《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 8 - Betrayal {RE}


Minie’s P.O.V:-

I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. Who told me to think that he would be…

Ah! This is bad I don’t want to think about it, but I can’t stop thinking about him and about the things he says, about the ways he talks.

No! Don’t, don’t, don’t. He is a dungeon core, my master. I can’t show him such a disgraceful side of mine. I hope he didn’t get offended because of my crude and selfish behavior.

Should I apologize to him?

No! No, he’s already taking advantages of my nature from time to time and if I showed him how timid I am then he will try to eat me for real.


No, No, not that way. I mean, literally eat me.

But he doesn’t behave atrociously and also does not ask me to serve him or anything, even though he has the right to order me around. He really does believe me as his partner; someone with the same status as him.

I couldn’t help but blush when I thought about sharing the same room and the same status with him.

Yeah, he is great… He is great for a crystal. No, he is even better than those humans. They kidnap fairies and kill other beings. Moreover, they do the killing for their amusement and not for their needs.

They are actually the worst.

No, there are also them Demons and those of Evil… No, stop, don’t think, don’t think, don’t think about them. We are already in a heap of problems and I don’t want to add another to them.

But those humans their greed has no end. I don’t want to please them, if could I would kill them all, but… *sigh* it’s not possible. With how weak we are right now, we can only survive if we could somehow convince them that there is profit to be made by not killing us. It’s the only way to stop them from thinking of us as dangerous and destroying our dungeon.

Let’s forget them for now. I know their raid is going to come, but I just hope that they don’t send someone too formidable for us to handle. I don’t want knights or someone above them rank roaming around inside my… no our dungeon, our home.

Ah! I don’t know why but my face turns red every time I think about him. Is it because of that?

But there should also be no reason for them to send someone great and powerful. I mean, as we are now we don’t even have the power to hurt ants, so forget about humans. They have their own means of protection after all.

We are just trying to live here, keeping ourselves safe from the danger that others emit towards us and make a living while doing it and also getting stronger. I mean, evolving and stuff.

We just need to become dangerous, powerful, and then we’ll kill them all!

Ahem,… I got a little carried away there.

Oh! I forgot the matter about getting rich. Money! We don’t need it, because rock will probably be able to make it in the future. Well, it also holds no value for a dungeon.

What we need are dungeon points or dungeon credits.

Yes, the more we have the merrier our life will turn. But there is actually a little problem here. The only way of collecting credits and getting rich is by killing humans or by, torturing them. If I think hard and don’t strain my brain, I think I can come out with a way to get a rich without killing anyone, probably.


Oh! Yeah, If we could kill half of those who will come to invade on us and maybe also make them stay inside our dungeon for a day or two, then maybe we will get enough Dungeon points (DP)for some modifications.

What is the rate of gaining ‘DC’ from humans again? Oh yeah, it differs for every dungeon, but if I still remember than, a scared person gives much more DP than a strong willed one.


Looking at this from another angle, it seems like even gods are telling us to torture those humans as much as we can before killing them. But we can’t expect to keep on capturing humans and torturing them because one day or another, the cat will get out of the bag and the dead will start haunting us.

Now, I don’t want their brethren to come and ask us for their dues. They will want blood and we can’t bleed.

Even though those humans keeps on waging wars between themselves, killing Millions of their kin and spreading chaos everywhere, but if they got wind of us torturing humans, then they will get angry. No, they will probably sanction a kill order to our names.

But do they even know our names. Well, not right now, but they probably will. We are going to get famous after all.

From name I remember, we have not given our dungeon a name yet (she is forgetting that it’s still a cave). Well, I’ll discuss with ‘Rock’ about this, but I really need to think about, how to make our dungeon (cave) popular, that is.

But Rock, he is amazing isn’t he? I mean he has elemental affinity with one of the strongest elements; Fire. Moreover, He is the first dungeon that I know of to have triple elemental affinity. And this is not all, he also has a soul, but it’s still not ending because he even has a Title that makes his skill gaining ability four times the normal. I mean twice the result for half the effort means four times, right. Is this what being a heavenly talent means? No, even heavenly talent is not enough to explain how great my rocky really is.

Well forget it, because normal beings won’t ever understand his greatness. I mean there are only a handful of elemental dungeons and all of them are ancient history now. But Rocky has fire element for firepower, dark for scarring the shit out of all those pesky little humans and life for growing vegetable…

*_____* I don’t believe it. He actually have only a single element that is of some us!. I mean WTF are we going to do with plants.

Shit, so that Rocky is not so great after all. He is not great, is overconfident and grows tentacles to attack me…


But, have there not been a lot of crazy things happening around here and one way or another all of them are related to him?

I think I need to tell Mistress about this. Well, it is in our code to inform all of the unusual things which happens in our Dungeons to the headquarters, but should I really tell them everything? I mean although it is time for me to report my weekly status, but what if they try to take him away from me?

I mean, he is a bit eccentric, makes fun of me from time to time, keep things hidden from me, and creates tentacles and assault me… that pervert.

* Blush* but he is still my partner, isn’t he?


Or Should I leave him before something bad happens?


Silly me, still thinks that I can run away from him, but now that we are partners; acknowledged by the gods, I don’t think that I can go anywhere away from him.

“Minie what are control panels how I can use them would you teach me” (Rock)

Really, am I just a teacher for him! The day will come when I’ll have nothing more to teach him, what will happen then? Will he abandon me or maybe eat… me!

No, no. That is not possible. Rocky is not like those selfish imbeciles, like those crude mongrels that killed so many of my friends. How happy they were when they joined those dungeons, but all killed because of a myth.

I believe in rocky he won’t let anything like that happen to me, but… what about that thing! What if it again came out? What will I do then?

It was like terror had taken physical form and had come to obliterate all and everything. If it’s that thing, then I don’t know what kind of troubles future hold for us!

*Sigh*… I should really tell Mistress about it and there is also the matter about his locked skills and the raid, which I need to consult with her.

But firstly, I need to handle Rocky. I don’t think I can teach him anything right now. Let’s make him wait. He also needs to learn patience.

“I’m going to sleep” (Minie)


Well, I didn’t think that he would agree with me so easily. I thought that he would create some noise, and then I would need to get angry at him, but It ended; silently?

Well, whatever I think he also understands that I need some space right now.

Then I walked to a corner of the cave a bit away from him so that at least he won’t be able to see, that I’m not sleeping. Well, I really do need to sleep, but reporting to headquarters is also important.’

Oh, I almost forgot to block our mind connection. It’s not like he invades my privacy by reading my thoughts or something, but still it’s better to be safe now than to be sorry later. What about me I have all the right to read his mind, we are partners after all. I guess stalking runs in my blood…

NO, NO. I mean talking, over talking runs in my blood.

So let’s do this...

* * * * * * * * * *

Third Person P.O.V:-

Establishing connection


Connection with Fairy Mistress ******FeeFee established.

Ah, these information boxes, always interrupting by telling me things that I already know. Who did ev…

“Still, hot headed as always huh, Minie FeeFee.” (Mistress)

“Greetings, Mistress. How are you doing?”

“Its fine child, everything is the same as you left three days ago. You remember right? It has only been three days since you left.”

“What! Only three days! How is this possible? I thought it has already been a week, so I conne….”

“Oh, don’t fret about useless things. I understand where you are coming from. So, are you having fun? How is he? If he’s acting any funny then you can tell me, we could still change him before you make your contract with him.”

“About that, he is alright, and I don’t think I can come home now.”

“Why! What happened? Did you get captured by humans or something or did he cage you? Don’t worry my dear we’ll come to your rescue; if it’s that dungeon we are against. No mercy for those who hurt one of ou…”

“No, it’s not what you are thinking. It’s just that we have already formed the contract. And our bond has also strengthened. So, I can’t come back home anymore.”



“Yeah, he is a sentient one so it is understandable. Well, most reincarnated people are born with their knowledge and intelligence intact so it’s …”

“Ano! Rocky is not someone reincarnated. He just got a weird title and it made him intelligent. He also has affinity with Fire element. I mean isn’t he amazing, he’s so…”

“What?? ELEMENTAL AFFINITY! ARE you serious? And also is there really such a title? We never knew. Quickly tell me what that title is and how to receive it. Remember that you are doing a great service to your brothers and sisters who would also be able to become partners with sentient dungeons and not just a machine that only knows how to kill or eat. I never thought such a thing would happen by sending you there.”

Minie could feel the excitement from her Mistress’s voice. ’This is unexpected’ she thought, but instead of getting happy she felt fear. Fear like a lioness had just found her prey.

Although the words her Mistress uttered were all said with good intention but Minie felt like she was being mentally pressured. Although the words were connected to hope and welfare of their community, but her mistresses’ intentions were not.

‘Why do her words feel so hollow? Like she is only saying them to get me to tell her everything, but her heart is not into them.’ Minie thought while cold sweat drenched her clothes.

For the first time in her life she felt fear. Not fear from monsters and the like, but fear from the thought of being betrayed by her own family. Fear that made her think that if she told her Mistress all and everything about Rock them a disaster bigger and far worse than humans would explode onto their heads.

First time in her life she understood, how greedy people really are. Forget about humans, even her mistress was trying to pressure her to make her spill the beans. She decided to tell her the truth about that title, but to keep everything else to herself.

“The title he received is …”

Minie told her about the title and how he received it, the skills advantage and conditions required. Her Mistress sighed like she was regretting sending her to the dungeon, but Minie felt that sigh chilling her very soul.

“So tell me, how he fulfilled the conditions, if one needs to kill someone just minutes after being born to gain this title, then how did he get it?” (Mistress)

Minie might have not knows why her mistress had turned into an entirely different person just minutes after listening about the title and Rocky’s triple elemental affinity, but she knew that whatever the reason was; it wasn’t anything good for her.

“It seems that when Rocky woke up for the first time in this world, he somehow released all of his stored mana and blasted it toward the surface; killing some unlucky fellow in the fallout and that way he gained his knowledge and ending up maturing in a single day.”(Minie)

“So that’s how it is huh. Well, if there’s nothing more to say then you can go, for now.” (Mistress)

“Huh… ah, okay. Well, then see you mistress.” Minie said that while smiling cutely, but her smile froze when her mistress replied back.

“Yeah, keep me informed. Okay, Bye-bye.”

Minie hurriedly broke the connection. She knew she did or said something, which she shouldn’t have and now it was going to come bite her in her tiny petite ass.

She woke up and started running towards Rock. She felt like all her relations just broke and she was left in the world alone. Her family was already nothing more than a thing of the past and her mistress who she believed in more than her anyone else had decided to abandon her for something illusionary and this way she got left in the world with only one person to depend on.

When she saw Rocky, hovering still in the same place where she had left him, her heart started beating faster, her breathing stopped and tears started falling. One by one her tears rolled down her face making creases and then dropping on the ground, getting lost in the dust, while she thought how lucky she was for having someone like Rocky as her Partner.

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