《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 16.11 - Reverse Massacre: Truth (Part-1)


Author's note:-

i don't know about the quality of this chapter, i have my doubts. I need help with this chapter, so do comment and share your views if anyone thinks that i should change a line, someone reaction or interchange paragraphs or anything to improve the chapter. I'll be thankful to you.

If there is anyone who is a fan of dust in this story, then please accept my apologies.




Continuing from the last chapter.

Third person P.O.V:-

“Ha haahaa… You little kids, what were you trying to achieve by interrupting me from killing that good for nothing Muscle headed brute?”

‘He can speak normally!’

Dust couldn’t believe her ears when she suddenly heard him speaking normally.

‘A dream, yes, it must be a dream. Maybe I lost conscious after the queen attacked,… shesh, who am I trying to make fool of here.’

She looked at him, biting her already cut and torn lips she yelled again,

“Why! Why can you speak? Can’t you only talk in killer language of the assassins? “She glared at him without blinking till her eyes turned red.

And to her anger filled questions he laughed again and touching his temple he spoke, “You all are nothing just children. It was a plan, all that happened here was all a plan constructed by me.”

“How could it be?” her eyes showed exactly, how much that one line from him had shook her.

“Don’t believe me? Why do you think there were no other teams to participate in this mission? Why do you think you all were the only ones present there to accept the mission?” His eyes squinted and he asked her, while casually locking his finger behind his head.

Even though Dust couldn’t see his face, because of him being covered from head to toe in his black leather outfit, but his eyes were clearly showing that he was laughing, laughing at them.

Dust really couldn’t believe what she just heard. She wanted to ask him, but

“So does this mean that the guild planned to get us killed in this place? Are these words that you were thinking right now?” He took the words right out of her mouth.

The assassin was really enjoying the moment.

He had no worries anymore, after all; she was a dud, and the other mage was in dreamland and the knight… he smirked, thinking about him.

To his ‘don’t care’ attitude, she gritted her teeth and endured it. But she still spoke glaring at him with her bloody eyes, “Is that not so? But why would the guild want us dead? What did we do wrong?”

Hate; her head was really full of rage at the moment, to think that the organization they believed in, felt their lives in whose hands, was the one that wanted them dead, disgraceful; She thought.


He lifted his right hand and moved his index finger from left to right, denying her statement, while making irritating sounds, showing that she was wrong.

“You are wrong my love, it’s not the guild. why would they want to kill their most prized assistants?”

“Then why?” she was enduring her anger because she needed to know the reason, but her body was not doing what she wanted it to, and was violently trembling.

“Because you all were too greedy this time, little one. Who asked you to choose the mission? Who asked you to come here? Who asked you to form party with strangers? It’s your own fault and you will die cause of your own mistakes.”


“What? What are you even saying? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?”

“Anger, yes, get as angry as you can, cause this is the last time that you have to get angry.”

“Then tell me who asked you to kill us all and why do you have to kill us?” If she was controlling her anger before, then, now she was straight yelling at him on the top of her voice.

“Are you trying to buy time? For who? Her?” he spoke while pointing at the unconscious Martha.

He then smiled and pointed toward the ruble and slowly spoke, “Or him?”

A cold sweat ran down her back. Because of the ant vision lenses she could see a ball of light wiggling under the ruble, trying to do something and she was sure that it was D’sue.

She thought of buying some time for him, so that he could atleast accomplish whatever it was that he wanted to achieve. Maybe he could provide them a last chance to kill this devil spawn, but it looked like it really was over now.

While she was having suicidal thoughts, and was thinking that it was over, he spoke again, “Well, forget about the sleeping bimbo, there is no chance for her to wake up after all, but about him, he’s” and he smirked.

‘Why is he making that face’ she thought and he told her.

“Dead” and he started laughing.

She looked at the ruble through the Lenses and could still see a ball of light wiggling, waggling and to her confusion she thought, ‘What is he saying? He is clearly not dead. Wait, does he’

“How? WHO KILLED HIM? DID YOU??” to fake her anger, she shouted while glaring at him, and the power drunk assassin who was already flying high in the sky cause he had emerged successful in his mission didn’t notice it, and laughingly said,

“Me? NO,NO, it was you. Your spikes poked the shit out of him and make him look like a porcupine. So, don’t blame me.” He was still laughing his ass of.

“Me?” She asked.

To her it didn’t matter what this ‘bad egg’ was going to say, because she just wanted to check whether he could see him moving or not, and the answer was clear from his behavior. He really thought that D’sue was dead.

“Yes, you. Well, not really you, but his brain died in my illusion cause of your spike attack. So, yeah, it was you actually.”

“Illusion? What illusion?” she found it intriguing so she asked him about it. The more information they could get from him the better it would be for them.

“You don’t know anything that is happening here, huh. But you are dead already, so what are you going to do with knowing such stuff.” He said that his eyes became dead serious and he attacked.

His hands shook and he flew towards her neck to slice it off, but a sudden yell from Dust stopped him.

“Wait!” She shouted desperately, to stop his attack and it worked.

“What now?” he suddenly stopped in the middle of his attack, but he clearly looked upset.

“You are going to kill me right”

He nodded to her question without any delay.

“So, won’t you at least fulfill one of my wishes?”

“Don’t wanna.” He rejected and again went through the motions of his attack.

“Please. Please. Listen to me atleast tell me what I am dying for! Or how you executed your plan? Don’t you want to torture me by telling me step by step what your golden plan was, that ended up in your victory or do you want to live without telling anyone?” she was desperately trying to use his overconfidence to buy some time for D’sue.


“Ah! Now that I think about it, yes, I do want others to listen to my plan, How fine it was and how much preparations I had to do to make it fool proof, but my master won’t listen. she only want results and nothing more.”

He sighed once after saying that and looked at the ceiling.

When Dust heard him say ‘Master’ she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of hope. So, she tried again, “Your master, who is she? Why does she want us dead?”

Enco creased his brows and looked at her by tilting his neck downwards, then he snorted once before saying, “She is my mother, my god, my everything and you don’t need to know who she is, but if you want to know why I was asked to do this then look in that direction and strain your eyes, you might see something.” He pointed in the direction where the James lookalike had run into.

Dust followed his finger and looked through the lenses.

‘Strain my eyes! I don’t need to; I can already see everything clearly.’ She thought to herself.

But she saw, what she wasn’t expecting to see. There were three balls of light in that direction.

One small and the same colored as the ant, one very small and grey colored and one ball was brighter than the others, and had four colors intertwined inside it.

Her expressions were clearly showing how confused she was, because Enco had started giving explanations to her, after looking at her face once.

“If you can see it then well, you already know what it is. If you can’t, then let me tell you it’s a… well before that let me give you a surprise.”

His eyes became sharp and he ran at super speed with a dagger in both of his hands and rushed towards her.

She knew something bad was going to happen to her. So, she yelled out, “Don’t kil…” but the answer to it came before she could complete her sentence.

“Don’t worry I am not going to kill, you just taking precautions.” he said that and his daggers moved followed by a sprout of blood from both of her arms and a loud cry.



Her arms fell on the ground and her cry rang out in the empty room.

He cut her arms from the shoulder as a precaution.

“Well, now that this is done, let’s continue.” He said looking at her with eyes that looked like he was enjoying this.

She screamed, and screamed, and screamed. What ever happened after that she had no conscious about it?

The pain, the anger and frustration was too deep and too horrible to make her loose conscious.

She kept on wailing and he kept on speaking, she couldn’t hear what he was speaking because the pain was unbearable.

She wanted to die, but she wanted to kill him too. So she held on. Her soul that wanted to leave her body and get away from the devil, the pain and her suffering, it held on.

He was getting irritated from her crying and shit, so when she didn’t stop being noisy even after some time passed; he finally lost it and started kicking her.

He kicked her in the gut once, then twice, then again and again and again, until her voice couldn’t leave her throat and she stopped breathing.

‘What died already? I even gave you a hand to stop your crying. Are you not going to wake up now? What should I do? Let’s just kill her.” He said while looking at her, while his eyes were still smiling.

When he cut off Dusts arms, D’sue was looking.

When she cried in pain, he was still looking with wet eyes.

When Enco kicked her ruthlessly and almost killed her, he was still watching with bloodshot eyes.

His eyes were mad with fury, his hairs stood straight up from rage, he wanted to snap his neck and drink Enco’s blood.

He kept looking and looking at her, till blood started flowing from his eyes, it was madness.

He was going to yell out loud and curse the living shit out of him and his whole fucking family, when he saw Dust turning her head and his eyes meet her eyes.

He saw; no tears in her eyes, her face showed not even a tinge of pain, her mouth was sealed shut and no sounds of crying or wailing were coming from it, but he knew it was not that she was waiting to die, no; she had not lost her soul yet.

It was not anger or hate or retribution, but vengeance.

She wanted him dead. Yes, but eyes her were clearly telling him to wait, wait for the right moment, to wait till Enco tells them everything.

How he knew all of this?

Well, call it his intuition or his ability to read faces, but he just knew.

He was happy not for Enco, for him he was just a dead man walking, but for Dust. Her eyes still contained hope and they were burning with desire and waiting for a chance to return her pain, back to its owner.

He knew they could still be saved; just getting the regeneration potion was not enough. They needed something more, something that could handle that piece of shit; and he remembered about the queen.

Bu why was she not moving anymore? He knew that only one person could give them the answer to this question, and the way he was acting, there was a simple method to get it out of him.

He looked into Dusts eye and then looked at the queen. He gestured her to look at the queen.

Once this task was over, his eyes travelled to find Martha.

She moved her tired self, and encouraged herself to look at the queen.

When Enco saw her looking at the queen, he felt a bit surprised to see that she was still alive. His surprise doubled when he noticed that she was using her earth ability to stop her bleeding. Well, though it sure as hell looked creepy, but it was working out great for her.

“No need to look at her, she cant see us.”

To that bastards chant both D’sue and Dusts ears perked straight up, to capture everything that he was going to say.

“Forget about see us, I think it’s already sleeping.”


She was putting her everything to speak, but even simple words were taking too much out of her.

“Oh! You still have the energy to speak! Quite stubborn aren’t you. Well, not like you can use your magic anymore so there is no need for me to put you through any more pain. You are already dead, so let me fulfill your wish that you had.”

He looked at her but saw her looking at him as if waiting for an answer.

“Ah! Yes, why? Huh. Because currently it is captured in my illusion and in the illusion this room no longer have anybody and is empty. That means it has no one to attack, so I think that its s.l.e.e.p.i.n.g.”

He looked back at her and saw that she was still looking at him; he felt that something was odd, something was odd with her eyes.

But his vigilance went away as soon as it came, when he saw her struggling to increase her life by another second.

He noticed that even though she was using her mana to stop her bleeding, but her blood was still flowing out and her mana was also almost exhausted. So, to him she was just a guest of a few more minutes, nothing troublesome at all.

As he was thinking that, Dust voice once again sounded in his ears, “Why?”

Again the same question, but he understood the difference between the two, so he answered, “Like I said, my master ordered me to kill everyone that would enter this dungeon.”

“Dungeon?” she spoke, her voice almost not reaching him.

Her face was becoming paler and paler b the second because of blood loss, but he didn’t care.

“Hah. I forgot you people don’t even know that this is not an ant cave or anything else, but a dungeon. Well, who was the one that gave the suggestion about it being a dungeon... let me think.”

“Roby?” A tear fell down from her eye, when she thought about him.

“Ah! Yes you are right it was him I even forgot him when he was the first one I killed.”


“Hahaa. Yes cry cry more. Let me see you beg. Haahaa.”

“*snif* Captain…*snif* James?” the tear became a stream, and she started crying.

When she asked him about James, his laughing stopped. He looked at her with his eyes squinted and he questioned her back, “Who?”

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