《The Sword And The Butterfly》011. Ji Daiyu And The Nature Of Man


Ren rushed out of the pagoda, not wanting to confront any of the other Novices, and definitely not Zhen Jian. While Daiyu was confused with his behaviour for a moment, she didn't question him and just followed, her braids fluttering in the wind, as they ran through the gardens.

While they ran, Daiyu wondered what kind of genius this boy, leading her through the scenery, was. Even though she was a daughter of the Ji, one of the strongest families on the mountain, she had not heard of a new one appearing since Mu of the Zhi clan rose up in the puppet division.

Daiyu remembered asking her father how such people could even exist, after Zhi Mu had defeated three seasoned adepts while only being ten years old like herself. He only told her, that a genius, a true genius that is, was someone who did not even have to think about how he had to control their body and spirit, they see the world differently and often can't even understand how someone could not see what is obvious to them.

But encouragingly he also told her, she should not compare herself to them, as with enough hard work anyone could reach the peak, you just had to find your own pace.

This was a few months ago. Daiyu could still recall Zhi Mu's appearance with vivid detail. He was wearing a dark green robe, that was even hiding his hands, bored, yellow eyes, and a posture that screamed annoyance at even having to be here. When the match began, he did not even take out any puppets, and before she could see what he had done, all three of his opponents just collapsed as if they had their strings cut.

Thinking back to it still sent shivers down her spine.

And now she might have found another like him. She wasn't sure, of course, but him saying that Master Darkhaven put him in their class and him mastering the bowl exercise like it was nothing made it quite clear to her. She knew, that most disciples needed around two years to master it, and that was without circulating your cultivation art while doing it. If he was an Adept, who just looked like a boy, she would have believed it as well, as stronger Novices and Adepts were supposed to constantly revolve their cultivation art to familiarize themselves with it further, and have their spirit in a constant state of readiness.


Only it was easier said than done, and some could never accomplish this, staying Novices or barely making Adept for all their lives.

Ren was feeling great, rushing about, while feeling spirit run through him, pushing his abilities and making him feel like a hero already.

He might have even made a new friend in this girl called Ji Daiyu.

She was certainly pretty, he thought, maybe that was why Zhen Jian wanted to impress her? Nanao had told him before, that men sometimes did stupid things for girls and women. Hopefully, he would not try anything else.

When the two of them came upon his house, Daiyu raised an eyebrow at him, as if to ask why ever he needed such a large complex for his lonesome.

Without her actually saying anything, he replied. "Adept Xiao, just told me that this is where I would be staying for now." He was a little embarrassed about it and scratched his cheek while saying this. After all he really did not know what he should ever use such an enormous manor for.

The two of them then walked inside and Ren was running off to go and get some bowls to practice with after he told her to just wait for him in the living room.

Daiyu sat down gracefully, already thinking about why Ren would live in such a big empty estate. It even looked like he was completely alone in it! No minder from his family or some such.

When Ren came back, putting one bowl in front of Daiyu and another in front of himself, she told him with a sigh. "It must be really nice, staying in such a place by yourself, and not having to worry about anyone else telling you what to do all the time."

Ren was a little uncomfortable with this statement, as he dearly missed all of his friends from the orphanage, especially Lin and Aya who were also staying at the sect but who he could not visit yet.

But instead of this, he said. "Yeah, it is nice, I guess." He was trailing off a bit. "So what about this water exercise?"


Daiyu didn't really a notice Ren's mood swinging slightly. "Oh, yes it was really impressive how you did it so fast, and you were even circulating, right?" She said in an eager tone.

Ren was really even cultivating, while doing it, but she didn't need to know that. He just nodded his head yes.

"Brilliant, let's just practice a bit for now, OK?" She more demanded than asked, really, but it was just fine with Ren. Sitting down, the both of them started focusing on their respective bowls, frequently talking about what may help to better their control.

While Daiyu had many tips to give, coming from a major clan of cultivators, Ren could still give some, based on what he observed her spirit was doing.

And so they sat for a few hours and even though it might not have been the most enjoyable activity to bond over, Ren still felt quite good after seeing her off.

He was in such a good mood, that he even wanted to read some more of the passages of the musings the author of his manual wrote.

And laying down in bed, with one of the glowing artefact lamps beside him, he began to read.

"On the nature of man.

For most of my life, I had been a strong believer of the idea, that the true colours of man might only be revealed to the world in the depths of despair and utter anguish. But today I have come to the painful realization, that such a way could never truly show man's nature, as it did not encompass all that he could ever be capable of. While in despair man may find compassion for his fellow man or even deep hatred, such feelings may not be 'true', as they are forced upon man by his circumstance. Now one might argue, that other circumstances would also force man into certain reactions one might then deem as 'true', and this was my belief as well. For in despair, man raises up, loves, thrives, but also breaks and dies.

As for those who might say, man's nature is revealed when he is put into a position of power over his fellow man. You might also be correct in your assumption, as many wiser men before me have held this thought.

Someone who is absolute in his power might thusly follow his desires without ill effects, indulging in them.

But such could also not reveal the truth, and instead only the extremes, like throwing someone into despair. One who would be benevolent if put in a position of power might become a ruthless killer if pushed into an abyss.

But alas, I do not want to leave no indication as to what the nature of man might be. As my observant reader might have already guessed, man's nature has to be a product of the environment, at least to some extent. And what is our environment? It is all coming back to the quest for power, striving to ever greater heights. Mayhap this is the truest human nature. At least it is the driving force in the world of Cultivators and mortal men both, though it is often called nothing but an instinct, animalistic drive, even.

In my opinion there can neither be one true nature, nor a single way to determine this nature, of man.

But I will say that there has never been an Immortal whose hands were not drenched in rivers of blood."

Reading this, Ren thought that the author was mostly just rambling without giving an answer. Maybe there was no answer to be found. Or maybe the last statement was what the author really thought. Nothing but animals, climbing ever higher.

Standing under this small excerpt was a name in tiny letters, small enough to be missed while reading casually.

Written by: Sundering Sword

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