《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 5 - Sharing Memories {RE}


Rocky’s P.O.V:-

Hah, Hah, Hah.


I- I- I am alive?

Hmm… What happened? Where am I? Am I… inside that thing?

NO, it doesn’t feel like that. But why can’t I see anymore? Is it because I am inside it or something?

But if that thing really ate me, then why am not dead yet?

Or am I already dead?

No, I don’t want to die, so early in the game. I have so many things that I want to do, I haven’t even started yet.

I hope I am not dead yet.


Hmm… did I hear correctly? Though the sound seems to be travelling through a metal container or something, but I am sure I heard something, right?

Please, voices speak again. Let me hear you!

“Roc… can you hear me?”

“Yes, yes. I can hear you. Where are you? Ah! I am alive. I am alive.”

“Ah! Thank god you are alive; I thought you were going to go corrupt on the second day.”

“Hmm… what corrupt? What are you talking about? Wait, how do you know my name? Who are you?”

“Huh, what are you talking about? It’s me… Minie.”

“Minie… Minie, MINIE!! You are alive, you are alive. I thought you were dead. How are you alive? Where were you for so long, I thought he killed you?

Ah, my blindness, how I wish I could see you right now!”

"Ahhaa a *sob* *suu* leavim...me alobe *suu* not wakig ...up...*su*... you know how worrieb...i waj...." Her crying and pain filled voice sounded directly inside my head.

(Leaving me alone and not waking up, you know how worried I was?)

"You kkow…..*sob* ..i .thogt….*hick*. ju wold die….*hick* and then….*sniff* i woulb…. alcho ..die....*suu*…..buv then how woulb i …….*suu*…..enboy treaking worlbs bescht dungeon ‘waaa’ wib ju"Minie said with watery eyes, rolling around on the floor.

(You know, I thought you would die and then, I would also die, but then how would I enjoy creating world’s best dungeon with you.)

Yes, I am not. I can see that she is worried for me. Although so many months have passed away, she is still here, waiting for me.

But how should I console her? Even though I can see that I am not dead yet, but It’s still hard to think that someone could survive ‘That’.

Though I can hear her voice, but it’s not clear. Maybe mental connection depends on user’s state of mind.

"Minie I’m sorry, I’m a bad partner. I did not talk to you for such a long time.

Please, believe me. I tried and I tried, again and again for the first some months, but then it got dangerous.

And every time that I tried to establish a connection with you, I don’t know why, but that blob started keeping watch on me. So, I had to stop at some point.

At first I thought that because I couldn’t move and because you couldn’t get hold of me you must have gotten scared and went back to your home. Then I thought that, maybe you got eaten by it.

I know you must be frustrated and angry at me, but I promise it will never happen again...."


Now that I think about it where is that slimy piece of shit what happened to it??

“Ah, Minnie! Tell me, where is that slimy blob now? What happened to it? I don't feel it anywhere.

It must have spread destruction everywhere and went somewhere else.


Do you know which way it went? No forget it. It’s not like I can do anything about it.

Ah, I completely forgot; are you hurt anywhere, nothing bad hap……”

"You, stop for a minute.”

Huh, what happened? She looks kind of confused. Why is she confused?

But then I got to know that the confusion was not hers, but mine.

“Months!! What months? You have only been sleeping for two days. And what blob? Who died? What are you talking about?! Did you hit your head while sleeping? You are not making any sense at all."

What the hell!

I have been sleeping... That was sleep. SLEEPING FOR ONLY TWO DAYS.

For real! How is this possible? I am sure I saw that thing and it ate me too. I still feel the terror, the, the,…

Damm, this is embarrassing.

So that was a dream, huh... but how the fuck is this possible?

A nightmare! It was just me and my mind acting crazy and nothing more?


No, no. How could that kind of thing be a just dream? How can a normal person have such dangerous dreams?

It was real, all real, but how could Minie not see something that disgusting.

Ah, now that I see I can’t feel it’s aura at all.

Shit, shit, shit.

It was the first time that I went into hibernation and I'm already having these kinds of shitty dreams. Moreover, it only lasted for two days in the real world, but I still had to go through so much. What will happen if I someday slept for more than a month or some…….???

Damm, I am never going to sleep again.

This shit is very scary. I don't ever want this to happen to me again.

My inner monologue and discussions were still going on when I heard a scared, shaking voice asking me,

"What are you mumbling about? Are you alright? Well, it's good that you woke up, but please be sane. You are making me scared.”

“AH! Minie, I’m sorry I got a bit lost inside the jungle of my own ideas and illusions.”

“Whoa, that was creative. Did something happen that I don't know about? I can hear your thoughts you know. ” with a confused and perplexed face Minie asked me.

I looked at Minnie. She looked kind of bewildered and soft, like she was looking at a, nut case.

That hurt me a bit.

Well, I don’t mind the faces which she’s making, because I am happy.

She's safe and nothing happened to her. I am safe and alive. Now,, I can keep my promise and help her create the strongest dungeon in the world.

Those things are good and all, but I think we need to make a rule to not eavesdrop on each other’s thoughts.

It’s not because of her read my mind, but because I can’t spy back on her.

"Hey, Minie, you can hear me thinking right?”

“Yes, I can. So you don’t want me to do that?”

“NO, actually, Can only fairies do the mind hearing thing? Can like others also do that?” (Rock)

“oh! So do you want to try it too?”

“Not really. But if you are going to teach me then why not.”

"Ahaa. Just say if you want me to teach you something, I am here for that you know and yes others can also talk telepathically.”

If what she said is true then I should also be able to do it, but why can’t I?”


“Oh! It’s not that you can't, you just don't know how to. Oh, and more thing … I’m also blocking you from entering my mind.” Minie replied sheepishly

"Hey, I heard that. It’s rude, you know. You can see my ‘Everything’, but I can’t ever hear a squeak from you.

It’s, it’s… SEXISM."

I screamed the last part in her mind, emphasizing it to create a self reflecting effect on her, but the result didn’t turn out quite like I wanted it to.

“Ha-ha. Sexism, do you even know what that means?”

She was laughing so hard that her smile was almost touching her eyes.

I couldn’t refute her. I really don’t know what it means. I just said what came into my mind.

"No, I don’t, but this doesn't mean that I'm wrong. Forget about it and tell me, did something happen while I was sleeping? I mean whenever you talk it feels like you are not telling me something, moreover you don’t seem your usual self today. Can you tell me why I feel so?”

When she saw how serious I was, she stopped laughing and returned to her usual calm self, but to me her behavior still felt a little, forced.

“I- I don’t know what to say.”

Seems like whatever that happened while I was sleeping wasn’t as simple as I thought it to be.

“I mean, I know now that ‘That’ wasn’t you. All the things you have been saying don’t make any sense, and that thing also didn’t. I just don’t know whether it was you or something else.”

Her voice told me exactly what she was thinking and how she was feeling. I don’t know what kind of a thing that I did while I was sleeping, but her tone is already explaining the situation to me.

“Minie, you believe me right.” I asked her and my voice showed unwavering confidence.

She looked at my fine chiseled…ahem, crystal body before nodding her head once. Though I can’t read her mind, but it is easy to distinguish between positive and negative signals which she releases unconsciously. Actually, her control over her brain waves is not as great as she thinks it is. It slips her emotions out automatically and my mind also perceives them automatically.

“Have faith in me and tell me what happened while I was sleeping. I believe you so please believe me too.”

I heard a *suu* sound, she cleared her running nose and replied with, “Hu” to me in a very cute and soft voice.

Then she answered my prayers and told me everything and her experience left me senseless.


I don’t know what to make of this.

According to her, I released tentacles and attacked her. Moreover this happened exactly when I got eaten up by that thing.

I am not sure of it, but are these things somehow related to each other or something?

I don’t know, but let’s confirm it with Minie.

"Minie, I have something I want to confirm with you."

"Huh, Okay.” Her mind seemed a bit perplexed, but she was alright otherwise.

"I want to know what exactly happened to you, and I also want to show you what I went through. So tell me, is there any way for us to accomplish that. I mean can we project our thoughts into each other minds or something?"

“Umm, yes, there is a way. Actually its exactly like how you said. We can transfer thoughts, voices, and images to each others minds, but it is a bit dangerous.”

“Oh really, then lets do it.”

“But it’s dangerous for you you know!”

A scared, shaky and concerned voice came out of her throat. It was enough. Her concern is enough. I want to know what actually happened, so I am not going to stop this ‘Experiment’, but it’s good to know that she feels concerned about me.

“To me? Means It’s not harmful to you? Then it’s alright. If it wouldn’t harm you then it’s alright. So what should I do?”

"Yeah, it is possible, but it will take its toll on your mind. So we need to improve your mental capacity first.”

“And to do that…”She blushed when I asked her that.

”You have to learn how to read thoughts first!" Minie replied, smiling a little cheerfully.

"Well, then let's do it, you will teach me how and I'll practice hard until I become able to do it properly, then let's start now."

Yes, we need to hurry these things up and get ready before apocalypse falls on our heads.

"Huh, Ah, okay, let's start.”

She started with being confused at m sudden suggestion, but then her eyes got sharp and her timidness faded away like it was just my delusion. A solid and calm voice welcomed me and then she seriously started explaining to me the intricacies of mind reading.

“It's actually really simple, if you actually get to do it once, but it is also very hard, if you don't get the hang of it. You need to believe in our bond, believe that we are really connected, and believe like we are one mind and one soul. If you could do that, then it will become as easy as reading paper, but if you couldn’t, then it's like trekking in a desert.

So, I have provided you access to my mind for now, it's not easy it'll take some time, but don't worry one day or another you will get the hang of it. So, until then kee........"

"Hey, Minnie I think I got it, I just read your mind. It’s quite easy to do. Who told you anything about not succeeding in a single try? Reading your mind is like reading paper, just like you said."

*___* This is how her state of mind turned into, when I told her that I have already learned it. Actually, it really is very easy to do, but it looks like my instant learning came as quite a shock to her.

"Huh, really? You really learned it on your first try? I took me two years to learn this you know.”

Yeah, maybe the shock was a little too much, but it really is easy. How should I explain it?

I followed what she said and ‘Boom’ I heard her talking, though she was only thinking to herself, but she didn’t believe me.

“Don’t jock okay, its very dangerous. You might get brain hemorrhage if you don't do it right, so concentrate and..."

“Minie, I really have already learned it. Your teaching was so out of the world that I learned it in a second. Ah! How should I make you believe me? Let me read your mind.” Yeah if I don’t end it here then she is going to keep sulking about it.

"Really, my teaching…Heee. Okay then, try to prove it? Try to tell me what I'm thinking."

"My teaching, it’s because of my teaching. Fuuu, It’s because…"

*Ahem* maybe, I served the dish a little too hot, because when she heard what I had to say, her face turned red and she hurriedly stopped me from saying anything more.

"Okay, okay. I understand...monster”

And I also stopped when her burning face turned tomato red.

"So, can we try it now? I think I'm ready." I voiced my opinion on the situation.

"Yeah, okay. Why not? Let's give it a go."

“So what are we going to do?”

“Nothing I am going to think about what happened to me. You try and read them like you read my thoughts. Though it might induce a headache, but please try to go through all of it, okay.”


I replied to her and then it started. The view was not complete; it was like bits and pieces, something from here something from there.

At the start, everything went alright. She was normally passing her day. Because I could also feel her emotions, her sadness didn’t escape my radar and I understood looking at the scene that she was sad because I was not waking up.

The scene changed and fear overcame sadness and then a scout came.

Huh, I remember she went on and on about tentacles and stuff, but she didn’t tell me anything about someone visiting us. Don’t know, maybe she forgot about it.

Oh! I saw her burying me deep underground. I know magic is very formidable but it turned out more invisible than I thought it was. Now I wanna learn it too.

Just when I started feeling scared that he might have come inside, I saw him turning and running away.

He didn't come in... ha-ha. I can feel her getting frustrated, she buried me deep to protect me, but turned out it wasn’t needed. I can even see her getting tired little by little from using magic, while she tried to bring me out of my…coffin. Maybe magic has its own limitations.

Is this why she was scared and said I almost killed her? Maybe I should ask forgiveness from her for this.

But this is still not so bad. Comparing this with what I went through inside my dream, it was like meh...

Then everything went black. So this was all huh. Well, little girls and their tantrums…

And just when I thought that everything was over, I was projected with another set of memories and these were much-much clear. Like everything was happening right in front of me.

I felt her fear, her agitation and nervousness which were beyond ordinary. She was so scared that I felt like sky had started falling.

She dug me out of my tomb and just when she was about to leave, everything started shaking. Then a deep blacking purple aura seeped out of me. I felt Goosebumps looking at that thing, because I think I know where it came from.

The only thing which had the same kind of aura with the same disgusting felling to it was that Blob. Although its intensity wasn't quite the same as it was in my dream, but otherwise it was the same no matter how I looked at.

I know one thing, that aura weren’t my doing. I don't remember anything about having an aura and going on a rampage inside my own fucking cave and trying to hurt Minie.

While the aura thingy was scary in itself, tentacle started forming out of it and they started bombarding everywhere. While most were attracted to walls like ants to sugar, some of them went towards Minnie.

The fear I felt coming from her right at that moment is beyond describable. I could see that she was on the verge of losing conscious and just when they were going to touch her, something happened.

The ground’s trembling stopped and the aura and them tentacles, they all vanished into thin air like they were never even present.

I know, if she is looking at my face right now, then she is probably laughing while looking at my expressions. But I really didn't imagine that she went through such a thing, all because of me.

That last part of them memories made me numb.

Phew, at least it’s over.

Maybe the terror of having to face such a thing alone had some way or somehow rooted me deep inside her heart.

Why do I think so, because when that aura vanished, she came running to me to check whether I was fine or not, instead of thinking of me as a stranger who got her into such a dangerous situation and leaving me behind. Even behind all her timid character and fear and everything, I can feel that she cares for me.

It makes me happy to know that there is someone who cares for me too, but also makes me afraid that maybe someday she might end up getting hurt because of me and I don't want that to happen.

Everyone wants their dreams to become reality, but here a nightmare turned real. Can magic make that happen too? Is this kind of thing also possible? For a monster from dream world to come into reality and create havoc. This is some supernatural shit that is out of my league.

After watching what Minie had to go through cause of me I am having second thoughts about my intelligent idea of sharing memories. I don’t think that I should let Minnie see my dream, although those tentacles were a bit scary, but they hold no candle to, to ‘That’.

I don't know how she will react to it, but I need answers, answers to questions which are already very confusing.

"So, how was it? It was scary right? How could you do that to m… Ah! Sorry, I know it wasn’t you, but I can’t help but shiver whenever I think about it. So, now that you know, could you tell me how or what really happened? I know you don’t have answer to all of my questions, but……”

Now, I’m perplexed. I can’t decide whether I should show her my dream or not.

"I don’t know what to say, your experience was, surreal. I didn't even imagine that something like that happened to you. But I have a question, do you think you can help me it? "

"Ah, ask away. Anything you ask will probably help me too"

"Do you think aura can take shape I mean do you think it is possible for such a thing to become reality, it feels kind of fictitious. I mean I don't know what kind of word this is? So, tell me is such a thing possible in this world?”

Minie got serious for a bit, but then her mind relaxed and she answered with another kind of energy and emotions.

"This world is too amazing for people like us to point fingers at what is possible and what is not. Maybe something that is impossible for us is as easy as breathing to someone else. So, let's not talk about what is possible and what is not, it won’t do us any good."

She shook her head once and said while looking at me,

"It’s my turn now. Let's do this. You don't need to project anything to me. Just think about what happened to you and I’ll do the rest of the work."

Should I do this I don't know she really did her side of the work, so now it's my turn and I don’t think that I can back down from it now?

At the very most she would stop talking to me, but it doesn't matter; now that I can also read her thoughts.

"Okay, let's do this"

Then I started thinking about all that happened to me in my dream. She remained unfazed from the start of it to the end. She didn't even wince once. No frowning, no face making, no nothing and here I thought she would create a fuzz about all that, but nothing. Turns out she is a lot braver than me.

Forget that, she didn’t even move. Maybe I was thinking too hard about her being in danger and that clouded my thought processing.

All the while I was thinking how wrong I was to think that she's a weak minded little fairy with loose spirit, my memory projection ended.

My projection ended and I looked for Minie and her signal, then I noticed that it was a blank.

Firstly, I thought that maybe she was pondering about what that blob probably is and the connection of it with my aura thingy.

But it was all my misunderstanding,

She wasn’t pondering about anything. I noticed that, she was just unconscious.

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