《On Darkened Wings》Chapter 2: Whispering Darkness


Serena prayed.

She didn't know who she was praying to, she was to be Chosen when she returned from her task, during her graduation. Still the Hammers of Light had taught that the gods didn't only answer to the Chosen. So she prayed.


And prayed.


And prayed


But they didn't answer.

At the end of the week Serena was tired of praying to gods who didn't answer, of preserved meat, of...



She sighed and glanced at the light that hung over her shoulder as it flickered again. It had started doing that on the second day, and as her faith in the gods and their light started to fade so did the spell. It was weaker then ever, barely enough for her to walk around with.

Her situation started to look even worse when she checked the power level of the ritual and found a single drop of power in the ocean that needed to be filled. It would take years to activate without help.

Standing, Serena decided that she needed to head out and forage. Her supplies would only last her another week and she needed to start long term thinking.

She had explored the rest of the dungeon while waiting and, using her map, had found a hidden room that could be opened from the inside. It was several meters across, with a table (pedestal) along the back wall. It would do as a safe spot to store things and sleep once she started venturing out.

Emptying her spacial bag in the room to free up space for anything she could find, though she did leave in the rope so she could set some snares. If there were things to snare. Her shield would be useless except for a fight, and she would rather fly away then risk fighting an unknown enemy. Her sword would stay, it had to much utility to leave behind, not to mention making her feel safer. Her potions went around her chest, health and cleansing only, no need for stamina on a short trip.


Finally she turned toward the new addition to her gear. The Shadow Drake mantle. Moving quiet wasn't part of her training, so it was hard to leave behind the chance to remain undetected by the local wildlife.

Serena moved to the door she had closed a week ago, nerves rising to the surface once more. Pushing them down she focused on what she had to do.

Move forward, don't think about where you are. It's just nighttime in some creepy forest.


That doesn't help. Ok. Just a normal forest. No living shadows. Just go and find some berries, water, and game trails, set traps, go home.

Pushing forward Serena marched through the door. Outside was lit enough by the strange grey sun that she could dismiss the light spell. The forest seemed filled with more shadows then it seemed the trees should cast.


Shuddering as the whispers grew louder Serena started looking. Very quickly she found some small white berries that she happily picked and put in her bag. A slightly more thorough search revield what would look like strawberries, if they weren't stone grey. Picking them to, She started searching for her final objectives.

Water proved to be more difficult, but a find water spell, after she managed to make it work, lead her to a small trickle two minutes flight away.

An hour or so of jumping at every Shadow and whisper eventually lead her to game trail. She didn't know what creature left the tracks, but the lure of fresh meat lead her to set up several snares along the path.

When Serena was setting the fourth trap, she felt a shiver travel up her spine. Looking around for what it was, she saw nothing.

Suddenly from above she heard a branch shake. Diving desperately to the side Serena felt strangely chill claws scrape past her left arm. Leaping back she looked at her attacker showed nothing more then a patch of Shadow with a slightly more distinct edge then a normal shadow. Gathering herself she flung herself into the air, and quickly retreated back to the dungeon she had called home for the past week.


As Serena pushed the door closed and recast her light, she felt strangely weak in her arm. Glancing at it lead to alarm at the blue color. She grabbed at a cleansing potion only for her numbing fingers to drop it on the floor. A few seconds later she collapsed beside it.

...give in...

... Embrace the dark.

What did the light ever do for you?

Serena woke calmly. Her head felt strange, as if she had just surfaced from underwater.

Looking around she spotted the potion on the ground. Grumbling to herself, she picked it up and continued to her stash.

She made it half way there before she realized that she wasn't using the light spell.

Bewildered she started to examine herself to see what was different. After a few seconds she spotted something that made her heart sink.

The very tips of her wings looked to be dipped in ink.

A sudden calmness overtook her then as she examined them.

If my wings were all black then I wouldn't stand out as much.

Shaking off the strange thought Serena continued on, never stopping to consider the cause for the color change to be anything other then the poison.

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