《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 16.10 - Reverse Massacre: Broken Illusion


Author's note:-

These final chapters are being very naughty and difficult to write. Writing about illusions is very mind boggling.

So their leader never ran away and just stood somewhere in the darkness.


Please give suggestions, if you think there are line which should have be written a bit differently.




Third person P.O.V:-

He saw that just as he wore those lenses, his world changed. Everything became bright and full of colors and people changed from detailed artistic fleshly bodies to balls of light.

But when he looked toward their leader who was running towards the darkness, he noticed that there was no ball of light. It was like he had disappeared, vanished into the darkness of the big black room.

He couldn't believe what just happened.

'Did he just go supersonic?' he thought.

Consider it his hardheadedness or something even more chronic, but he thought that the lenses finally broke under pressure. They were still unprocessed materials after all.

He looked at the girls beside him to check whether the lenses were still working or not, but he could clearly see them there.

On the other hand James had really disappeared and was nowhere to be found.

He removed the lenses and looked with his naked eyes to conform his doubts, but just as he did, James come back in the world and D’sue saw him again running in the same direction, towards the darkness.

But after he put them on, again, there was no ball of light indicating James position.

He thought that maybe the lenses had a range after which they stopped working, but even this theory of his was proven wrong.

When he concentrated in the direction that James was running he saw that even though there was nothing indicating about James, but he could see two more balls of light ahead.

But without the lenses he couldn’t see anything far away in that direction cause of the darkness and distance between them.

Without his lenses on he looked at the side and noticed that the queen was still guzzling fireballs at empty space some distance away.

'Has it finally gone senile after depleting a large quantity of its mana?' He thought.

Oh! he had a hunch that he should look at that with the lenses on and that is what he did.

As he did that, he saw a light ball moving at hyper speeds and evading other much smaller, but concentrated balls of energy.

His brows creased and his lips moved, "What the fuck is going on?"

He was only talking to himself, but unknown to her Martha had been looking at him from the time when he wore the lenses. She heard him say that and suddenly asked him in curiosity, "What! What happened?"

He looked at her and instead of saying anything, he pointed at the still running James and the senile queen, before giving her the lenses and the antennas to wear.

She wore them both and first looked at the running James and then at the mad queen.

She tilted her head in confusion and looked at D’sue.

She looked at D'sue and saw him looking back. When he saw her expressions, he understood what she wanted to ask.

So, without giving her any time to say anything he spoke, "Don't ask me anything, I also don't know what is going on. But I have an idea; I think I know what is happening here. But I can't tell you right know. I need clues."

Dust was also intrigued by their talk. So she also asked them to let her use the lenses, and after looking through them her reactions were the same like Martha’s and to confused soul, D’sue replied in the same manner.


He was going to ask her to return them, but then she started screaming, ‘It’s coming! It’s coming!’

The ball of light, which was fighting with the queen had turned around, and was now running towards them.

To her reaction D'sue also turned his head to look in that direction and saw a mad queen running toward them.

"Oh my Fucking god, oh my Fucking god" His crying was not fictitious and was real.

Well, it was understandable. They were all expended and there was no way for them to hurt the queen and even less was the chance of them killing her.

To dust the room was clear as day and she also knew the reason why the queen was running towards them.

Dust was looking at the queen through the eyepiece and she noticed the ball of light running in front of her vanishing directly into the ground.

With the glasses on she clearly saw him vanishing into the queen’s shadow formed from the light balls, which were following from behind it.

Well, the vanishing of the ball of light didn’t feel odd to her, because she had seen many people use different types of short distance travelling skills like that before.

What really felt odd to her was that she had seen the specific skill being used before and the one who used in their party was sitting just behind her.

But when she moved her head to look behind her, she saw nothing. Just like with James, Enco was also not physically present there.

She knew that he wasn't physically present behind her. Because after she removed the eyepiece she could still see him sitting there.

She wanted to tell the others about this oddity, but before she could do so, she saw a dark hole opening just where he was sitting, and a ball of energy came out of it.

It emerged out of the hole and fused with the one sitting behind her.

She understood. She understood everything.

The one sitting behind her moved. He unleashed a deadly attack directly onto D'sue neck, who was lying on the ground just beside Dust.

The others were still looking at the rampaging giant moving towards them, and had no idea about everything that was happening behind them.

D'sue who was still looking at the queen sudden felt a huge amount of killing intent bombarding his neck from behind him, but before he could see anything or even move his neck to see what was attacking him, something struck his left Side and his body rolled on the ground.

The force of the push was so strong that his stone body rolled 10 meters before abruptly stopping.

When he looked back to see what actually happened, he saw that the place that he was laying at had a dagger stabbed deep into the ground. Right next to that place, there was a curved stone pillar that dust had erected to push him away.

‘Huh? What happened?’

It was normal for him to have such thoughts.

Who would believe in their eyes if they suddenly see their most trusted person to have attacked them and that they were saved by a wrench!

But time is of the essence, no matter where or what one is doing because without giving anyone even a second to think, another attack to his life came again, but this time it was not Enco who had acted.

He saw Dust acting like a mania and a line of spikes forming on the ground coming directly towards him.

Cold sweat started flowing all over his body, Fear ran rampart in his mind.



He cried out, because he had no power to even move a muscle, and the attack that was coming for him really was a fatal one.

“So, she really is trying to poke me with a spike. Huh.”

He remembered, how when they had first met, this thought of him dying from being spiked by her had formed inside his head.

He understood that his time had come. No matter how much he plead or begged, she was not going to change her decision, so he relaxed his body.

He didn’t knew why she was trying to kill him, but it was OK, he thought.

Though he had lived his life on the spur of the moment, but he never regretted any of his decisions.

He remembered the sword that his dad gave him as a present on his coming of age ceremony, the girl that he had one side love with, his mother whose tender and warm smile he could never forget and his dead friend, whose shield he was still holding in the same arm, in which he had left it, to save his life.

Emotions and feelings of having lived a short but warm life started rushing to his heart and filled his eyes with tears.

He sobbed once before he remembered the promise that he had made on his friends sacrifice.

The reason why his friend gave his life and his beloved shield to him, he remembered them all.

His feelings erupted, and all the ideas of having lived a fulfilling life died.

His mind that was reassuring him that it was okay to die wavered and life came back to his eyes.

He looked at the servant of death who was coming to take his life and shouted.

He shouted and tried to move his exhausted body, but nothing happened.

He put even more effort and again tried to move his disabled body, but other than vibrating somewhat, it didn’t move even an inch, and just as all of his hope broke, hundreds of spikes poked holes all over his body, and he died.

Well, that’s what he had thought would happen, but even though there were spike digging from one side and coming out of the other side of his body, he didn’t feel any pain.

His body was full of spikes and holes. One of them even came poked his heart out, but he was still alive.

“What the fuck? Why am I not dead yet? Wait, is this heaven? But it surely doesn’t look like it!”

How would one feel, if they experienced a life threatening attack, but actually live through it.

He had so much to say and even more to ask, but his train of thoughts was interrupted by a series of explosions and debris that kept on creating noises near him.

*Boom* Bom* BBoomm*

Heavy explosions were occurring again and again.

And when he moved his neck to look behind him to see what actually was happening, he noticed something.

All of the spikes that had poked the hell out of his body were gone, and his body had returned to its original state.

But it was only an edge of the madness that was happening inside the cave, because behind him he saw the actual cluster fuck.

Minie was firing fireballs after fireballs at some wall trying to dig the hell out of it.

Dust was making spike attacks on the assassin, who was actually attacking her martyr style.

There were many of him who were trying to directly collide with Dust, and whenever one of those ‘assassins’(clones) collided with the obstacles that Dust created to stop their charge, they would always end up exploding and then turn into shadow, disappearing into the void.

And to summarize it all, there was one senile fire Martha, one porcupine Dust and five running assassins trying to turn ‘Dust’ into dust, who was rooting out spike after spike from the ground.

Ah! And a giant ant queen who was watching them from the distance without moving.

Then his sight fell on Dust’s face and his expressions changed.

“Is she wearing my ant vision lenses? But why is she attac...”

He was going to continue saying that, ‘why was she attacking Enco?’ but then he remembered everything that had happene, when he had worn the glasses and looked around.

And then he remembered the word, which he had found written on the floor, when they were walking through the tunnel to enter the boss room.


Why would he not be angry? He had just connected everything that occurred inside this cave, and found out that everything was a lie.

‘But where did James go? Wasn’t he here with us from the beginning? Why can’t I see him anymore? Did he die? But why are they fighting with each other? Unless’

His expressions changed and his eyes turned fearful. The thoughts that had just come to his mind were too impossible to have.

‘But there is no way that is possible. I don’t believe that he could have done that.’

His face became really scary. How could he believe that in his group of killers, the only one he believed to be a good kid, was the one who ended up being the biggest villain of them all.

How could he believe that? There was no way that anyone could change his view point about someone and make him believe that he was a killer.

“How could he … be the killer?”He talked to himself in a very low almost non audible and trembling voice.

He always had doubts about the death of ‘Roby The Archer’ and thought that he hadn’t died from the hands of an ant but that their leader James had killed him out of frustration or something, but it looked like things were not quite like what he had imagined them to be.

Here his thoughts ended and on the other side their fight.

Martha was unconscious from having used too much of her mana, and Dust was sitting on the ground resting her weight on a stone. He had cuts and slashes all over her body, but she wasn’t dead, yet.

Her face had lost all of its color, her hair disheveled but her eyes were still fierce. If until now she had been playing with a cool attitude, then her personality had taken a full 180 degree turn and she was really angry.

D’sue was also out of his trance and was quietly looking at them while trying to open his sack and get a regeneration potion that would at least make him able to move.

“Why you fucking piece of shit? Why? Why did you do all of this? Why? Tell me why?”

The lying ‘Dust’ couldn’t help, but curse him. Because she had found out that, the assassin who did nothing, but laze around when they were fighting with queen, was now trying to kill them.

“Ahaha. You little kids.” He Spoke.

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