《The Parasite》Prologue


The year was 2014

There was once a young highschool girl named Amber. She was carefree, soulful, and full of life. She never once harmed anybody.

One thing she kept secret from her parents was that she was badly bullied. This only led to her downfall. She was teased by three boys, Derek, Terrance, and Matthew. No matter how or what she tried, she couldn't get them off her tail. She couldn't feel safe. Now that computers were a well known thing, it seemed like no matter what happened, they'd be everywhere.

Her life felt like a complete lie. What was the point of fighting if people were just gonna throw you down again? She knew her parents would want her to keep going. But when she'd try, Derek would just beat her down. After a few weeks, she felt as if she'd had enough of the bullying that surrounded her.

So one day, she made a Google Doc, detailing a story. This was the story that was found:

Terrance and Matthew came to school one day, when they arrived in the classroom, Derek wasn't there.

A few weeks went by, when Derek was informed to be missing by local authorities.

Terrance was later found dead, his body found on a tree. What happened was never discovered.

Poor Matthew was all alone. A missing and dead friend. What was worse was everybody at school thought he did it.

One day, he came to school. Only to find what appeared to be Derek hiding in the class. "Dude!! I'm so glad you're here!" Matthew had said, but Derek didn't respond.


"Derek, stop playing around!"

Matthew came closer, inspecting Derek. Matthew started to feel angry and upset. Why wasn't he responding?!

Matthew finally turned him around... and screamed-

Amber had stopped writing once she snapped out of her frenzy. She was about to delete the document, when an error message popped up.


err/derek.doc does not exist

Amber stared at the screen, confused, only to find out the document had deleted itself.

She stared emotionless, had the computer just detected her feelings? She took a breath as she shut her laptop.

She put it back as she fell asleep...

The next morning was horrible. It was revealed Derek had leaked images about Amber online, and everyone was mocking her wherever she went. Amber started to sob softly as she saw this catastrophe play out.

She hated everything from that point on...

From that day forth, she wrote nasty stories about every classmate, picking them off one by one. She made sure they died in nasty ways... especially Derek.

She never thought the consequences would be so dire.

One day, Terrance disappeared. Amber hadn't cared. She never did care.

Everything changed when others started to disappear in the exact order Amber had written. Amber started to worry that she had caused a natural crisis.

The breaking point was that Wednesday...


He'd teased her again, and she just broke. The next thing she remembered, she had been dragged into a police car, blood on her legs and arms.

Every piece of evidence lined up to Amber being guilty for her horrendous actions.

The scariest part was, she wasn't at all guilty. She said she'd felt happy during those 12 minutes of torture. She was sent off to a mental institute the following year.


Amber sat in her cell, before starting to feel like someone was watching her. It was here again. She saw its grey muzzle, and knew she was correct.

"Hello, my child... Did you do as I asked?"

Amber nodded.

"Good. I brought you a friend."

Derek fell, before staring up at Amber in horror. "N-No! Please!!"

Amber stared at the grey being, and pointed at Derek as she stepped back.


"Kill him." Amber simply said.

Derek screamed as he saw the animal's eyes turn a sick shade of emerald. Its mouth slowly formed into a smile as the skin by it started to peel, revealing several sets of teeth.

The top part of its' head suddenly flipped backward, making a loud cracking sound. Derek screamed louder. Suddenly, from his stomach, a loud writhing sound emitted. Derek backed up, mortified. The stomach started to split open, a ounce of blood started to seep from the self-inflicted wound. A massive spiked tongue flew out.

Derek yelped as the tongue coiled around his chest, tightening its grip so he couldn't breathe... as it started to pull him in. Amber just watched, starting to smile.

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