《A lazy king》Chapter 30: A Struggle and then a Rest


The creature was ape like. Though it differed in several areas. Firstly, its forearms were exaggeratedly huge.


Furthermore, metallic growths could be found all over its body. The largest of these were the two chest plates which it was currently hammering.


“And the Gnarled Apom releases its roar of challenge! What will the Silent Prince do!”

God that scum was annoying.


My stomach issued its own challenge. I was pathetically hungry. I would need to finish this quickly. My hands gripped the hilts of the first set of throwing knives. They smoothly rasped from the leather sheaths strapped along my waist and legs.

The Gnarled Apom issued another roar.

Poor thing. If it was at all like Apes on earth, it didn’t actually want to kill me.

It was merely trying to assert dominance and territory. That was what the chest pounding and baring its fangs was about.

The metallic growths on its chest showed that the creature’s evolution had been affected by mana. This was unsurprising as it lived west of the Baltic river. Though, I’m curious as to what the growths help with…

No matter, I’ll just kill it quickly.

I threw the dagger in my left hand with a practiced flick of the wrist. ‘Perfect model’ had already traced its arc to strike perfectly at the soft tissue in its mouth.




As expected the knife lodged itself in the back of the Apom’s throat. What was unexpected was the Apom’s reaction. The gnarled growths along its body suddenly writhed before several along its arms and shoulders rapidly lengthened and arced towards me! The ends of each growth carried a wicked tip, This beast truly lived up to the reputation of creatures west of the Baltic River!



Time slowed rapidly; though the spikes still traveled at a fast, albeit more visible, rate. This thing was really dangerous!

Burning through fat reserves that I couldn’t really afford to burn I dodged the incoming attacks and closed in.



A deafening impact on the ground behind me rang out as the spikes connected with the place I had been. The shit bags in the stands marveled at the spectacle as I made my way into attack range with the Apom.

It gurgled in anger as it glared at me. I could see its muscles shivering in exertion to keep it up right.

Sorry, I’ll end your suffering.

I bounded forward, the other throwing knife still in hand. Its piercing capabilities were greater than the heavier knives meant for close combat that I carried.

The Apom sluggishly sent a right hook my way. It was a simple enough attack to dodge. Using my free hand to vault the oversized forearm, I spun midair to face its exposed neck. There was a metal growth positioned over the point where the spinal cord connected to the brain, but nothing covered the rest of the neck!

I’ll paralyze it and finish this fight!

I slammed into the Apom’s back and drove my knife into its neck……



The growth had expanded to cover the neck in an armor wrap!



The knife broke from the force and the blade careened off to the side. My eyes traced it and saw the growths on its shoulders twitch!

Grand Archive blared a warning through my head and I quickly pressed myself into the fur of the beast and clung for dear life.


Above my head the spikes scraped against each other. Then Grand Archive gave the solution.

Thank god I have this ability back!

I launched myself over its shoulders and slammed the heel of my foot against its forehead. The absurd strength of the beast-race blood wasn’t as effective as one would hope. I launched myself far away from the creature while it seemed unfazed. Its own strength and weight making practically un-moveable for someone like me.


Despite having a plan I was still beginning to feel terror beginning to form cracks in the cold veneer of the mask I was showing to the world. I could feel my stomach’s gurgling growing more insistent and my muscles weakening. My breathing was becoming more labored as well.

Eh? My vision was growing fuzzy too!

This is really bad!

Though the Apom wasn’t much better off, the knife at some point must’ve dislodged from its place and fell down its throat. It was eerily silent, I could imagine that its throat now had multiple lacerations. It was probably suffocating to death.

There wasn’t really a need to follow through with the plan that had been concocted. The Apom seemed to be gathering the last reserves of its strength as it glared hatefully at me.

I need to end its suffering.

This world lacks kindness. At a base level this world is terrible, and I don’t want to become like it.

Therefore, I’ll put it out of its misery!

With a silent roar, the growths along the Apom launched forward, a veritable forest of spikes lancing towards me.


This time I barely moved, ‘perfect model’ traced the trajectory of every spike. Thus with minimal movement, I found myself in a gap in the forest of spikes.


My breathing was more labored, my body strained from the abuse I was putting it through. I didn’t have the luxury of moving excessively in ‘instance’ so this would have to work.

Otherwise, I would be dead.

My left hand quickly grasped the spike protruding from the beast’s chest and my right drew a blade. Within the instant of me grabbing the spike, they all rapidly retracted.

This Apom had two abilities that I knew of.

One, was the ability to attack with the metal growths on its body. The second ability was to defend using those same growths.

However, it couldn’t use them at the same time!

Therefore I’ll strike in the opening!

Despite my inner excitement, my outwards expression was cold. It was almost as if this wasn’t that physically taxing of a battle. I am the ‘Silent Prince’ after all.

With this last move, the fight was over. It was almost eerily smooth, the procession of events after grabbing the Apom’s spike. The protrusion rapidly retracted into its chest and my dagger found its way into its jugular. There was even a dull clink as it hit the other blade lodged in its throat. With the large outpouring of blood and the severing of critical arteries, the Apom collapsed. I barely managed to step away in time, somehow still appearing in control.


I didn’t bother to collect the knife stuck in its throat. I probably wouldn’t be able to get back up if I bent over.


I walked back through the gladiator entrance. Yuli greeted me with a cheerful smile and a bag of coins. I smiled tiredly back.


My stomach once again asserted its presence. I grimaced, the pain intensifying.

“Room, Food, Sleep.”

The words left my mouth as a dry rasp. However, after a moment of confusion, Yuli understood my meaning.

“Ok shorty!”

She turned, her tail swaying back and forth. She really does have a terrible sense of humor to be enjoying my pained state.

I passed out upon reaching the room. It wasn’t till later when an exceedingly loud grumble from my stomach woke me. Marin and Alephi crowded around me concerned until Yuli pushed through with a platter of cold meat. I had to force myself to eat slowly so I didn’t do more damage than I already had to my overtaxed body.

“Victory really does taste better fresh huh? You’re barely eating it!”

Yuli’s comment made me even less eager to consume the meat. The Apom had been bipedal and somewhat intelligent...it curdled my stomach just thinking about it. However, my feelings on the matter weren’t all that important.

Starvation is the best seasoning after all.


That night, we slept on the floor in one giant mess of limbs and small bodies. The bed had been destroyed while I was passed out. Though the girls seemed hesitant to explain why.

The next day it was a struggle to move. Each and every muscle complained. I could almost hear my body scream in torment as I attempted to move it.

So I stopped.

The girls were nowhere to be seen, but with my awakening and victory yesterday there would be few who’d try something. Furthermore Zla had belief in my power had been restored, so he too would protect them.

I lay in bed staring off into space. It had been a long time since I had time for idle thoughts. That had partially been my own doing of course. There were thoughts I’d rather not think about.

I had been in this world for two years now. But the pain of what I lost was still raw. Even more recently, the loss of my mother in this world made me feel empty. I hoped Claura was doing alright.

It's hard to reconcile the loss of my mother here at her hands. But it wasn’t through any willful act of her own. Hot, impotent rage flushed through me, wiping out the empty feeling. Should I get my hands on her mother….that….THING!

…..I’m fairly certain I’d kill her. I would burn her at the stake and see how she liked it!

What Clyde ever saw in that creature…..

I grimaced, my calm shattered and mood worsening by the second. This all coupled with the fact that my body was so stiff and difficult to move truly cast a shadow over my break from living in the arena.

Fortunately, before my thoughts could truly take a worse turn, Yuli returned. She brushed the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand, leaving her bangs in disarray. Her grey hair had become frizzy from the sweat, though her tail seemed as fluffy and soft as ever.

“Still in bed shrimp? Teacher would beat you from here to the other end of the arena if he saw you.”

“I would beat him if he had gotten up.”


Both Yuli and I jumped slightly in alarm as the Old man appeared from seemingly nowhere. He allowed a small upturn of his lips as he observed us both.

“You have done well gladiator. Now is a time for rest, the road will progressively become more difficult from here on out. Should you survive till the ‘Heroic War’, I will be there to train you again. This, however, is my final assistance.”

With that he was gone, immediately afterwards dozens of men stepped into the room, the lifted me out of the bed onto a stretcher before carrying me out, Yuli following behind. As we moved through the halls I could hear the sounds of construction from our room. The men carrying me left me in a courtyard heaped with a massive feast. They left with only one word ‘eat’.

So I did. The meal was extremely rich in fat and I could detect several medicinal herbs within. Yuli dug in as well. Eventually, as the sun was beginning to set the men return and carried me back to the room. I was deposited on a now completely renovated bed. The rest of the room had been updated as well. There were two mannequins in the corner containing armor sized for Yuli and I. As she inspected the new wardrobe, Yuli found that it was filled with plenty of clothes in sizes that would fit the girls and myself. A desk with ink, paper, and pens stacked on it was also on the far wall from the bed. A few chairs had been placed around it.

Alephi and Marin returned shortly after from Zla’s. They were surprised by the renovation. I couldn’t help but smile. There were bad things that had led me to this point in life. But there were good things, and kindness shown to me along the way.

“Well, we shouldn’t allow this desk to go to waste! Lesson’s are resumed!”

I stiffly walked over to the desk and pulled over a chair. The sisters smiled and laughed, Yuli groaned but I could see her tail swishing.

Today was a good day. The days in the future would be filled with struggle. But it wasn’t all bad. I had these wonderful friends to keep me sane along the way.

Yeah, despite the difference in mental age, these three were my friends.

Today was a good day.

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