《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 17.1 - Rock's P.O.V - They killed my Ant


Author's note:-

Please don't get mad OK ,but next in line are a series of chapters from our MC's p.o.v and yes they are needed.

Don't you want to know how the archer died or how our MC fought them back. These chapters are about that and all the repeated information will be skipped.

This is a continuation to chapter-16.1.

And do comment on our new and improved hell-per.




Rock's P.O.V:-

The adventurers are finally here, but there is a slight, a very little, a teeny tiny problem. They are a lot more powerful than we expected them to be.

I look at the fairy beside me, her little body is shivering, and with her fists clenched she is intensely staring at the screen that is displaying the names of all those who are invading our home.

I was going to wake her up from her trance and passive aggressive state.

But then she does something with it and the dungeon interface’s panel changes and a video screen emerges on it. It displayed the room those individuals were standing at, moreover the picture is vivid, colorful and exceptionally detailed.

She continued to staring at the screen, but then I started intensely staring at her.

Why? Because the display on the screen was beautifully detailed, much more than my mana vision that I trained like crazy to get efficient in.

So the question exploded in my mind.

‘Why did I have to try to learn that Omni vision thing, if she could so easily manipulate the interface to give a live video feed back of the invaders from anywhere inside the dungeon?’ I didn’t know so I asked her, politely.


NO worries, I am just politely shouting in her head to make her understand her mistake.

“Huh! What happened?” oblivious to the predicament she was in, she spoke leisurely.

“What is this?” I tried to point at the screen, but stones can’t point.

She looked at me, and then at the screen. After repeating this for two more times she smirked, scratched her head a little and went back to her business.

She understood what I was talking about, but instead of ‘confessing’ she deliberately evaded me.

I was going to get really mad at her, but without letting me get angry at her she answered my question on her own, instead of enraging me even more.

“This is not how you think it is.” She said.

“This is one of the abilities that only a helper has.” She said.

“There was no need to teach you how to make this happen because you can’t control the interface to see a view like this.” She said.

Did I get angry at her, of course… I didn’t.

Why would I? I had no reason to do so. Instead of doing so, I calmly asked her about it.

“Why do ‘You’ a ‘Helper’ have such convenience and ability, whereas ‘I’ your ‘Master’ has to perform every action physically?” Yes there was slight aggression in my tone that made me a bit nervous.

“This is not how you think it is. For I am just a tool for your use and you are the one who hold all of the authorities and power.”

But instead of getting angry at my attitude, she replied with puppy eyes and soft voice. Hearing such I was like ‘What the hell is that.’

“But why cant…”

Was there really such a reason? I needed to get to the depth of it.


“This is one of the jobs that a helper has. I am just a spotter, your servant, whose job is to help you spot the invaders and you are the gunner, who fires and reign hell at them. The judge, that decides, who live or die.”

‘Is she all right?’ Is what I thought when my very own little demon of wrath suddenly became poetic.

“But I can simply use the interface and know where the enemies are! What is your role in all of this?”

I think I lost my cool for a second there and my voice got a bit louder than it normally is, but to my astonishment, instead of becoming an ‘Asura’ she dusted it of like nothing happened, and kept on explaining everything to me like a cute little fairy.

“So tell me how you would control your forces, when you have to divide your conscious between battle at hand and spotting them all? That is why this is my job, as a spotter to help you.”

“Huh! I can even control the ants individually?”

I swear I really didn’t know that before her loose mouth suddenly opened and the words left her mouth.

I don’t know why, but when Minie heard me saying that her body shuddered a little.

“Oh! So, I even forgot to tell you about that. Haaha… how forgetful I am.”

‘Something’s wrong here, something’s very wrong here!’ It was the first thought that came to my mind. Although she said that like she usually does with a smile on her little face and a calm attitude, but I could see that her clenched hands had gotten even tighter and blood drained from them, making them even paler.

“So, I can control all of them… Individually?”

“Why of course you can. What do you think they are? They are your monster, your pets. If you couldn’t even control them, then what would the difference be between them and common wild monsters?”

Even her eyes had started trembling bit by bit. I needed to find the reason, but ‘let’s focus on the task at hand first’ was the action I took.

SO instead of again using my presence shifting skill that I still haven’t acquired I looked at the scene with Minie on the interface screen.

My screen with their information was also hovering in front of me when I noticed something strange.

My interface showed the names of only five of them, but I clearly remember there being six of them, when I had looked at them with my vision.

“Minie tell me how many people can you see on the screen?” I asked her with a frown on my face that she couldn’t see, but the emergency of the situation was clearly transferred to her cause she suddenly replied,

“Huh! There are 5 of them. Why do you ask?” My worry had now become her worry and it wasn’t a good thing in our situation.

“Are you sure there are only five of them and not another one, somewhere not visible in the frame of the screen?”

“Huh?” Her confusion was clearly showing on her face, but she didn’t ask me again.

She started looking carefully and after investigating the ‘Crime Scene’ with her ‘Detective’ like ability through a two dimensional screen, she looked towards me and nodded.

“Yes, I am sure. There are only five of them.”

“You know, I clearly six of them when I had looked before, but one of them is not showing on the screen. What does this mean?”


She looked surprised, heck even I am surprised and find it odd. How could such a thing happen? No matter how it did it surely is out of my mental capacity to come to an answer. I can’t think, so I am going to let Minie come out with a reason for it.

“Did you use omni vision to look or simple watching?” She asked me, but her eyes continue to stare at the screen. Sometimes frowning and sometimes panicking.

“I still haven’t gotten the Omni vision skill. So how could I have used it?”

Ah! It’s here again. It’s like she has reached her boiling point, but instead of letting out the steam, she is channeling and trying to get a suppress it. Why is she suppressing it? Not like I don’t know how evil and devilries she is?

I just hope she won’t explode on me at once and release all of her ‘pressurized’ anger and create holes in myself centered soul.

“So, tell me did you use your mana perception skill to look at them or just the simple observation technique?” She asked me while she was trying hard to control her anger, but her menacing look and the sound of her grinding her teeth was enough to tell me the situation.

“No I was just watching them and it was only six of them, so I did not use the mana perception.”

I also quietly answered her back, taking in account the place and time.


She said that and again immersed herself in watching ‘’Them’ from the screen.

Seeing that she wasn’t going to ask me anything else I also started watching that was happening on the other side of the screen.


Those, five- six invaders were standing in front of the first narrow tunnel.

They bickered a little with each other, but afterwards they nodded their heads and started entering the tunnel one by one.

I was still looking at the screen, but then Minie started giggling. It was not the sweet laugh that she has been entertaining me with, but a creepy giggle.

I looked at her and she looked at me, but she didn’t say anything and again shifted her whole focus on the screen and I was like ‘WhAat?’

Well, there is nothing that I can do; it’s Minie after all.

The invader party soon entered the tunnel, but because the tunnel was narrow they crawled inside it. Then after crawling inside for some time they finally reached the end of it.

The narrow tunnel was made intentionally, but it worked a lot better than I thought it would. They were huffing and puffing and sweating like crazy by the time they got to the end.

It’s going to get difficult from now onward. The enemies are the elites and our protectors are mere ants. I just hope, the ants would at least be able to injure one of them before they get to the queen.

The one in full black overalls spoke something and everyone looked at him, then after talking about something that I could not hear the nodded their heads again.

“Hey Minie, why can’t I hear what they are saying?”

She sighed once before speaking with a little sadness in her voice. “This is the limitation of what I can do with my permissions. Until you or one of your monsters with the capacity to hear is physically present there, we won’t be able to hear them.”

Monsters what hearing ability, huh. I don’t think my ants can hear. So this also becomes a problem to be solved later. We are getting more problems and fewer solutions nowadays.

‘Life is difficult huh, even living as a dungeon master is difficult.’ I thought.

I was going to check up on them when a beautiful girl with blue eyes and crystal embedded clothes nodded her head once and lifter her hand.

It was questionable indeed. I questioned it too. Not to anyone but myself, and to the answer of my-self asked question, she replied with a light radiating ball of fire.

On her lifted hand a ball of fire suddenly formed and started floating like a dandy line in warm air current.

It was unlike normal fire and was overly dark in color. It looked more like a light porcelain orange ball than a destruction creating fireball.

I was still observing her spell when she nodded her head once again in front of her, but I couldn’t see her talking to anyone and as she did her arm moved, her index finger pointed in front of her and the fireball floated away.

It flew like a comet with the speed of thunder and collided with my ant who was waiting for them in the middle of the room.

The impact created no explosion like I expected it to and instead, it stuck to her like a bee to honey and started furiously burning her.

My baby cried out in pain and started rampaging inside the room to get the fire out and god listened to her, not my ant but the girl and in just a couple of seconds my ant that emptied my wallet by 50 DC, turned into ash.

My reaction? Nothing, I was so devastated for the loss of my ant that I couldn’t even react to it.

I was feeling too intimidated by that thing, that godly skill, to be able to give out any kind of a reaction. I felt heartbroken. Maybe because it was my monster or maybe because it was expensive, I don’t know.

What I really understood was that they were powerful, and immensely more than us at that. Even a single person from their party was enough to destroy, kill, harm, and give mercy…


Looks like my plan is going to drown us both in the deep pit full of sorrow and misery, and I won’t be able to get out of it on my own.

Minie took a deep breath, but gave no other indication that she was going to interact with me or do anything and continued to stare at the screen.

Her eyes were turning red little by little, but she kept on staring at the people in the screen with enough determination and attention that made it seem like I was just lazing around.

The loss of the precious ant was big, but even bigger than that was the thought that even more of them were going to die from their hands and we would not be able to retaliate against them at all.

I mean what we even have to retaliate with five no four more ants, one dead after all and a queen who is too big to be able to evade their attacks.

Then one by one they came out of the tunnel and walked toward the now burnt to ash ant. They made a circle around it, but left one space beside them for one more person to stand there.

And after everyone discussed something and laughed they all moved their heads to look at the open space where no one was standing at.

I felt odd, Minie creased her brows and we both stared at the screen.

Then what happened literally shocked me and Minie forgot to breathe.

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