《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 16.1 - Reverse Massacre: The storm arrives


Author's note:-

This is one half of the chapter. The other half will come in about, i don't know, maybe when i actually finish it.




“They are here! They are here!”

“Yes, yes. They are! What should we do! What should we do?”

“Baka! Get your ants stationed. You think they can fight evenly with humans who carry weapons and powerful spells?”

“I know but. Alright, Ants carry on with the formation A, cover the whole palace and don’t let even a single drop of water drain.”

“What? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! What formation? And what fucking palace?”

“HAhaa. I just wanted to have a little fun saying these words. So, don’t worry, nothing’s wrong. I’m just letting my imagination run wild here and nothing more.”

“QUICKLY! Order the ants and send them to their respective stations.”

“Yes. ANTS!... GO,GO,GO. RUN; run to you caves and…

Minie we both know they are going to die, but what should I order them to do. I mean, I can’t let them die for nothing.”

“Yes, you are right. Tell them to cover the caves like we first planed. One ant in first roo… oh, we haven’t made any rooms yet. So, let them stay in caves; one in the first narrow tunnel and then, two in the long caves, and two in the widest tunnel that connect the second intersection with our room.”

“Okay, let’s do like we planned.”

Then I gave the ants my order. We only have five ants but they should be enough to atleast kill one of them. I mean after they battle with ants at every cross-section, they are bound to get tired. Moreover, it’s not like they are sending a battalion or something. Are they?


‘Oh! How many of them are there?

Actually I don’t know.

Yes, I forgot to check their number. If there are more than ten of them then, forget about killing anyone, I think this will be a massacre.’

So I started doing what I am good at.

No! Not powering up my mana for another explosion. I became one with the walls. I am talking about the omnivision skill that Is still out of my reach. I shifted my presence to the first room. Sorry, the giant hole that leds straight from surface to a puddle.

Well, there was no rain; so there is no puddle, but there I saw them, looking here and there.

‘huh…What are they doing! Are they trying to find the tunnel? but its right in front of them.’

I know what happened, the ants dug a little too deep for the water puddle and it became more like a lake. Well, a dried out lake and the are trying to find the way from the bottom of it.

When they were trying to find the way from deep down there one of them pointed up at something and then everyone started climbing up towards the tunnel.

‘huh, did they somehow feel me? I don’t think that is possible.’

I think this is what minie meant by the traps, a deep pit that traps everyone inside. This is a bit too ingenious, to jump down inside the entrance, but straight into a trap.

‘So, this is how humans look.’ It was the first thought that came to my mind. I forgot my original intentions and kept on observing them. Then just when they started walking towards the tunnel, I came about.

‘Idiot! I’m such an idiot! I am here to gather information about them and not to look at them like a fan.’


I saw a man carrying a long blade, a something fully covered in black from his head to toe, a walking steel man, a pointy hat with red cape and another one with a yellow cape but without a hat, walking slowly inside.

Ah! There was another one, but let’s forget about him.

‘Are they walking in some kind of a formation?’

The one carrying the blade was at the last, following behind everyone. ‘Must be the least powerful one of them all’ was what I thought, but I knew, the monsters that had gone through so much…boredom with me would be killed and we were going to be left on their mercy, but there was one thing to be happy about cause we still had a chance. There were only five of them and we had nine on our side.

Well, six to be exact if I remove me, Minie and the larvae from the equation.

The man in black was walking at the front, leading them all. He was followed by the iron man. The two capes were behind them carrying something like sticks in their hands.

‘Well, enough of watching them.’

I travelled back to my crystal clear, dirt proof, shiny body.


‘It still feels the best to be in this body. I feel uncomfortable while my presence is shifted to some other place.’

So I got back to my room and saw Minie shaking with excitement. After watching how excited she looked, how could I have stooped myself from exaggerating everything. So, I happily started blabbering in front of her.

“Haha. Minie there is no need to worry. I don’t think they will be able to completely destroy us. Forget about destroying, I think that they won’t even be able to reach us at all. Well, not with their little strength that is. There are only five of them. What did their leader think they can accomplish by sending only five people? Forget about protecting ourselves, I think they will have to run for their lives after meeting our queen. Right?”




“MINIE!” he shouted in her mind.

“yesh *sob*”

‘She is crying! Why is she crying? What happened?’

“Minie, what happened? Why are you crying? Did something happen when I was not looking?”

Ah! It was at that moment that I noticed, she was looking at the dungeon interface. Her small little face was glowing under the blue light from the interface, at that moment she looked so beautiful that I couldn’t stop myself from gawking at her.

With her watery eyes and twitching lips, her shaking legs and snout covered face, she looked at me, and with her trembling fingers pointed at the screen, looking exactly like a fairy.


I thought she saw something that I didn’t, when I was observing them. So I opened my dungeon interface and clicked at the status panel. What I saw on it left me numb.

Dungeon InterfaceStatusFloors, Monsters, StoreNameThe cave of MiseryTypeInsectFloors1Total no of Monsters6Rooms/floor1Total no of invaders5---Reserved Mana: (250/400)Dungeon(Floors/Rooms)100Monsters150Resources0upgrades0---Invading ForcesNameClassRank/LevelDangerD'sueWhite Knight2/89ExtremeEnco D CroceaAssassin2/99ExtremeDustEarth Mage1/97Very HighMarthaFire Mage1/64Very HighRobyMaster Archer1/99High---Dungeon Currency358ReputationNeutralDC Inc.303/dayMana Reg.20/hr

I think I was a bit wrong about something. Yes, humans did only send five personals and there were no invasion force waiting outside, but they did so because these people were enough; enough to handle us.

What we feared really happened. I never thought that they would send ‘B Rankers’ to take care of our beginner dungeon.

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