《On Darkened Wings》Chapter 7: Settling In


Serena had decided to spend several days testing the limits of her magic. The Void came to her call so much easier then the Shadows ever had, moving to her slightest whim instead of with concentration.

It ate all it touched, except her. Practice lead her to be able to have in not consume things she was touching.

Entering the Void entirely let her step out anywhere she wanted, using more mana the further she went. She could also look at places before she came out. Attempting to travel to the material plane started draining mana at an alarming rate. She cut off the attempt when she reached half of her pool, using the rest to go back to the Shadowfell.

On the second day, after breaking for lunch, Serena was headed outside. When she reached the door she heard sounds coming from the other side.

Is something trying to ambush me? The arrogance, attacking me at my own home.

Sliding into the Void Serena started looking around, and immediately spotted two Teiflings arguing in front of her door.

Oh. Why does that disappoint me a little?

Shifting back inside, Serena opened the door. The two looked up surprised. The ranger (what did that guy say her name was?) stepped forward.

"Hi. You're Serena right? Ragthur said you showed up a few days ago at the guild and wanted to meet us. I'm Talsira, the lunk is Hiemal."

"Uh... Hi. Yeah I wanted to apologise for scaring you like that. Um.. come in I guess?"

Serena lead the duo in as Talsira translated for Hiemal. Closing the door behind them, she turned and said, "Sorry for dropping on you like that, that Shadow had attacked me before and I wanted revenge."

Talsira waved the apology off, "It's done. No need to work yourself up over it. What we wanted to know was, would you like to join our party? We need a front line brawler, and you know your way around this forest too."


Serena mulled it over.

Party? Maybe just when they were on my territory. I don't want to leave the portal ritual. Or my territory. I could act as a guide I guess, or a scout. As long as I get something from them hunting here. I rule here, and they shouldn't forget that.

"Maybe on occasion. I don't want to travel, but if you're in the area I might join you. I might put something up in the Adventurers guild too. Scout for and guide people."

Talsira sank a bit after that and translated for Hieman.(Hermal? What was his name again?) "That's okay. We'll definitely call on you if we're in the area."

Together they stood and Serena waved to them as they left.

Turning back inside, Serena decided to practice her sword forms instead of magic.

Can't be getting rusty. Hmmm... I wonder if I can use Void magic to make it cut better.

lost in her thoughts, Serena began to feel like maybe, just maybe, coming here was the best thing that has ever happened to her.

Another month had passed. Serena had practiced empowering her gear, making her armor 'eat' weaker attacks and her sword cut almost anything; if she gave it enough mana. This had the unusual effect of dulling the color of the blade over time to a deep black.

She had returned to the advyentures guild and had a post put up about her territory and services within. She had also borrowed a book on the local language, which she had found to be undercommon.

Several times a party had showed up at her door, looking for some herb or to hunt a beast that had wandered into her territory.

So Serena wasn't overly surprised when a knocking came on her door(She had left a fist sized stone on a stump to help people bang). Sheathing her sword, Serena moved to the door. She opened it to see Talsira and Hiemal standing there.


"Hey.", said Talsira with a grin, "Saw your post. We want to hire you as a scout and guide. We're looking for a small flower that appears in deeper parts of the forest. It grows on still water, and is a dark blue. Seen it?"

Serena was momentary stunned by the enthusiasm pouring off Talsira. The girl was oddly happy to see her.

When Serena thought about it, she found it nice to see Talsira too. She was the only person Serena had met who was her own age.

With a small smile of her own, Serena stepped out to meet them. "No, but I know places like you described."

She turned east and started leading them to a small pond nearby. It fed the small stream that she got water from. Serena and Talsira conversed along the way. The two quickly bonded over their young age. Hiemal looked at the chatting teens with something approaching despair.

The trip was quiet, Serena had driven away most of the local predators.

The pond itself was small, only thirty square meters or so. There were some of the flowers there, they looked similar to bluets, other then color. Ripples spread across the surface of the water as it reflected the silver Sun's light.

Collecting the blossoms they needed, the group started their return trek. While walking Serena asked what the flowers where for.

"Mana potions," explained Talsira, "but it's a rather simple task for us to take. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you again. You seemed lonely last time."

Serena felt a warmth spread through her. When she was with the Hammers of Light, everyone had been respectfully distant. Even the other students rarely spent much time with her unless they wanted something.

"Well it's nice to have some friends my age around." responded Serena.

"It is! Let's go hang out around town sometime. We could go shopping, Hiemal can carry everything."

Hiemal wasn't quite to sure what they were talking about, but something in the way their eyes lit up reminded him of his mother dragging him shopping. Shuddering, he started walking faster.

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