《The Legend of the Fake Hero》Vol 2: Afterword & Character Poll



I totally didn’t almost cry while writing/editing the prologue or Chapter 7. Nope, my room is just dusty. Now, you may be wondering why I put the characters through such a tough ordeal. Well, a certain dwarvish author put it best (after I wrote it):

“...if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. Maybe even throw in a heroic death…[It makes] you care...”

It’s an excellent, and often underutilized, tool to make people care about the characters as well as providing character growth as they deal with and, hopefully, eventually overcome their suffering. It also does a great job expressing the severity and danger of the world. At first, I was a bit hesitant to do so, but I came to accept the result very quickly as her death becomes a major plot point later.

The prologue is also an excellent example as to why I decided to write in a light novel format which allows for multiple prologues and epilogues. I prefer for the story to focus on the main character(s) without much jumping around. Having multiple prologues and epilogues allows me an excuse to do that without breaking up the story.

Next will get a slight glimpse into how the Earth has changed now that people have superpowers.

Purpose of Volume:

Character growth/change (mostly emotionally) Power up Get back to Earth Reiterate that no one is safe (for tension)

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