《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Memories of the Void



Feng Yun and Xia Qing were met with an extremely terrifying force upon inserting their Yuan Energy into the rock. The fragment's runes began to glow vibrantly and release a blinding light. With it, the sealed black aura vastly flowed into the surroundings and reacted strongly towards the duo. Feng Yun gritted his teeth slightly. This energy truly was powerful. He had no idea how vast it was. It overflowed in large amounts and assaulted them aggressively. A wave of thick aura passed through them making the floor beneath them break down. Thin cracks appeared on the surface, which slowly started to get bigger and bigger. Feng Yun cursed under his breath. If they didn't absorb the aura quickly, then it would completely destroy the room, or much worse, the entire hotel.

He made attempts to open his dantian to absorb the essence but it fiercely rejected him trying to escape and expand beyond the limit of the room. Feng Yun raised his eyebrows in surprise. This element surprisingly had such abilities. It was attempting to swallow its surroundings. Shit, Feng Yun thought. If we make a large commotion, how will we be able to explain ourselves? Worse, we may be hunted by curious cultivators. As Feng Yun thought of these things, the energy began to intensify as it swallowed the air around it. Xia Qing couldn't handle it and spit out a mouthful of blood. Evidently, it was quite hard to absorb the essence.

"God damn it! What the hell is this element to cause so much trouble?" Feng Yun said. He spat out a bit of blood. His long black hair flew back at a huge speed and his double pupil eyes narrowed in concentration. I don't believe that I cannot absorb you as my own strength. Feng Yun strengthened the rate of absorbing the black aura regardless of how powerful it was. He decided that he was going to take the pain and assimilate it into his body. At the same time, Feng Yun activated his Dragon spirit and unleashed it's power attempting to rebel against the oppressive black aura. He employed its great defense such that he could take most of the external injuries. A faint golden glow surrounded Feng Yun as he worked ever harder to absorb the black essence. He would stop at nothing to get it.

The black aura's pressure began to diminish for a moment. Feng Yun used this chance to go ahead and absorb the aura into his dantian. The black aura seemed to be sucked by the vortex like dantian extremely quickly. Feng Yun smiled in delight. The aura was going in smoothly. Feng Yun looked at Xia Qing and saw that her originally pale body from having coughed so much blood, had now stabilized somewhat and absorbed the aura as well, albeit not at the same speed as Feng Yun. The roaring waves of darkness had calmed down and seemed to come in quite nicely. If one looked at the room at its current state, they would be shocked. Most of the room had already cracked apart and wooden boards were hung on all parts of the room. They had no idea because they were so concentrated on cultivating, that they had completely destroyed the room. The room was beyond repair and unrecognizable compared to what it had looked like before.


During the period of time that they were absorbing the element, they had been learning about the new element. Swarms of information entered their heads at alarming rates. It took them a long time to digest exactly what they were seeing.

Feng Yun saw the images of carnage and destruction. In the image, a man could be seen slowly walking towards an army consisting of hundreds of thousands. The size shocked Feng Yun. This was not a sight that he would have seen on his original home world. The gathering of this much troops against a single man was simply unheard of. What astonished Feng Yun even more was that each of these soldiers had an unfathomable level of cultivation. They were much stronger than Feng Yun and, to his amazement, rivaled the intense pressure that he felt when he met Xu Qinzheng. That had to mean that each soldier was at least at the Asura Realm. Feng Yun's mouth was agape. To be able to witness such a battle was his good fortune. He turned his gaze towards the other party, the middle aged man with black hair. Even in the face of such a terrifying enemy force, he did not look the least bit afraid. His expression was that of tranquility and coldness. In fact, it looked as if the soldiers had more tension than the man. To inspire this much tension upon a force of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, just how powerful was this man?

After a few moments of the parties sizing each other up, one person came out on a horse from the large army. He wore expensive clothing surrounded by thick golden-plated armor. The man had long blond hair that fluttered about in the wind. He looked comparable to a war god. The man narrowed his eyes at the lone warrior across from him. They were only separated by a hundred meters worth of distance. The man spoke a few words to the opposite party, which were inaudible to Feng Yun. The lone warrior stared coldly and did not reply. The golden armored man shook his head and unsheathed a long broadsword that shimmered in the sun. He raised it towards the sky and shouted into the air. The army seemed to stamp their feet in resonance with the man's cries. They raised their bows which numbered most of the army. With the command from the leader, the arrows whistled through the air and blotted out the sky with their dark silhouettes. The arrows were laced with an incredibly strong energy. The sheer might of these arrows could frighten even the most supreme of experts. As the terrifying arrows rained down from the skies like rain, the expression on the lone warrior's face had not changed in the slightest.

The lone warrior finally made a move. The man waved his hands through the air. This simple movement created a strong gust of wind, even to Feng Yun to was spectating. Instantly, a large hole appeared in front of him and seemed to be birthed from the emptiness of space itself. The hole protected him as the arrows rained down. The arrows attacked the space shield and, to Feng Yun's amazement, sank down into the shield. The hole appeared to be absorbing the arrows into its bottomless pit. The hundreds of thousands of sharp arrows that came flying towards the lone warrior had been swallowed in an instant. The golden armored commander had a grim expression on his face. He regained his composure after a while and once more raised his sword. This time however, the effect was different. The soldiers stamped their feet and their eyes flashed with rage and fury. Then, by the commander's word, the soldiers moved and charged straight at the lone warrior.


The very steps of the soldiers caused the earth to tremble beneath them and the surroundings to flatten. The choking pressure that they displayed destroyed the mountains surrounding it. All of the soldiers were armed with spears and shields as well as martial skills that could thwart the heavens. All of them were genuine peerless experts but they had all joined together to destroy this one man. How powerful was this man to incite such a large force to come deal with him? The lone warrior sighed to himself and raised both of his hands. A furious amount of energy began to unload from them. It appeared as a bottomless black aura that threatened to devour the surroundings and destroy any obstacles before it. Feng Yun involuntarily let out a gasp. That aura was the exact same as the aura from the fragment. Could it be that this man was a wielder of the element belonging to the rock? Feng Yun watched, clearly infatuated with the scene before his eyes.

The aura only became stronger and grew ever larger. The air outside of the aura was being devoured at an extremely fast rate. It was as if the aura was an stomach that was always hungry. Once you released it, it would not stop until it was full. Strangely enough however, the stomach showed no signs of getting full at all. Rather, the capacity of absorption got faster and faster, swirling in the palms of the lone warrior until they formed a large orb of darkness. The army hesitated a bit upon seeing this, but then decided to just charge at the man. However powerful he was, he couldn't destroy an entire army as easy as that right? Their thoughts were soon to be proven wrong. The orbs in the man's palms only grew larger until they covered his entire fists. He spread his arms out in a straight line and then brought them together with a bang. The two orbs collided together and caused a massive uprising energy to circulate through the man's hands, and then expand towards the army. The black aura seemed terrifying now as it made its way to the army, seeming huge and oppressive. The fighting spirit in the army had dwindled and slowly, terror arose on the faces of the originally firm soldiers. They began to retreat from the large mass of blackness that threatened to devour their lives.

The golden armored man could be seen turning left and right trying to get people to stop running from the massive expanse of darkness. However, although he was saying those things, he himself had a terrified face. In mere minutes, one man was able to disrupt the coordination of an entire army of hundreds of thousands and inspire terror into their hearts. He hadn't even killed anyone yet! The golden armored man knew that if the darkness made its way over to them, then lives would be lost. Many lives. The golden armored man drew his sword once more and a flash of energy shot straight through it. The man was enveloped in a celestial glow that seemed like it could overpower even the strongest of cultivators. He hot off of the horse, which seemed to run away from him afterwards. The golden armored man was alone, to face the impending doom. He lodged his golden sword into the ground and immediately, spider web like cracks appeared on the ground and a bright energy arose from his body, forming a protective barrier around him. The bright energy grew and assaulted the black cloud which was approaching the golden armored man. The black expanse seemed to hesitate for a moment when facing that oppressive bright energy, but quickly resumed its expansion with more power. The bright energy was quickly consumed by the void and the golden armored man was affected by this as well. He spit out a large mouthful of blood and leaned on his sword which was embedded into the ground. He stared with shocked eyes as his power was devoured. Very soon, the void reached him and enveloped him in darkness. The man was swallowed into it and not even his bones remained. His entire existence had vanished. The troops that were trying to escape saw that their commander had been slain and ran at an even faster pace away from the void.

These actions were of no consequence however, because the void seemed to speed up and reach them in mere minutes. Just as it did to the commander, the void swallowed the lives of the army one by one, battalion by battalion. The cries of the men sounded throughout the battlefield but drowned out when they were swallowed. Not even blood was left of the soldiers and very quickly, all of them were devoured. Soon enough, the only person remaining on the battlefield was the lone warrior. He spoke a few words and the black void was recalled back to his body. The man stared at the heavens, as if wishing to touch it and then disappeared in an instant. The surroundings began to disappear and Feng Yun could feel his consciousness slipping away. The scene of the battle had disappeared and all that was left was Feng Yun's consciousness. He could feel himself back in his original body once again. Slowly, he opened his eyes once more and a black aura clouded his once golden and ruby eyes. The whole entire eye was black and he let out a smile.

"Haha...so this is what the first out of the four elements is! Truly powerful!" He laughed maniacally. He seemed as if he had gone insane, but in fact, he had reached a stage of enlightenment.

The Void is formless!

The Void can endlessly expand!

The Void will forever devour whatever is in its way, just like the Universe itself!

That is the principles of the Void element!

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