《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 12 - Queen {RE}
Rocky’s P.O.V:-
Destiny is what we make it to be and it all depends upon the decisions that we take in our life, nothing more.
What happened? Why I’m suddenly being dramatic?
Nothing, I’m just suffering from post- I bought a useless queen-stress.
Yes, Minie’s swollen face and red eyes are all the result of the new addition in our small family, The Ant queen.
I understand if others think that it was a good decision on our part to buy a queen, that it was a very sensible and productive decision.
I also understand that a queen who can lay eggs and increase our forces is nothing more than having a goose which gives gold egg, but the thing is there is a cache.
This queen of ours is actually a trap. It’s not that I didn’t receive a queen after buying her or that she was a fake. Everything went well. Minie and I, we were both very happy after looking at her and I was even left dumbfounded after watching her size. The problem actually lies somewhere else.
Is her size the problem that is making me cry tears?
No, it’s not. For an insect moreover an ant she is HUGE. There is a reason for me to dramatize the word huge. I don’t say thing like gigantic and huge very often, but this queen is GIGANTIC.
Firstly, like a normal human I thought that the queen we bought would be tiny, small, and incompetent to do anything and that after some evolutions she would become a great asset to my dungeon, but the reality is entirely different.
The thing is our ‘Ant Queen’ is a; two stories tall, 15 meter wide and a full 50 meters long monster that is truly inconceivable and feels more like a dream than reality. Forget me, even Minie couldn’t help but scream after our queen appeared right in front of us after a show of blinding Lights.
She is truly horrendous. I don’t think that the world humongous or something like a disaster really suits her, but that is what she really is.
If anyone asked me questions like; how could she fit in your tiny little; rage empowered, mana blasted, surface connecting tunnel of a cave? I only have one answer for him.
She didn’t come alone; she bought her own room with her. I at first felt like the system was giving us the room as her dowry, but now I think the room is actually the bribe. Well, the room at least the room is big, big enough to hold five queens of her size.
For the first time after being born I felt how wonderful and amazing magic really is .Magic is truly an amazing thing; it can do wonders if used correctly.
Well, moving onto her description.
Minie looked amazed after observing her. She looks like an ant on steroids I know ants don’t have any muscles but her body seems truly like a mess of contours and curves giving her a felling of obnoxiousness.
Her bulged body makes her look extremely vicious and ruthless. Her mandibles looks more like a scythe, ready to remove a head from its soul mate, neck. I think with their size and sharpness, she will have no difficulty cutting a 3 meter wide tree in half.
Her legs, which give her one third of her height, are like sharp pointed spears. How sharp are they? Well, the holes that she left on the floor when she tried to move somewhat made me to not ask any questions regarding their penetrating power.
She has sharp steel like hairs all over her body. Now, if I was a human, I wouldn’t like to get near her at all.
Well, leaving aside her physical appearance the thing which gave a very hard shock was the information I received after buying her. It said…
Ant Queen(S)Ant queen is a special monster, with a very small chance of being born in a colony.
Queens specializes in laying eggs, but can also defend themselves, if needed.Rank3Level5Abilities:
3 Eggs/Day
Moderate Fire resistance
Lesser FireballEgg Facts:
99/100chance of the born being a worker
1/100 chance of the born being a warrior
1/1000 chance of the born being a variant
1/100 chance of the variant being unique
1/10chance of that unique being a queen
1/10 chance of the uniquequeen being a variant unique queen
1/1000 chance of that unique variant queen being an Primordial Giant Dinosaur Ant Queen
Chance to evolve????
Now that is something horrendous, not for the seller, but for me her buyer.
I wanted her with the intentions to convert her into a monster breeding machine, but my dreams were smashed without giving them even a little hope.
Her contract says she can only give birth to 3 eggs per day?
Both Minie and me had thought that she would give birth to millions of eggs in the matters of days, and that is why we choose a queen and not 10’s of warriors, but to my great luck our queen can only lay 3eggs/ day.
She is the reason for my broken heart. I don’t know how we will be able to take care of those who are come to test our hospitality. Not dying seems like mission impossible now.
To say more in her praise, she is massive and has no fighting capabilities.
No, sorry about that. I am wrong about this. She IS equipped with various deadly weapons and even though she can’t move much, she can protect herself, with her fire resistance and lesser fireball attack.
At least she will be able to kill some low rankers before dying. The problems don’t just end there. Because she can’t work and we don’t have anyone to physical dig out our second floor, we now need to spend even more credits and buy some monsters.
We both knew what kind of a mistake we had made by wasting our time and resources, by our recklessly spending on a week queen.
But in the end we still had to buy 4 more ant workers for 100 Dc. And they ended up reserving most of my mana. I would have liked to buy another queen, but I didn’t have sufficient funds. Well, no matter how bad a single queen seems, the prospect of 2 or 3 or even more queens laying eggs is very enticing.
Yes, I’m being greedy here, but my wildly speeding thoughts were stopped in the middle, when I was greeted with a not possible message.
*Not possible Limit reached.*
What does this means it means that we could only house one queen in our dungeon. Now, whether it’s only for now or something else we don’t know. So, the situation as it is, our dwindling resources and incompetent forces have led me to believe, that no matter what happen we wouldn’t get another shock from anything, but then our queen laid her first egg. Minie and I we both very happy started jumping with happiness and looking at the size of it, it was going to be another giant insect, but then a message popped up.
Ant egg Lv 0
Time left till birth: 8 hours.
Yeah, that broke all of the tension. When despair starts running its full course, then there is no way that any tension and fear would show its might.
I saw Minie looking at me with panda eyes and we both sighed to our current situation. I wanted to do something productive, so I pinned the queen to some corner of my mind and thought of creating more space.
And to do that, I ordered my newly bought ants to start expending our ground floor. I had a question regarding the space inside a dungeon, so I clarified it with Minie. And she also swiftly replied back, as if she was waiting for me to ask her something.
“Yes, a dungeon is a magical place, but it is not present in any special plane or anything. It is formed from the master and created and shaped by its monsters. Both parties coorpotation is needed for it to work.”
“So you recovered. Can we forget about the past and work for to improve our dimming future?”
She who was continuously looking at my crystal heart sighed and took a deep breath before answering, “Looks like that’s what we need to do now, but still you...”
“Minie you are not as cute as I thought you were.”
“Well, what’s done is done so let’s try again to create something amazing.”
She coughed before saying her heart out and then she blinked at me… trying to act cute I guess??
‘Like that would work on me now’ I secretly thought the thought inside my thoughtless mind, but
“I heard that you know...”
“So I am creating rooms for now for monsters to have a place to move around in.”
“Yeah try creating rooms of different sizes I think that would be perfect for now and als…”
“No, I’m going to create an ant mound, replica of a real one. But instead of going into the earth, I am creating it dungeon style.”
“Umm… Do we really need try something so reckless? Don’t feel bad okay, but our condition is not good enough to experiment with this.”
”No. I’m creating a custom ant mound for our ants to feel at home, and please don’t say anything. Because, nothing you say can make me change my decision.”
“But what if it leads to our downfall”
“Then help me perfect it and make my design flourish.”
“O-okay then why don’t you tell me what kind of an architectural design, are you going to produce in here?”
“Well, nothing much I just ordered those workers to make the entrance look like a deep dark pit into the depth and then there will be a narrow but long tunnel from where adventurers would have to crawl to move forward. After the tunnel will be a wide room but only wide enough for 2 ants and 1 human to fight together and nothing more. Then again tunnels, but this time there’ll be two tunnels connecting with two different rooms which will be double the size of the first room with enough space for a small group to fight together. Then again tunnels but not narrow ones and then three rooms of different sizes and then a tunnel leading to a last room, this one. So what do you think?”
“What you didn’t like it think this is a good idea.”
“What? No, sorry, I was a bit….well, you really have some talents. I never thought that you would be able to fish out such a good idea with that brain of yours, but here you are. They really say, not to judge a book by its cover.”
“WHAT? What was that? Are you trying to praise me or what? I don’t understand!”
“Haha, Don’t worry, such things don’t matter. All which matters is that your idea is really good. Now to improve this idea even more, we can put some pits between the tunnels. Some traps here, some traps there, and it will provide a good experience to our guests.”
“Wait? What are traps? Can we trust them?”
“To tell you what a trap is I’ll have to explain from the basics.”
“Please take care of me.”
“Hah… well, a trap is a devices or contraptions, used to gain us some edge over the invaders. You see why fight with them and get our monsters killed when we could always lure them into a trap. A trap is a mechanism which can be used to catch an inattentive prey. A trap could be deadly or just powerful enough to buy us some time. A traps is very useful and powerful, but only if it is used carefully and decisively.”
“So, how can we use these traps? Can we make them?”
“Small traps like; deep pits and the like are easy to make, just instruct you workers to dig a deep pit somewhere in the tunnel and then cover it with a thin layer of ground, that’s it. Other than that, we could use monster traps or ceiling traps and the like, but I think we’ll have to buy trap upgrade, to use more deadly ones.”
*Gulp* traps! Yes, traps, with them it can be done. Let’s create a pitfall trap in one of the tunnels leading to the three rooms and one monster ceiling trap leading to this room. That will give us some leverage over those pesky little INS… no humans. After all we are the insects here. I can’t stop smiling; this I think is going to be great. Now, all we need to do is to wait for our workers to finish their work, and then to position them.
“How about the entrance, are you not going to change it?”
“What about it? Is it not fine? I mean, it fits well with our ant theme. An ant hill as our entry, a deep dark drop straight into a pond of water, followed by narrow tunnels, exciting fight with monsters and then more fighting.”
“About monsters, Minie, what happen to them when they are killed?”
“Let’s see… for now nothing happens to them other than your reserved mana being released from their bodies and returning to yourself.”
“So that is why you said that I would get my reserves back once my monsters die, but what happens to the monsters that are born from the egg. I mean they are not reserving any of my mana”
“Umm…They also turn into pure mana, but instead of entering your body they increases the mana concentration in the dungeon, which help with the birth of natural monsters. You will also be able to increase you mana capacity more easily cause of that. Denser is the mana inside a dungeon, stronger becomes its monsters. They live by eating mana after all.”
“Is that all? Are you not forgetting something?”
“What? From what I remember, this is the best that we can do, for now that is.”
I sighed. She really doesn’t remember about this does she or maybe it slipped from her mind?
“So you want them to decide that we are of no use to them other then providing them with strong monsters and death to their kin.”
“Ah, Damn. I completely forgot about the problem of human’s greedy nature. We need to give them some kind of reward, something special. Add to that our friendly nature; I am sure they will understand that we are no threat to them.”
“So, Minie what kind of a reward do you think they would like to have?”
“You know, why not make it so that a killed ant would drop one of its body part, like its mandibles or shell. They are quite precious I think. “
“Yeah we could do that, but let’s make so that only those monsters that take birth from an egg drop something after they die and let’s make their drop chance dependable on luck.”
“Why luck? Why not based on the amount of effort they put in hunting?”
“Well, I was born cause of luck too, right.”
“Yeah, there is also that.”
“Anything else, Minie.”
She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Nah, let’s just live through our current predicament first.”
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