive, which he killed swiftly. Then he made his way towards the Orc Village to finish off any remaining Orcs.


The MAV-20 flashed as a baby Orc died.

(That was the last one....)

Add once again checked and verified that there was no Orcs left alive around him. After dealing with the Orc Champion, he returned to the Orc village to clear the remaining Orcs. There some female Orcs in the village. The Orc race seldom had females. Among a 100 Orcs there would only be about 20-30 females, and only the chieftain had the right to copulate with them. The female Orcs were bit weaker than their male counterparts and were dealt with swiftly by Add. He also found many Orc offspring which he also killed.

[Ding! You have Killed Orc Chieftain × 1! You have Earned 20,000 CP!]

[Ding! You have Killed Orc × 127! You have Earned 381,000 CP!]

As he looked at the notifications, he felt satisfied. This hunt had rewarded him very nicely. He had now amassed a total of 830,000 CP but he still needed more. The hunt had to go on.

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