《The Sword And The Butterfly》018. Those Halcyon Days


In a clearing, not far from the scenic gardens of the weapon division, beside a crystal clear pool of water, a small cascade falling into it, sat multiple youths, either huddled together talking, or training.

"Well, It at least looks like the old man will seriously push you, Ren. As for his talk about misery and such, I can't really say anything, as it confuses me as well. I mean, people have hardships, and my father often says that all people must endure, but I haven't really heard anyone talk about it like this. Sorry, Ren." Daiyu looked apologetic, as she talked to him.

"Sister Ji speaketh true, Brother Ren, the workings of such obscure concepts might still escape our fragile minds, and you are yet young among even prodigies of enormous cultivation families. Time is on your side, there is no need to rush, enjoyeth thine halcyon days, as my mother used to say." Ling Sen spoke, while sitting in a meditative pose a few meters apart from the others, on a sizable grey rock.

"While it might be true that you don't really have to discern any kind of deeper meaning from the Master's words, I would think that it should not only make you think but also motivate you." Little Fatty threw in, with a satisfied expression, as if his words were the greatest wisdom on earth.

"If you think so, Dashan Bo, it must surely be the truth." Daiyu said sarcastically, using his name on purpose, as little Fatty somehow had an aversion to it. Ren didn't really know why exactly, but that didn't matter when someone wanted to tease you.

"Enough about Darkhaven's strange lessons! It is bad enough already that Adept Di is such a slave driver, and now I have to listen to you guys talk about another... ugh. Terrible!" This came from a girl of about twelve years, black hair in a tight ponytail, green eyes and a frown accompanied her appearance.


"You are right, of course, Xiao Bao. What would you like to do then, hmm?" Daiyu countered immediately, a little irritated with the other girl.

Xiao Bao thought for a moment, not showing that she heard Daiyu's irritation at all. "I don't know, maybe just go over to the puppet division and look at some shows? We could visit the plaza of the alchemists, they always have something worth watching. Oh, oh, oh, we could also just play some hide-and-seek, or chess or something. Wouldn't that be great?" Xiao Bao was clearly pleased with her suggestions, and Ren had to agree, all of them sounded more than appealing to him.

"Let us then commence this fine day, my Brothers and Sisters!" Ling Sen, exclaimed with a loud voice, jumping down from his position to stand among them.

They decided to play a tournament of chess, to little Fatty's disdain and Xiao Bao's delight. One might not be able to see it, but out of all the disciples in their class the flippant girl was by far the best, while Ren and little Fatty made up the end of the totem pole. And while Ren's lack of proficiency was easily explained, he had not played it at all before Xiao Bao brought it up for the first time, and he was by far the youngest, little Fatty had no such excuses, being the oldest and having also known the game the longest.

It was enjoyable nonetheless, and while it was a tournament, all the disciples just cried moves to the others, taunted in good fun and made merry with each other. Ren felt at home, a warm and fuzzy feeling in his stomach, and he knew that the next year, despite everything, would be alright.

The next two weeks continued in this fashion. The disciples would gather at the usual spot, talk about the day, debate what to do, and then put it into action. They visited the alchemy and puppetry divisions multiple times, enjoying the diverse performances, from various plays over fireworks and funny looking machinery whizzing about.


They stopped playing hide-and-seek for a bit, after the first time Ren was searching, as he found all of them immediately, dumbfounding the others. Xiao Bao even pouted at him when he called her position out immediately.

When the next lesson with Darkhaven came up, Ren was still filled with excitement, Daiyu, Bao, Sen, and Bo, the four he was the closest with, out of the disciples, said that the four of them would be waiting for him to stargaze at a place Ling Sen had found. It was a rock, maybe five meters tall and completely flat on top, sometimes people would spar on top of it, but their little group thought it was the perfect place to look upon the heavens in silence.

Darkhaven sat, like he did in their previous encounter, eyes closed, on a pole, his spirit pushing down on the surroundings. He was wearing a green robe with homely brown patterns, making him look like a kindly old man.

As soon as Ren sat foot on the clearing, his spirit was once again being suppressed, but he could handle it a little better.

"Today's lesson will be on companionship." The Master's voice did not echo from all around this time, and instead the man even opened his eyes and moved his mouth. "In our lifetime we will make many an acquaintance. Friends and family, lovers, teachers, those we despise and those we disdain, but all these will eventually come to an end, for immortality is not easily achieved and that goes doubly for such fickle things. Most relations will not be severed by the brutal knife of death, oh no, you will be betrayed, interests and paths diverge and all those familiar faces will be naught but a distant memory, you might not even remember their names." Darkhaven paused, having a nostalgic look in his eyes. There was sadness and melancholy, but weirdly also determination mixed in. "Undeterred by all this, we will still seek out the company of others. I have also come to understand that you have gained new companions in your time at my division, young Ren. We will forever cherish them, even faded as they might become, for our halcyon days are not infinite, and even the soft embrace of an endless life will never bring back what was lost. The struggle goes ever onward, for you, and also for me.."

The old man trailed of, lost in thought once more. The pressure continued for a whole hour, as the two of them lingered in the clearing, an old man sitting, and a young boy standing, not understanding the Master's wistful and sometimes even pained expression.

When Ren walked to the meeting place, to look at the stars, he was deep in thought. 'Is it all really so sad? Why shouldn't we just all become immortal and forever live like this, why did the Master sound so pained?'

He didn't really want to think about the implications of Darkhaven's short lesson, but he was still absent-mindedly walking when Bao called out to him.

"Hey, Ren, up here!" She was frantically waving, with a smile on her face, that he could only see because of his sense always sweeping about, as night had already fallen.

Ren immediately brightened up, putting all dark thoughts behind him, for now.

After Ren climbed up, he could already see that the others had even brought blankets and pillows for their comfort, even bringing one each for Ren.

"Don't just stare at it all, Ren. Let's lie down, we are having a sleepover!" Xiao Bao said cheerfully.

And it was at this moment that Ren thought he somewhat understood what Darkhaven said, he truly would cherish all of this, forever.

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