《World of Dungeons (Cancelled.)》Chapter 1 - What am i? {RE}


Third persons P.O.V:-

*Clink* *Clank* *Clink*

The heavy sound of metal striking metal was ringing everywhere.

Countless brave warriors with disheveled hair and bloody bodies were fighting everywhere with beasts that looked more like abominations or monster from dreams than naturally created disasters.

No matter how strong the strikes from their sharp and fine blade seemed, their blades always ended up repelled after colliding with the bodies of those damnations and the strike and rebound of their weapons is also always followed by a trail of sparks and screams.

Lights of different colors and explosions ranging from small to huge were flying everywhere time after time, impacting those freaks, creating giant craters and devastation on an environment devastating level, but most of those bastards always stood up again like nothing happened and continued their massacre, spreading scenes of gore and pillage everywhere.


*splash* splash*splash*splash*

Sounds of movement through water reverberated amidst the falling rain.

The Confluence of water and blood gave the whole scene an artistic touch, but with a feeling of sadness.

Every drop of falling rain was evenly matched by drops of blood and sweat falling from the bodies of warriors and soldiers fighting with the monsters.




Majestic Noises of battle exploded, while mournful voices and cries of desperation and wails broken willed soldiers ringed through the whole battlefield.

The soldiers who had been fighting, killing the monster again and again, were so fatigued that the only thing holding their bodies standing was not some magical powers, but their will to fight; Their will to protect their families, their lands and to protect their women from being ravaged and killed by the horde of vicious monsters.

While most of them believed for a miracle to happen, that would somehow turn the situation around, bringing the never ending massacre to an end, but the reality ate their hopes as destiny had its own plans.

The only thing that their desperation resulted in was to make their hotheaded and frenzied adversaries surge with a massive increase in killing intent, which made the situation even worse, worse than it already was.

While the beasts of horrible visages and shape were getting killed in tens; their comrades were getting played around and eaten alive for brandishing their swords against the monsters.

For every monster that was killed, hundreds if not thousands of the soldier were eaten alive or crushed to a meat patty.

But no matter how many of them died no one alive retreated or ran away. There was not a single coward amidst their ranks, and every one of them stood straight in the face of death.

When one died another took his place, moving forward without a shred of fear. They believed in their commanders, their supervisor, and their king. They believed that no matter who or how many died, their protectors would never let anything happen to their families, to their homes and to their country. That until they gave it their all, and did their part, there was no way anyone would be able to destroy their legacy.

But they were not blind with faith, neither were they hypnotized to sacrifice their lives for a single persons ambition, but were together facing a villain like one they had never seen before.

But even if their souls and wills were not dwindling in front of death, the also knew that no matter how many common soldiers like them stayed true to their roots and followed every given order to their deaths, for their pride, for the pride and trust of their people, there was still no way for them to change the situation.


No matter how many of their comrades died while killing a little bit of the enemy forces, the difference between their numbers and strength was indescribable. There was no way for them to put even a single dent in the enemies hearts as they were just mindless puppets sent to kill and destroy everything in their path.

While the soldiers were desperately trying to fight with their nemesis, one of their leading commanders broke under the pressure. With his mind driven to insanity and thoughts of killing rampaging through his head, he cried out…

“No no no oooooooo….!”

“Why god! Why?

What did we do wrong to deserve this humiliation and pillage?

For what mistake thy want to destroy our land and our happiness?

“For what reason is this damnation, trying to lay waste to our thousands of years of history?

Why is this devil not letting go of our legs, even though there is no way for us to retaliate against it anymore?”

“I can’t take this anymore!

You fucking bastard, if you really have the guts, then show yourself!

Do you really fucking enjoy laughing at our miserable states, looking from behind the scenes?

You fucking bitch of a leader.

I'll kill you, kill you uu ………”

Guguaahh…… *Thud*

Everyone of their strongest warrior paled in front of the enemy generals. No matter how powerful they were once in their life, only death awaited them at the end.

He heard no voice to his anger filled question, but he was still answered by the axe of a rampaging Minotaur like monster.

He looked up and gave a long shout and declared to kill the impersonator, but all of his tenacity and anger came to naught when a Minotaur slashed his axe on his poorly defended neck. Without giving him any time to act or defend the axe fell on his neck, cutting his head cleanly from the neck. His crimson red blood created a fountain, and the blood splashing everywhere, while the falling rain washed away all of his grievances and sourness.

His shocked and wide opened eyes still couldn’t see the one who had ended his life. His confused and rapidly deteriorating mind tried to contemplate what had really perspired, but everything for him came to an end, when his eyes lost all light and he died.

The axe had been swung with such a force that his head was flown away. It revolved twice in the air, before falling on the ground. It rolled away to some distance before it was stomped by a group of charging monsters. It was crushed so cruelly that all of his brain matter, fluids and muscles mixed together to a form, which can only be described as a paste.


P.O.V King:-

There…. another one died.

The strong really don’t care about the weak, huh.

When we were strong and our prey was weak, we played with them and enjoyed hunting them at our leisure. Now that we are weak and our prey is strong… It can’t even be called hunting.


I don’t know anything anymore.

Prey? Were we even considered a prey by IT?

We might have bellowed our bugles louder at the start, but time really showed how laughable and disgraceful, our forces and strategies really were.

No amount of strategies and number of soldiers can hold a candle in front of absolute strength.

Were our Advisers and ministers really right about the foreboding that they had perceived? If their views and notions were really adapted, could we have saved our entire race… no, our entire world from the mouth of devastation?



Regrets really make life sad, if we really had considered the views and wisdom of our ministers and cabinet then maybe this had not been the end, maybe we would have developed even further. If we had evolved and developed our technology for another thousand no just a few centuries then maybe…


Regret really makes life sad.

An arrow which is already leaving the bow, really never returns before striking the target.

But the only difference is that, this time, our arrow struck the wrong target.

Who could we have known that the chance we sought to save ourselves would end up haunting our very own lives?

How could we have known that our greed would one day end up making us face an adversary, who holds no meaning to life, no care for emotions, and has no heart?


Should I blame myself, for trying to find life on other planets?

Or Should I blame our army! Whose undisciplined and greedy nature devoured our whole civilization?

Or Should I blame our gods! Who turned their heads away, when we needed them the most?


Did we really get so high on our success and enjoyment, that we forgot that are not almighty?

That there might be something’s in this world, which should not be provoked?

Who would have thought that even our majestic force which counted to a total number of staggering 35 Billion, would face devastation on such a grand level that not even a million would be left?

The war?

It has only been a little over a Year, from the start of this bloody massacre.

Yes, more than 79 Billion People died during this year. Casualties which arise when a worldwide attack by barbaric monsters happen is really uncountable.

Most of the people who died were normal civilians, kids and elderly, people like farmers. Even though we still have some major cities intact and some places which are not normally available were also not attacked, but everything else was… evaporated.

Our fighting force which no one could put a dent in, has been broken and disfigured into a state that our former glory from just a year ago, seems like a thing of the far past.

When we first found that place I thought we would be able to protect our land, our life, our home.

We would be able to free ourselves from the disaster, which we could not help but create because of our own negligence. I thought that god had finally given us another chance to show him our value

That we are not trash; we are not just depleting our resources, but are evolving.


That is what really happened, that we could start our lives again, but

* Drip*drip*drip*

Even these tears can’t help me forget my sorrow, this pain, and this anger. Wish I could go back in time and reverse everything and stop them from enraging it. I still think every day about the time when our soldiers brought that devilish thing back from their outer space skirmish. How wrong were we to think it would help us, but.......*sigh*.

Nothing can stop IT now.

I’m sorry father. I could not help our kind. I could not help our planet, our world, but at least I did send that ominous bracelet away, at least it will not pester our world anymore… at least after some time life will flourish here again, even if I will not be there to see the triumph and evolution of a new species and their evolution. Even if I am going to die today, but at least there is still hope, hope that it would not haunt the future of our coming generation, like it destroyed ours.

Ah! Mother, looks like I am finally going to meet you.


The king looked up and saw a giant disk floating and hovering high up in the sky.

The disk floated and it came directly over his head and stopped. He saw it charging energy in one of its main cannons and when the sound of it getting powered up echoed in his surrounding, everyone stopped fighting with their enemies and looked up to see the cause of such unnatural phenomenon.

The king closed his eyes as if surrendering his life to fate and then the beam fell.


And then everything returned to serenity. The place that was once the most flourishing and advanced, crumbled like blocks. Mountains were flattened, rivers dried, oceans evaporated, and life became extinct.


Meanwhile the wheel of time kept on rotating and centuries and millenniums passed away in the blink of an eye.

While the destruction of the king and his whole civilization surely rocked the planet and the celestial bodies around it, but oblivious to all of this on the other side of the universe, millions of light years away somewhere someplace on a planet name Seiza a light fluctuation of energy took place.

With the vibration and movement of soil and the stones around it; a crystal definitely different than any other, but also similar to many started shining and emitting high energy fluctuations in its surrounding.

“Ea…T… Hun…gr…”


The crystal after being forged by hundreds of years of mana finally gained will, a will that only demanded destruction to eat and devour everything.

But unfortunately, this will of his lead it to release all of its mana in a standard small time explosion. The explosion evaporated some, but removed most of the dirt and sand creating a hole, connecting him who was buried deep underground with the surface.

But as it has lost most of its mana its connection to conscious became dim as itno went into hibernation to recover and replenish its lost mana. His dwindling conscious finally faded as it heard a broken voice of its head.


…you …ha,v E… A chie…v…..

It took it a day to make a full recovery of its mana before it woke back up from his first slumber.

“Where am I?”

“Who am I?”

“What happened?”

“I remember waking up and then, and then… I don’t remember anything.”

“Why is there a blank in my memory? It’s like I was forced to forget everything!”

“Forget it, this doesn’t matter. What I should really focus on right now is to know what and who I am and also where I am.”

“But the thing is. Why is everything so black? Is it because I can’t see?”

“Ahem… seems to me like neither can I hear. Can I move?”

To test his hypothesis the crystal which had now suddenly and miraculously gained wisdom and intelligence tried to move its body, but it easily found out after trying for a bit that its body was a dud.

He couldn’t’ see, hear, smell, taste or even move.

“Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!!”

It cursed and cursed till the word started echoing inside its mind and he started losing his bearing and confidence over his not so good and supposedly dead body.

He also tried to open his mouth, his eyes or get some kind of movement from its muscles, but he also quickly found out that he couldn’t open his eye lids and mouth because he actually didn’t have them.

Then he noticed that he also didn’t have a heart beat or even… a heart.

“Am I actually an undead?”

Such thoughts started pestering and invading his mind making his not so good mood immersed into a sea of sadness.

“Or am I A stone?”

He thought the only possibility that he could muster the courage to believe in, even though it sounded quite unbelievable.


But then he sighed, “Let’s just, let it be. If my life has a path, then I will eventually walk on it otherwise,”

He looked inside his black world or his mind and mustered the courage to ask himself, “why was I born if the only thing I can do in this life is to talk to myself?”

He waited, waited and hoped that maybe somebody would suddenly call him and talk to him, but his waiting only lead to his anguish and agony.

His anger and rage increased to new heights, but his rising temperature became calm as he started losing hope to ever get the chance to see, no, even talk to anybody in his life again. He was going to leave his life to destiny, but before that, he prayed.

“Please, if there is a god somewhere and he is listening to me, then I’m sorry. I don’t know what wrongs I have committed or what my sins were, but please at least tell me what I am!”

But nothing happened. His courage flattened and his already slimming hope crumbled, as his soul started drifting towards the river of delusions and sadness, but then he heard something.


‘Huh? What is this?”

He was already confused from the sudden sound that echoed inside his empty and dark world, but then he saw… Light.

A blue colored box message came in front of him and bewildered him.

“What is happening that is impossible, am I not blind?’ He thought so, but destiny already had something planned for him.

Establishing connection.


Procedure complete.


Connection established.

After the show of the blue boxes and their notification sound ended, something amazing happened.

HE heard sound, no, actually he heard someone speaking, and from their conversation he understood that maybe they were talking about him.

“Hey, come here! We found him…”

“Is it the newest one?”

If the first voice contained the liveliness of youth, then the second one was full of experience and had the tenacity of an adult.

“Okay, so you go and try to talk to him, I have pending work to do and also t…”

From conversation it looked like they were there for him, so he decided to greet them politely, but it made the situation a bit awkward.

“Um… hello?”

His simple greeting left them dazed and the shock was enough to create a kind of serenity which he couldn’t even appreciate when he was alone.

“Oh! This one has sentience, huh. Well, that is quite a shock. Good for you, newbie, It’s quite some luck you have got. Well, go on, talk to him then.” The heavier and experienced one faded away into the void and the younger voice took over her.

“Yes? Oh! Sorry about that, but tell me can you hear me?”

And to the auspiciously suspicious voice the crystal excitingly said, “Yes I can, yes, I can hear you. But who are you?”

“Oh! Let me introduce myself, my name is ‘Minie feefee the 955’ and I'm your caretaker.”

When he heard the voice say that it was there for him, he couldn’t help but cry in joy and mumble about his sadness, as he even forgot to ask some important questions, like why he needed a caretaker.

“Ah! Some is here I am not alone, I’m not alone. God saved me.”

“Excuse me? What happened?”

“I’m sorry you know I have been stuck in this dark world of mine without anyone to talk to. I can’t feel anything, I can’t breathe, can’t walk, hear, smell” *sob*.

“I can’t even move! I have been stuck here, in the same place for I don’t know long. So could you please, please! Tell me what I am? ”

His tone of voice and the sadness it contained was enough to take the other party on an emotional tour, as the noise of whining and sobs filled its ears. But then the calm attacked again and the voice again spoke.

“Oh! You poor thing; It must have been very hard on you, huh. Don’t worry I’m here now and I’ll never leave you alone, I’ll always be there for you. As to what you are? You my friend are a…

…Dungeon core.”

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