《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 2 - Title and Tribulations {RE}


Author's note:-

This is a rewritten chapter for new readers.

Old reader unless you want to help me by commenting about the changes, don't read.

There is no plot change, nothing added, nothing emitted, no hole filled and no new information given.

I did what i could to improve it. Help me, if you think this is not enough.




Mc's P.O.V:-

Does this mean, now I am a government approved and certified conscious who has rock as his species and neutral as his gender?

About neutral gender I don’t think that I’m neutral I can feel something yelling inside me saying that I’m 100% male.

Well, enough of that. I should get serious now, but still a dungeon core.

Actually what is a dungeon core?

Ah she is still speaking; I got so absorbed in my own monologue that I forgot about her, just hope she won’t mind.

Now where was I, Ah! Yes, so like I was thinking I really am a rock. Well a crystal, but technically still a rock. But how can a rock gain conscious.

Over that I’m also feeling hungry, is that even possible. Well, whatever, not like thinking so much about something that I don’t understand right now would solve anything!

(Miniefeefee 955): “Ano! Are you all right? Is anything of the matter? Please come back from the land of depression!”

Is she mad! No, although her face looks kind of red, but she looks more worried than angry. It’s okay, let’s try talking to her. Even though she’s a loud mouth; she seems nice.

“Don’t worry everything is alright. I was just thinking about something.” Did that work?

“If you say so, then if it’s okay with you can I ask some questions?”

[Rock]: “What kind of questions are you talking about?”

“Ah! Don’t worry sir, it’s just a normal procedure to be followed, you can refuse to answer if you want to. Okay?”


“Well then, firstly, Could you tell me how you came to be? I mean no offence, but it’s really important that I ask you this to determine what kind of a conscious you are? And please try to answer with as much detail as you can.”

Type of conscious! Are there like different types of conscious’s out there. Should I really tell her? What will I do if she tries to harm me? I think I’m being paranoid without any reason.

Let’s trust her for now. Even though I can’t see her, but her voice is really nice. Well at least she seems friendly enough and I also need to know some answers too.

(Rock): “Umm… I- don’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay, but please try a little. I am sure every little thing would help.”

“Well, when I woke up, everything was black. I couldn’t see anything and couldn’t understand anything either, then I felt a burst of energy leaving me. After that I lost conscious cause of my aching head. And when I came to be, I could understand stuff like taking and words, which I didn’t know before.”

“Humm… do you remember anything else about yourself I mean things like your past or a different life?”


“Please think for a moment on that.”

Is she talking about reincarnation? Am I someone who reincarnated after death, moreover as a stone? NO, it is actually more absurd than it sounds. Well, do I have any memory about something which I don’t understand? To that the answer is…

“No. Sorry, but I have no such memories. I don’t remember anything about any other life.”


“Oh! So you are not a reincarnated one huh. I thought you were, cause of the ease with which you can talk, but still not understanding anything for one minute, loosing conscious and then gaining knowledge… you mister 955 might be one of them more rare kind of core out there..heehee.”

(Rocky): “Say, why do you call me mister 955? Isn’t that kind of racist? Like I’m some slave with a number on my back. ”

“Oh! You are right I’m sorry for my negligence it won’t happen again. As for me calling you ‘955’ it’s because you are the 955 dungeon to have taken birth here in this world”

*Phew* “Then that’s alright I guess, but please call me Rock or Rocky and can I call you Minie, if you don’t mind that is. I don’t want to be rude, but it’s such a long name you know. I mean, does feefee even mean anything?”

When she heard me calling her with a nick name she blushed and slightly nodded her head bashfully. I waited, but her head never came up and I noticed her murmuring something.

“I got my own name... my very own name. Mistress said, cores don’t easily accept any helper, but he did and he even gave me a nick name too.”

She continued like that for a minute I wanted t interrupt her **** behavior, but I hesitated and decided against it. I waited for two more minutes’ when she suddenly lifted her small little head and spoke to me.

“You see, I’m of the rare fairy race and the fee in my name means fairy and umm… “

‘What is she doing twisting and curling like that… Giggling like a kid?!’ I thought.

But a fairy seems legit, although she’s small, but her small oval face and that green petal dress looks cute on her, but her real charm lies in her shining emerald green eyes and her glittery wings.

‘Ah! She looks so adorable.’

I don’t think that I should look too much in her eyes, I might get hypnotized…

Actually I have a question? It is important and is of grave concern. The thing is, I don’t understand, why can I suddenly see her??

(Minie): “Thank you…rocky”


All conditions Fulfilled.

Establishing connection with helper Minie


All the necessary conditions for the Achievement "Let's be Partner's" fulfilled

Title:- Named Helper acquiredLittle helper can now help you in your understanding of this world.

There are no secrets between you and Minie, now contacted to each other mentallyBonus Reward:- 1000 Dc


What happened!!!

What is this box, it said achievement unlocked and title, what title? What the hell is this? Was this even supposed to happen? How can I even see this thing?

Oh! It’s not like I can see it with my eyes, but like, it’s being projected straight to my soul. This is some creepy shit.

Being born alone in the dark, feeling almost lifeless, and now this! Man! What kind of a world is this?

Even Minie is not talking. Did something happen? Is it me or what?!

But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me?

I mean I still can’t move or feel anything. Well that is a problem in itself and I sure as hell can see??


I can see really see her now!

Nononono… I can feel her like she is connected to me or some shit, like we are one together.

Man this is scary! Is this what that title named helper meant, but why is she not saying anything?


“Hey! Minie, what happened? What are these boxes? These achievements and titles what do they mean? HEY! Are you even listening to me?”

“Ahaaha… This is the best day of my life. You are the best rocky. Do you know how long other cores take to establish link with their partners?”

I don’t know about that, but your laugh really is something else. Ah! She started speaking again before letting me answer.

(Minie):Fufuf. Half a year to two or three years! They take so long just to form a simple connection with their helpers! And I am not including those who took centuries for that, but looking at them now, it feels like they are toddlers trying to learn running without knowing the difference between their arms and legs.”

“What connection are you talking about?”

“Can’t you feel right this connection we are sharing. This is our bond, the start of our new partnership. And you achieved it in half a day! Marvelous, you are too brilliant!”

“Is that fast? But why are other cores so slow? I mean I only just gave you a nick name and nothing else!”

“You are very intelligent and I mean it, but not everyone is as intelligent as you. I mean, most cores only speak words like ‘Hungry’ or ‘eat’ or ‘sleep’ and nothing else. They don’t have intelligence for it and so some dum… I mean, some not so sharp cores take centuries to gain that much knowledge and wisdom. “

“Really? So this me who can talk to you normally must be quite special, right?”

“Yes, yes. Very special, very special.”

Looks like even though I am a rock, but I still have some charm, for her to be calling me special; It’s irresistible.

“Haha, Ok, I understand. So, could you tell me something about these achievements and titles? I mean, I unlocked one and acquired another, but why did this happen? Are they good?”

“You are good. Don’t worry about them, they are not a necessity, but are also not a burden either. But instead of going straight to your other questions, can I tell you about the world first?”

“Please, be my guest. Ops! Actually you are.”

“Haha, Okay let’s start with the basics then. You see this world is made up of minute particles of energy more widely known as mana. This mana is in everything. From my body, to your soul and even your crystalline structure contains mana.”

“Really there is such a thing? But why don’t I see anything?”

“Oh! Don’t worry it only means that you don’t have enough control on the energies. You can start trying to feel your surroundings from onwards and if practice hard, you will one day be able to feel it in the environment and even in your core.”

“Really, then I’ll be able to see something other than this darkness?”

“Yeah. You see everything has mana or energy particles running around inside their bodies. And an objects ability to store mana depends on their affinity, place, time and their original composition.”

“You mean stones can also store mana?” Won’t that mean I can also store this mana.

“Yes, even stones can store mana, but because their affinities and ability is very poor, moreover because they have no will to collect mana, therefore even the little mana which naturally enters their body leaves at exactly the same time it enters”

“Not so fun being a stone, huh!”

And she giggled at my depressed mood.

“Well, Yeah. If you remember the information boxes, then let me tell you, even they are made up of mana. Mana is flowing everywhere. It’s in the air, in living being, in water and even artificially created artifacts contain mana.”


“Yes, everywhere.”

*Sigh* if what she says is correct then, this mana is a very magical thing.

“Well, enough about that, tell me about the achievements and titles!”

“Umm… Achievements, that’s a tough one. Achievements are like motivation from god. A pat on the back and a medal to keep doing better and to keep getting stronger and titles are the rewards for these achievements or for doing something others couldn’t do. Titles can also be gained normally by doing something extraordinary, like slaying dragon or by grinding like crazy, but achievements are one per person.”

*Gulp* Dragon slaying, huh. Don’t ask me how, but I know what dragons are and they are the second name of terror.

This place is crazy scary. I think being a stone and living for all eternity is better than setting a foot in this world. Who knows when a crazy fucker might get the wrong idea of assault me? I won’t even be able to slap him with my non existing hands.

“Hey! Minie, Are there any living beings in the world who would try to attack me? I mean, I don’t feel any confident about that.”

“Ano! I don’t know if I should say this or not, but almost everyone will come to take your heart in the near future.”

“Myy Heartt?!”

“Yes, your heart.”


“Do you know how rare it is for a crystal to start gathering mana and then convert into a core?”

“I don’t know, about that!”

“Okay, okay. Try to calm down a little you are scaring the kids.”

“Kids, what kids?”


She said and I am sure her cheeks must be died red cause of it, but her little play helped me calm down.

“Did that help?”

“Yes it did, thank you. Well, then tell me about dungeons of this world. We have a lot of time after all and I don’t have anything to do.”

“Dungeons of this world? Ah! Okay. Let’s talk about that, for now. So what do you want to know?”

“The difficulty!”

“It has been very difficult for dungeons to survive. Well, it is so difficult that from advent of life till now, there have only been 955 dungeon births and you are the youngest one. Sadly, because of how dangerous some dungeons get their place of birth and due to other people’s greed; dungeons were wildly hunted and now there are only 59 dungeons left in this entire world including you.”



I get it, I get it entirely. I have only two choices, it’s either getting strong enough to be able to defend myself or to stay sitting like this here for all eternity. But I don’t even know where I am and who my predators are.

Let’s try asking that maybe we are in some uninhabited island or something. Then I’ll be able to live freely.

“Minie, Do you know who my predato-…nono…..I mean, who will I have to fight and will I even fight anyone?”

“For how you will fight, you won’t fight. You can’t fight. As for why, cause you are a crystal, if you still remember and you also can’t move. So, instead of fighting yourself you’ll have to learn to control monsters, increase your mana capacity, level up and then level your dungeon.”

“I can control monsters, real monsters?”

“Well not real monsters, but monsters made up of mana. You know why most people comes to a dungeons, even though they are dangerous places? It is to get stronger.”

“How can they get stronger… by killing me or my monsters made of magic, I mean mana?”

“Correcto! Yes, in this world there exists something like levels and skills. And higher the level of a person is, the stronger they are. These persons I’m about are called humans. Well, mostly humans, but there are other races to like dwarfs elf’s, beast men, monsters, demons, and some other alien races that you don’t need to know right now. When they defeat a monster, some of its life energy enters their system, they get experience from it and then they level up.”

“Right now your most difficult enemy might even be you, yourself. You don’t eat so every sec that you are not asleep you are wasting your ambient mana. Moreover you can’t even replenish your reserves yet, but we’ll get to that. So, the area we are in is a mountain range. It’s a barren land with n life around it.”

“Then that’s good, that’s good. Everything is okay, until there are no humans.”


“Huh, what was that? Why did you do that? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, everything is fine. Though there is a little problem.”

“Problem what problem? Problem related to me?”

“Yes, the thing is though there are no humans in this mountain region, but we are at he very end of it and…”


“After just a day’s worth of travelling, there is a town where lives thousands of those humans. This mountain ranges name is ‘The Devils Pass’ and we are located on the boundary between ‘Arya Empire’ of humans and savage lands of ‘The Devil’. ‘The savage lands’ has some very powerful monsters living, but they are not united and hence named so. But Humans are cunning and greedy beings. They are also savages, but more united and abundant.”

“Actually Minie, how abundant are we talking about?”

“About a billion of them, maybe more and I’m not even talking about the whole world yet.”

*shot*…..*thud* I’m dead ‘fin’.

“Please, if any of them comes here tell them that I’m not at home. So that could go on with”

I Gulped before saying the rest of the sentence, “So, that they could go on with their Dragons slaying and not glance at my tiny ass zero lv core.”

“Hahaa. Sorry, though I don’t want to laugh at you or anything but that skit was… Funny.”

“Okay, enough with that. Tell me, if I want to get stronger, then will I also have to kill other people. I mean can we only kill those who come to harm me.”

She giggled and called me silly for asking that question.

“Why would we want to unnecessarily harm others? It will only bring death to our doors and nothing more.”

“I don’t wanna die!”

“And I don’t want you to get killed so, early in the game.”

“So, what do we do?”

“To do this, we’ll have to prove to these humans that we are not a hostile party and that we can achieve harmony and work together.”

“Now how will we achieve that?”

“That is what we need to find out.”

Wait a minute! Don’t I have an excellent plan to get this done? I mean then I won’t even have to kill anyone or get stronger or anything like that. Let’s get her views on it.

“I think I have a way that will make sure that we won’t die anytime soon.”

“Really, what is it? Tell me, tell me spill out the beans, open your mouth and blabber them out. Don’t keep me waiting, say it now. Hey, don’t keep it to yourself. Rock, hey, Rock!”


Well, here she goes again and here I thought her tendency to go on craze mode was a first time thing, but turns into something like that sometimes, huh.

Thinking about the humans, if a single race already has billions of their kind, then I don’t even wanna know what kind of a dangerous environment I’ve been thrown into.

As for her, I don’t have any choice.

“OKAY, listen! My plan is…”

“Yes, yes.”

“I mean, can’t I just stay here without moving, like other stones? I mean, if I don’t try to get stronger, then I can probably live my life in seclusion, right? Then there will be no one going after my life. I mean, it’s not like I want to become master of the universe or anything.”

“A very fine idea sir, very good sir, marvelous…”

She said that, but I didn’t feel anything good about it. How would anyone take her seriously if they heard her talking like that. I felt like she was making fun of me.

“What happened? What’s wrong with my idea?”

It was clear to me that something was wrong and I wanted to know about it, but the information provided was above my pay scale or my ability to handle.

“Nothing’s is wrong with it. Actually most ordinary core live I seclusion for centuries before showing their presence to the world, but…”

I think she is real good with her mouth and wordings. The charm and mystery her sentence hold is something which I would have loved if it was a happening to someone else, but I had to bear it.

“But what? Please stop with the mysteriousness and give me the shock already.”

“Well, maybe you don’t remember the cause of your headaches, but sometime ago you released all of your stored mana, which created a big blast in the ground and it blasted away all the dirt between you and the surface away.”

“That happened?”

“Yeah, we heard that explosion from our hometown. It created a very loud sound and a sand storm.”

“Okay, then. What has that got to do with my situation?”

“So, if we heard it, then it’s possible that the humans heard it too. They might be come to investigate the reason for the noise anytime. So I don’t think that you can play it safe anymore”


This shitty life it’s going to ki…ll…m…e

Mana reserves depleted


Automatic Hibernation in,



*Shuts off*

“Hey, what happened? Oh! Sleeping cause of low mana reserve! I actually forgot to teach him how to replenish his mana reserve in excitement. Sorry for my incompetency. let’s meet up when you wake up again. Kay.”

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