《A lazy king》Chapter 17: The Week Before Tomorrow
I stuck my tongue out as I stretched on the cold stone floor. Talking with Zla was mentally exhausting and then reassuring Marin that everything was fine added on to that when he finally brought me back.
I scratched the base of my left ear…. I finally get why cats like this so much!
It really has been quite exhausting…
After convincing Zla that I was some ‘Super Being’ sent down by a War god, he had walked me back to my cell in a brewing silence for a long while. After a while he had even asked for me to show him a sign! Instead I told him to wait for the Blood Bloom……..whatever that was and said I’d show him there.
…..I think that scared him more than anything else. He had literally paled till he was whiter than paper!
Though…….. with the Blood Bloom only a week away I really have to get training!
I’d honestly rather not die and this…. Event…. It sounds very, very, very deadly.
I turned to see Alephi curled up on the other side of Marin. Everyone else had already fallen asleep including Marin….and I had thought Alephi as well. She seemed deeply concerned about something, her face was all scrunched up and her fox ears were bent forward close to her head.
In any other situation I think my mind would’ve blanked by how adorable she looked with her big eyes and rusty colored ears.
……..But……..the intensity of the concer—no fear in her eyes prevented me from doing so.
“What’s going to happen to us?”
I cocked an eyebrow.
She’s asking me that? Little miss tough girl?
I could only sigh with a reply.
“I honestly don’t know. I can’t predict the future.”
She started to tear up at that and her voice choked and cracked.
“I-I-I d-don’t w-want to die-e-e. I-I mean,” *Sniff*, “That’s w-w-what’s g-gon-n-na hap-p-pen to-to us r-right?”
I could feel my heart clench and rise to my throat.
To me who had come from earth where life was relatively peaceful the current situation was intolerable. Like a lot of things since coming here I’ve put off thinking about it for far too long.
I think deep down I didn’t mind the life I’ve been living here. It was like being a kid again…though in this case I was enslaved it was still quite similar.
I had ‘chores’ I had to do….but at the same time I didn’t have to think about where food was coming from, or paying rent, or if I was going to be able to keep the funding for my research……
In comparison this life was so darn easy, I could just relax my mind and work and at the end of the day I’d get a pat on the head and a bed to sleep on. For the past six years I believe that I enjoyed the life of a kitling.
That was another thing I don’t even have a na---
While I had been caught up in thinking and branching off on tangents, Alephi had finally lost it. She broke down and was
now quietly crying. Her body quivered as she quietly sniffled.
Another kid across the room shifted, “Shut up,” was all they mumbled.
Alephi’s sobbing quietened further but it only served to increase her quivering. Her large ears were completely flat against her head and quivering slightly. Massive tear drops were welling up from her eyes and dripping down her nose.
That’s where the adorableness ended as snot began falling down as well and I could see her choking back sobs.
How….wha--- what am I supposed to do!? I don’t know how to comfort kids!
Her sobs continued but through them I could hear her quietly saying, “Kit—uuuu – kitling….kit-“
In the end I could only do what I could think of. I reached around Marin and pulled her in close. The three of us were in one tight bundle. It seemed to temporarily stop the crying and she looked me in the eyes.
“Alephi, the truth is I don’t know either. But what I do know is that you don’t need to cry.”
Somehow I managed to wrap both of my arms around her and Marin…..barely. At least it was enough to squeeze and
reinforce my words.
“Because come what may, we’ll face it together, I refuse to abandon either of you.”
At least that much was true. Over the past few weeks these two had grown on me. After all, as of right now I might as well consider them my only friends in this world.
Through the tears in her eyes, they now seemed to carry a glimmer of hope. A weak smile crept onto her face as she hugged back.
At this point Marin’s sleep was disturbed by the constant jostling. Her ears twitched in what appeared to be annoyance
and her face scrunched up.
“Mmmm, stop it Big Sis…….Kitling’s nice!”
Well…..I wonder what she’s dreaming about.
Our eyes met as we glanced up at each other. We both had a blank expression before breaking out into barely suppressed laughter. Her tears now completely disappeared as she smiled slightly.
“Well, I suppose we should sleep. Tomorrow we’ll be busy as well.”
I couldn’t help but remember the last time I’d been in this warm situation. Visions of that time with my mom flashed before my eyes and my grip involuntarily tightened on Alephi.
She gave me a questioning gaze and I forced a smile.
“Goodnight….. sleep well.”
At this point all I can do is sleep and train and dare to hope that I’ll be able to keep these two alive in the Blood Bloom when it comes.
After a surprisingly filling gruel we were herded into the underground training facility.
I wondering if they are trying to strengthen us before the match….bastards… but I appreciate the satisfying meal!
This time I was fortunately able to snag another boy before that psycho wolf girl could get to me. She was about to argue the point before one of the guards kicked her over towards another unpaired boy.
……….I’m sorry brother! But sacrifices must be made!
Though I marveled at the girl’s actions, or lack of it; she didn’t even so much a snap at the guard who had kicked her. Even she must’ve realized fighting is futile. We may be super strong, strong enough to kill all of the guards in this room with ease. But apparently she must know as well as the rest of us that despite being able to kill those guards there was still a magician in the room. Yes, Zla sat on a stool by the entrance and watched us with a disinterested expression.
As beast-race, every child is taught to fear magicians. They are our bane as far as the stories even my own mother had told me go. We were extremely susceptible to mind control and illusion spells hence why most viewed us as dumb beasts rather than people. While spells of this nature were difficult to use, even the weakest ones could easily control us. It was why humanity was able to enslave us. It was why, none of us tried to escape.
The small Halfling from the Taurus clan came charging towards me. His ox-tail swayed behind him and his ears which were earmarked, I noticed, were flat against his head. Since he was only a Halfling, his face wasn’t nearly so protruding as most of his kind. His nose was even human sized.
I sidestepped quickly.
Like the beast that he anthropomorphized he was very good at charging in straight lines……changing directions…..not so much. Luckily we were near a wall so he ran into that rather than getting in between someone else’s match.
“ow! Mooerr I’ll get you this time.”
He came back with a vicious swing to the point where I could feel a breeze off of it!
Cripes this guy is as strong as the mutt girl!
Then he stumbled when he tried to turn opposite his swing when I dodged and shifted over that direction.
…….. but he lacks her agility……
So will this fight be difficult….or not?
I clasp my hands behind my back and let my wooden sword clatter to the ground. This seemed to enrage the little Halfling and he came at me with vicious blows more terrible than the one before.
….but they were just so easy to dodge! Within a few minutes he was panting heavily and his sword seemed as though it
was ready to fall from his hands.
“huff, haa, Mooerr I’ll get you!”
He came at me again with an overhead strike. Once again I side-stepped; this time though, instead of simply skipping away I stepped into his guard. My right leg snaked out behind his and I struck him with my palm. The end result was he fell over my leg onto the ground.
Due to abnormal formation of nose, application of minimal force will induce extreme pain.
There it was again….those cold thoughts.
Where did they come from?
My hand had already pinched the wall of the nasal septum.
“Mooerr w-what a-are you d-doing!?”
The small Halfling squirmed under me in fear. This must’ve happened to him before. Cows noses, like most animals were extremely sensitive.
What AM I doing?
This kid isn’t even that much older than this body and I’m thinking of tormenting him?
I released his nose and wiped my hand on the back of my clothes, such as they were, and then put the hand back on his chest.
“I win.”
I cocked my eyebrow and twitched my ears backward to appear threatening. He had looked like he was about to argue against it but had stopped when he looked into my eyes.
…maybe I’m just a bit threatening? Well slitted cat eyes were already unnerving on an actual cat….
“OOO told ya ta stop fightin! Get back up’n’go again!”
Of course we aren’t allowed to just pleasantly rest after the first battle!
I let the Taurus boy stand up and retrieve his sword. I retrieved my own, I have a feeling it would be a good idea to get used to actually using it.
We didn’t talk after that initial bit. Maybe I should reach out to him….to try and establish a relation….but I was terrified.
Alephi and Marin were a spur of the moment decision that I made and it somehow worked out. But now…. I didn’t know if I could trust anyone else. I keep hearing whispers of the Blood Bloom.
Things like, “how many will survive this time you think?”
Or, “I’ve already got money on that cat over there.”
And finally, “It’s gonna be a pain in the ass dealing with the survivor’s mewling afterwards!”
Just….just what were they going to do?
I removed the butt of the wooden sword from the solar plexus of the boy and he fell to the ground for the umpteenth
“Alright you ingrates! Lunch is here!”
Once more we were served a simple gruel. This one had a few actually discernible vegetable floating out of it! I’m just so glad they think of giving us such a well-rounded diet!
Thankfully it was a time I could be with Alephi and Marin. After Alephi’s break down last night I was extra concerned for them. Thankfully Alephi had stopped the bad habit of giving Marin more of her portion and so now had more strength than before. Marin herself had seemingly improved by leaps and bounds in mood since they’d started feeding us better.
Alephi also seemed better in comparison to last night…..but I could see it.
It was almost like it was written on her pupils.
The stressed out and fatigued look she exuded was not something a small ten year old should bear. I myself could feel the crippling stress and found it difficult to fight against.
“So, how goes the training?”
“Mm! It’s going great! Big sis is awesome!”
Alephi gave a slightly embarrassed expression to Marin’s praise before glancing over at me and whispering conspiratorially, “Thanks for the help last week. I’m showing Marin everything you showed me!”
Such a good girl! Always remembers to thank others and help her little sister! What a wonderful kid!
“No problem.”
I grinned and went back to eating my gruel. We didn’t need to talk a lot, I think just being able to sit by each other settled our nerves.
Eventually though, lunch came to an end and it was back to the grindstone. The Taurus kid however had found another
person to fight with and so that person’s partner came over to fight me.
Normally I wouldn’t have minded……however……….
“I’m gonna get you today you shitty cat! Awoo!”
The damn mutt was the partner!
I crawl across the dirty floor of the cell with no shame. My body is in shambles after all.
After lunch I once again had to face off against that demonic bitch from hell.
……actually couldn’t she literally be considered a bitch?
The end result is that all my muscle and joints are screaming at me for the torture I subjected them to so I could avoid the bit….well that’s not really polite…..the mutt’s attacks. The only satisfaction I got from today was seeing the damn mutt’s tail hanging limply and her ears bowed down as she walked back into the cell. Despite the fact that I probably got the worst of it I was able to score a hit or two in our fights and she wasn’t able to land a single satisfying blow.
But really, we have way too much strength.
The ball of my foot accidentally rubbed the ground. The raw skin on it was a direct product of our absurd strength. At one point I accidentally fell into a test of strength with her and locked arms……
…….Ugh……just thinking about it embarrasses me…..
The end result was that the rough padding of the underside of her feet which is similar to a dog’s and her greater strength overrode my coefficient of static and then kinetic friction. In laymen’s terms she pushed me so hard that my feet slid across the ground.
Suddenly rusty hair and large fox ears cover my vision. Too close Marin!
“Are you ok?”
“..N—mm yeah….. completely fine….hehe.”
I could only look away as I slowly resume my crawling. Marin you’re such a kindhearted girl I wouldn’t want you worrying about little old me.
Suddenly I felt someone picking me up by the armpits and then something soft rustle lightly under my left arm.
The black tips of her ears twitched slightly as she looked up from under my arm. Her expression was blank.
“Why are you doing this?”
“I thought I’d help you.”
Kuhhh… really now. Both of these sisters are just too wonderful!
..ouch, ouch, ouch! Alephi I appreciate what you are doing but now my feet have to touch the ground!
Eventually we got to our little section of the cell and Alephi set me down. The whole time I had to try and keep as straight a face as possible since I didn’t want her to know that she was actually just causing more pain than helping me! After wiping the sweat off my face from holding back the gasps of pain I decided it would be good to help get their minds off me. I could see their concern slowly being etched into their faces.
“How was your sparring today?”
“nnn! It was great! Big Sis is awesome.”
Alephi seemed to puff up at this. Though that’s natural, any older sibling can’t help but swell in pride when their younger sibling praises them.
“Fufufu, I did pretty well but Marin is improving.”
Ooops! That’s a conversation terminator… damnit! I can see the concern returning!
“Get your slop you ingrates!”
Thankfully chow time saved me!
After dinner Alephi and Marin seemed to forget about their concern for my health and immediately fell asleep.
Hmph, the little brats must be exhausted. This intense training before the Blood Bloom has been wearing everyone’s
strength a little thin.
What The Fuck is that?
My ears swivel as I try to locate where the sound is coming from. Just one of the many advantages to having huge cat ears.
Ah…………it’s coming from the mutt-girl.
I can see her two golden eyes glaring at me across the room in the almost total darkness.
It had finally started to warm up so I was no longer desperately trying to stay warm at night and yet I found myself
shivering slightly.
……Am I afraid?
I could feel a righteous anger swelling in me at the thought. I am already over three times this child’s age, what do I have to fear of her?
Ah, that’s right. This fear comes from the fact that there is an animal in front of me that for all intents and purposes
wishes to kill me.
Why would it want to do that?
The growling stops, the look in the mutt’s eyes change.
Confusion? Anger? Despair?
No, it’s a mixture of frustration and melancholy. Who knew it could have such emotions……..
It? But that’s a person.
The words involuntarily fell from my mouth.
IDIOT! For just a moment there I became one of THEM. I became a…. a…. human. I thought of her as an animal rather than a person.
How to fix this…. How to fix this……….
“huurrhggglele..” *Cough* *Cough*
Oh now she’s looking at me weird
Oh shit! That was too loud!
“Shut up in there you gits!”
The guards at the door banged the wall with the butts of their swords.
“Nnn? Kitling what’s wrong?”
“N-nothing….go back to sleep.”
After glancing towards Alephi and confirming her going back to sleep I look over at the mutt. I can see it in her eyes. Mixed in with the rage and animalistic instinct is… gratitude.
Well, you’re welcome. But I’m going to bed!
The days leading up to the Blood Bloom continued like this. A daily repeat of gruel, training, gruel, training, gruel, sleep. Towards the end, the other children started looking like they had an understanding of how to fight. Despite the training only being a little over a week long, their natural instincts had been awoken. To me who had a perfect memory of every fighting move I have ever seen, their form looked sloppy.
“I hope we’ll get through this.”
“Don’t worry about it. We should sleep, tomorrow…..well tomorrow is going to be very important.”
Marin obediently curled up between Alephi and I. A few minutes later her slow and deep breaths confirmed she was
After double checking she truly was asleep I looked towards Alephi on the other side of her. In her eyes I could see it.
We did our best to shield Marin from the snippets of conversation we had heard, but that just meant we ourselves were paying extra attention to them.
“Alright, remember to stay as close to me tomorrow as possible. Don’t let Marin out of your sight.”
Alephi nodded her head almost violently. I could see tears being fought back.
For a ten year old she is amazing. But I guess that’s what makes the mind so outstanding, age doesn’t matter to it, it matures rapidly with experience.
“Now what do you do if the mutt comes for me.”
“I take Marin away and stay away from the fighting.”
I could feel frustration welling up inside me. This was the only other thing we planned out. Should mutt-girl attack, I’ll stop her while Alephi and Marin run. The mutt-girl is the only one out of this bunch that can fight me as an equal. Her pure-blood gives her all the natural advantages of a beast-race, including fighting instincts that rival what I’ve managed to train into this little body. Not to mention her over whelming strength can crush me within seconds if I let it.
“Alright time for bed, goodnight Alephi.”
As Alephi settles into a fitful sleep I watch the two sisters for a while.
I’m accepting responsibility again. I’m allowing myself to love someone again.
In a twisted way I know this isn’t quite like what happened with my mother on this world….but the brain is weird like that.
Over the past few months that is what happened. I’ve fallen for these two sisters, I love them as if they were my own sisters. I’ve also accepted the responsibility of protecting them.
For my own sanity I hope I can.
“Tomorrow is the day, the day this little cell of frightened children will turn into a jungle of fierce beasts in the arena. All for the pleasure of monsters.”
I ignore her growls. She is not what I need to focus on right now. I look back down at the two sisters before going to sleep myself.
Tomorrow will be the day it ends.
Tomorrow is the Blood Bloom!
~Gathering Data: 10%~
So I'm back........ish [th_059_.gif] . Don't worry timely releases will definitely return! [th_113_.gif] .................
Oh who am I kidding. I'm back in college and as those of you at that age or older understand.....it can get busy. I finally managed to crank out this sucker. At the very least it'll hopefully tide you all over. Please don't leave me! Sorry! :boworpushups: :noei:
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