《journal teleport science something》somebody made a mistake and it might have been me


badgegirl is back

she brought tea for me

and she didn't talk at all

not even one word

now she is sitting outside

without looking at me

badgegirl is

well anyway

tea time

oh wow condensed milk and everything

well lah dee dah

look at the queen of the castle here

sipping her sweet milky tea

no badgegirl no do not ruin this moment by talking

too late. she talked. waited until teatime. my most receptive mood. so cunning. i must respect.

not sure what to do now though

i can actually talk

i mean you have to be able to use voice if you want to sing along with songs

or mutter to yourself while fiddling with teleports

muttering v important part of superscience process

everyone knows that



maybe i will just write out some stuff

that seems



here i go i guess

to: badgegirl

it is difficult to say this

and please note that i still do not want you to talk to me or look at me and especially not touch me


your tea creation skills are appreciated

and i like your badges

and your silence

but when you do talk

your voice does not make me want to scream except i can't scream i can't do anything

which is what happens when most humans talk to me

your voice just makes me feel like rats are inside me and trying to eat their way out

trust me that is better than usual

so take the compliment


i apologise for rendering you and every human in this bunker temporarily unconscious

it's not personal

well except for that one human who shot me

it's a little bit personal for them

anyway i have more to say

but first

to: notbadgegirl humans

you leave a lot of chemicals just lying around your bunker


might want to look at that

also when you take someone prisoner

make sure that one of their eyes is not an eyespider

also do not give the prisoner their minicomputer back

with a v obvious keylogger on it

at least try to hide that nonsense

oh and also do not read their journal without permission

and if you do read their journal do not believe everything that is written there

especially do not believe your prisoner when they say things like how letting them walk their eyespider around might make them better and more communicative and etc

this is great advice i am giving you so please appreciate

the next person you capture might be more



oh yes also do not believe a superscience genius girl when she says that she did not give her eyespider hands

of course i flipping well gave my eyespider hands

what do you think i am

stupid or something


enough of you

to: badgegirl again

you will probably have a headache when you wake up

i have left a headache cure near you

nobody else gets the cure

so you can feel special about that

thank you for the tea

i am going to steal half your condensed milk before i leave

just fyi



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