《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Just an Q&A sesssion + Poll


Read this post before voting on the poll.

(This post has not been checked for grammar or any other kind of errors. The information is not anything new and just about what I think.)

So let’s get on with this, I have a chapter to write. I am an amateur not a writer, so please be lenient with me. This is my first story. No, this is the only thing with which I got to the 5000 word line. I have written so many words in the past few days that if I had written so much in my paper then things could have developed a bit differently.

Ahead are the answers to all of the questions that I could think of.

1Q. why are you writing this story?

A. Because I wanted to write a story after reading hell a lot of other popular light novels. Now who don’t want to create life to a fictional character that would go on and live till the server’s crashes down?

2Q. what is your inspiration for writing it?

A. I was going to write a typical story about immortals and stuff, but one night it changed and just when I was about to go into the deep black world of dreams a idea came to me. And I wrote it on the paper. The first chapter was the idea that I ‘prophesied’ about and I started working on it.

3Q. Do you have everything about your story planned?

A. It’s a yes and also a no. I have a frame for the story. Like this will happen then this and then that, but I don’t know what kind of characters I will be writing about until I start writing. I have the middle and the end planned out. The villains are now all connected to each other and are going to be great but I still haven’t planned about what to write inside this frame.


4Q. SO, why is you grammar so bad?

A. Now, this is a very nice question. The thing is I in my whole life have never conversed with anyone in English. Other than using one word or crammed lines, I have never held a conversation in English with anyone. Moreover the only punctuation mark that I have been using until I started writing this fiction was the ‘full stop’, no commas or anything else. I think this much is enough to explain about my great language skill.

5Q.So let’s talk about the story now. Firstly tell us why is the story so slow paced? You took 16 chapters just to write about ‘Rocks’ skills and stuff. Why is that?

A. This is actually out of my control, I think. Because no matter how much I try to increase the pace of the story, new things and ideas keeps on coming to my mind and if I don’t write them then I start to feel hollow like it is not my story anymore. Let me give you an example:

· At first the chapters were going to be like this, 1. Introduction, 2. Titles and abilities 3.dungeon control and monsters, 4.bandits 5.wolves 6.internal fight. 7. Queen 8. Adventurers arrive.

· But things happen and now I am just a slave to this story. I feel sad if I don’t write a chapter a day. I feel sad when I miss something in it. I feel sad when new ideas come and I can’t go back to fully edit the thread.

6Q. why are your chapter updates so slow?

A. Like I said I am an amateur writer. This is the first time I am writing anything. When I had first started writing this story then it used to take me 8-10 hours to finish a chapter and I am not joking. But now it is much better if I really try then I can finish a chapter in 6-7 hours top. So yeah I waste a lot of my time.


6Q. why don’t you tell us about the characters?

A. All of my characters are created from one of my personalities, they are my alter egos. All of them have one flaw and that flaw is what defines their character.

Rocky: His flaw is that he’s a coward. Now, because he’s a coward he can’t fight with Minie and has to wait till she comes around to tell him everything that he needs to know as a dungeon master. He is not powerful but is stubborn but also gets bored easily. But no matter how hard it gets he likes to keep trying and trying until he sees the end. After getting the title a born killer became knowledgeably, sensible, and his character changed. As people know everyone who is intelligent becomes arrogant one way or another and that is what happened with him. He became smart and intelligent but with the heart of a kid. He has knowledge of an adult but wisdom of a child and he uses it to the best of his ability.

Minie: Her personality trait is anger. She is vengeance in fairy form. Now people say she is mean, arrogant and that they don’t like her but who said a fairy can’t be mean. I want to ask them all have they not heard about the tooth fairy or the Halloween fairy or dark fairies for an instance. When did I say she was a normal fairy? Even though she has not gotten around to fully accepting herself yet but there have been instances where her inner devil had almost burst out of herself. Has anyone ever thought why someone, she calls her ‘Mistress’ talk to her like so normally and without any haughtiness? She was even there at the time her dungeon was being allotted to her.

.Well fairies are small, small are kids and kids are annoying

Old man Arnold: - (Guild master)

I have memory problems a because he is old and not so great anymore so I gave him this gift. He can’t remember anything most of the things that happens around him or maybe he just acts like that I don’t know yet. During his younger days he was a superhero an ‘SS’ rank weapon master but all of his gory went inside the drain when his granddaughter came to live with him.

Eve or Eva: - (Arnold's granddaughter)

All the women I have ever met in my life were control freaks. MY cousin’s girlfriend a control freak my sisters are control freaks too. So I have this image of women as freaks who like to control everything.

So like this Eva is also a control freak. She is Arnold’s granddaughter but give no shit to him. According to her he should stop acting like a brute that he used to be and become a pillar to support their guild.

Cause every organization need a strong person as its leader.

The rest are all like not so know so ill save myself from the torture of writing about them.

These are all the questions that I could think about, if someone has something else to add or ask then please comment.

(I read my chapters and even I found Minie annoying but Rocky is not cowardly enough.)

The polls choice will only be accepted if there is a difference of twenty or more votes between them.

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